Phoenix News
Collegiate Academy at TCC Northeast
October 6th, 2024
Message from the Principal
Phoenix Family,
Please save the date for Collegiate Academy's National Blue Ribbon School Recognition on Tuesday, October 29th at 6:00 p.m. We would love to celebrate this momentous event with our Phoenix Family - our students, parents, and teachers, who have all worked so hard to achieve this great success!
Collegiate Academy kicked off its recruitment season two weeks ago, and it's been wonderful to see AVID students from nearby middle schools visiting our campus. I'm always impressed by our students’ confidence when they speak in public. During our Parent Information Night last week, one parent mentioned that we’re GCISD's best-kept secret. While we appreciate the compliment, we’d love to share what we offer with more families. Thanks to TCC, we've expanded our cohort from 100 to 125 students, so we encourage you to share your experiences with others and invite them to our next information session on November 20th (details below). Our application opened on October 1st, so feel free to pass the word along to friends and younger siblings!
Finally, we’re excited to announce that we will have another TSIA session this Friday, October 11th. If you received an email from Mrs. Haney, please ensure your student attends to take the TSIA. Priority registration opens on October 21st, and some course enrollments depend on your student’s TSIA results. Remember, students—you’ve got this!
All In, All Together,
Mrs. Jackson
Join us in Celebrating Collegiate Academy's National Blue Ribbon Recognition
We are proud to announce that Grapevine-Colleyville ISD Collegiate Academy at Tarrant County College Northeast is one of 356 schools recognized by U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona in the 2024 cohort of National Blue Ribbon Schools.
This prestigious distinction highlights schools that excel in academic performance or significantly close achievement gaps among different student groups. It reflects our school community's remarkable achievement and underscores GCISD Collegiate Academy’s commitment to consistent, high-quality education, based on data from the past three years. This recognition is also a testament to the strong partnership between Grapevine-Colleyville ISD and TCC Northeast.
We would be honored if you are in attendance for our official National Blue Ribbon Celebration on Tuesday, October 29th.
Incoming 8th Grader Application Now Open - October 1st
Do you know an 8th grader who is interested in attending school at Collegiate Academy? Our application for students to apply opened on October 1st.
Next Parent Meeting | November 20th
TCC Priority Registration - October 21st
TCC Spring Registration Coming Soon!
On October 21st, Priority Registration will open for our students to register for their Spring TCC classes. Pathways teachers and Mrs. Gardner will be assisting students in preparing for their college classes in the spring. Below are the links to the grade-level presentations. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your student's classes or 4-year plan, please contact Daina Gardner at daina.gardner@gcisd.net.
Phoenix Spotlights
CA Leadership Hosts Middle School AVID Students
Our Collegiate Academy Leadership Students have done an amazing job hosting middle school AVID students from Heritage Middle School and Grapevine Middle School the last few weeks. While our middle school visitors were here, our leaders shared what CA has to offer why they chose CA, how they are involved at CA, and what they plan to do after high school. Our leaders also facilitated team-building activities and a CA & TCC tour with our middle schoolers.
In the coming weeks, we will get to host Colleyville Middle School and Cross Timbers Middle School.
We are grateful to be able to share the incredible things happening at CA and extend an invitation to our middle schoolers to apply to be a part of the CA family for the 24-25 school year!
Leadership serving lemonade and cookies
Welcome HMS Broncos!
Welcome GMS Ponies!
Juniors & Seniors Visit UT-Arlington!
On Friday, September 27, 33 CA Juniors and Seniors visited University of Texas at Arlington (UT-A). The college tour, given by two UT-A seniors, showcased all UT-Arlington has to offer its students,
from the outstanding academic offerings of the College of Engineering, College of Education, College of Architecture, and the College of Sciences, as well as seeing the wonderful amenities of the gym, cafeteria and dining option offerings, and all the excellent outdoor study areas and green space available to the students.
Ranked by The Wall Street Journal as the #1 Public University in North Texas, UT-A offers more than 180 degree programs throughout its nine colleges, so students of varying disciplines and interests can find something to take them to where they see themselves in the future.
For more information on UT-Arlington, please click HERE.
October 1st - Incoming 8th Grader Application Opens
October 3rd - Parent Meeting @ CA
October 18th - Friday School
October 21st - UIL One Act Play Fall Show
October 22nd - GCISD College Night / UIL One Act Play Fall Show
October 23rd - PSAT School Day/ SAT for Seniors
October 25th - Fall Fest
October 29th - National Blue Ribbon School Celebration @ Center Corner
November 20th - Parent Meeting @ CA
We will hold two parent meetings on October 3rd at 6pm and November 20th at 6pm for parents wanting to learn more about our school. Below are the "Apply Now" and "Parent Meeting" flyers for your reference.
PSAT & SAT - October 23rd
On Wednesday, October 23, 2024, ninth, tenth, and eleventh graders will take PSAT/NMSQT. If at all possible, please block this important date on your calendars and help us plan for students to be at school instead of out for appointments, etc.
We will have an altered schedule for the morning. Students will need to reach out to their morning TCC professors to let me know they'll be taking the assessment. CA Administration is also helping communicate with TCC.
In order to be prepared for the test, students will complete a digital readiness check in their Pathways classes. Students can take practice tests at home using the practice testing site.
Other Important Information
Calculators may be used on the entire math section. The Desmos calculator is built into the math section. Students may bring their own approved calculator. More information: PSAT/NMSQT Calculator Use Policy
It is very important that students bring their charged GCISD-issued device and charger in order to access the secure testing app and successfully log-in to take the assessments. Information about how to replace a missing charger can be found HERE.
Please help us ensure your students' computer has the latest update required for testing by reminding your student to restart his/her device on the GCISD network (this needs to be done at school). Bluebook Check and Chrome Update
Clubs & Organizations
Class of 2025
Happy Fall everyone!
The class of 2025 has fundraisers happening this Month. Please see below for information on how you can help the Class of 25’ raise money.
We will be raffling Spooky Baskets (fall baskets) at the end of October and would love to have donations from parents. We will also be selling refreshments during Fall fest and would appreciate any donations. Please see the link below if you are interested in donating. We please ask to have all donations by Oct. 14 if possible. You may drop off in the office with a note saying “Class of 2025”.
For any questions/concerns please reach out to me diana.alvarez@gcisd.net
Phoenix Mech Robotics Club
The Phoenix Mech Robotics Club has been having fun learning about power tools, programming, and the design process! If you enjoy creating, consider joining robotics!
Email sarah.roberts@gcisd.net
If you would like to help support the Phoenix Mechs, please consider donating Amazon gift cards or purchasing something off of our Amazon WishList, thanks!
Phoenix Soccer
Each year, we reach out to businesses in our community to support our teams through sponsorship. We are seeking a mutually beneficial partnership that will allow us to achieve our goals and promote your business commitment to supporting youth sports in the community. We would love for you to be our team’s sponsor and a member of Phoenix Athletics!
Please click the link below to become a sponsor!
Big thank you to 121 Community Church, Dallas Data Science Academy, & The Law Office of Kimberly Dewey for already joining the Phoenix Soccer Family!
District Information
VATRE Community Presentation Scheduled for October 17
A community presentation to inform the public about GCISD’s voter-approved tax ratification election (VATRE) has been scheduled for 6 p.m., Thursday, October 17, at the district’s Professional Development and Education Center (PDEC), 5800 Colleyville Blvd. in Colleyville, TX 76034.
Come learn facts about the VATRE, why the election was called, its impact on the tax rate and more.
We hope to see you at the October 17 community presentation, but if you are not able to attend watch the district’s September 18 Facebook Live presentation or visit www.GCISD.net/VATRE to read more about the VATRE that will be on the November 5, 2024 ballot for GCISD voters to consider.
Don’t forget that the deadline to register to vote is Monday, October 7. Early voting begins Monday, October 21, and continues through November 1.
Presentación comunitaria sobre el VATRE programada para el 17 de octubre
Una presentación a la comunidad para informar al público sobre la elección de ratificación de impuestos aprobada por los votantes de GCISD (VATRE) ha sido programada para las 6 p.m., jueves, 17 de octubre, en el Centro de Desarrollo Profesional y Educación del distrito (PDEC), 5800 Colleyville Blvd. en Colleyville, TX 76034.
Venga a aprender hechos sobre el VATRE, por qué se convocó la elección, su impacto en la tasa de impuestos y másque otros distritos vecinos tienen medidas similares en la boleta electoral de noviembre.
Esperamos verle en la presentación de la comunidad el 17 de octubre, pero si usted no puede asistir vea la presentación del distrito del 18 de septiembre en Facebook Live o visite www.GCISD.net/VATRE para leer más sobre el VATRE que estará en la boleta electoral del 5 de noviembre de 2024 para que los votantes de GCISD lo consideren.
No olvide que la fecha límite para registrarse para votar es el lunes, 7 de octubre. La votación temprana comienza el lunes, 21 de octubre y continúa hasta el 1 de noviembre.
Collegiate Academy at TCC Northeast
Website: http://www.gcisd-k12.org/Domain/2203
Location: 828 W Harwood Rd, North Richland Hills, TX 76180
Phone: 817-515-6775
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Grapevine-Colleyville-ISD-Collegiate-Academy
Twitter: @GCCA_PHX