Long Hill School Newsletter
February 2025
Message from the Principal, Dr. D'Aiuto
Important Dates
- Monday, February 3-Friday, February 7: "Souper" Bowl
- Friday, February 7: Sports Day - wear your favorite sports shirt
- Monday, February 10-Thursday, February 13: Random Acts of Kindness Week
- Monday, February 10: No school for Pre-K students ONLY; regular school day for K-4 students
- Monday, February 10: K-4 Kids Heart Challenge
- Tuesday, February 11: Pre-K Kids Heart Challenge
- Thursday, February 13: Early dismissal K-4:1:50pm; Pre-K am session hours: 8:45am-11:05am; Pre-k pm session hours: 11:45am-1:50pm; Valentines Day drop off snacks
- Friday, February 14-Monday, February 17: No School
- Tuesday, February 18: School Resumes
"Souper" Bowl
101st Day of School
Pre-K - No School on Monday, February 10
As previously communicated:
The Pre-K program will be closed on Monday, February 10, 2025, for Teacher Professional Development Day. The Shelton Pre K staff will be joining other early childhood professionals in the area to participate in training. We are looking forward to expanding their knowledge in the field. Please mark your calendar that there will be no Pre-K sessions held on this date. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school.
Special Election - Tuesday, February 25
As previously communicated:
It was announced at this month’s BOE meeting that there is a Special Election on Tuesday, February 25, 2025. Long Hill School is a polling place and because of that, there will be several impacts/changes:
This is a regular, full day of school for Pre-K through Fourth Grade students
All workers and voters will be in the gym only
PE classes will be held in classrooms
The playground will be off limits all day and recess will be held indoors
Additional security will be in place throughout the school day
CHANGE FOR PRE-K MORNING ARRIVAL LOCATION: Please bring students to the Cafeteria entrance in the back of the school. Pre-K staff will be at that door to receive Pre-K students.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration will be open-enrollment from February 3 - March 3. Families wishing to register their child should contact the school at (203)-929-4077. Children must be aged five on or before September 1, 2025 to enter kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year. Find exemption information here:
Unsure which school you are assigned to? The School-by-Street listing can be found here:
Kindergarten Age for the 2025-2026 School Year
According to Public Act 23-208, Section 1(a), students must turn 5 on or before September 1, 2025 to enter Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year.
However, children who turn 5 between September 2 and December 31, 2025 may be admitted:
(1) upon a written request by the parent or guardian of such child and
(2) following an assessment of such child, conducted by the building principal and an appropriate certified staff member of the school, to ensure that admitting such child is developmentally appropriate.
Please send your written request to Kristen Santilli at the Office of Teaching & Learning at ksantilli@sheltonpublicschools.org
Once you contact Kristen Santilli, she will send you the assessment.
Once the Office of Teaching & Learning has received your written request and you have completed the assessment, someone from the school where your child will be attending will contact you with further information on how to proceed.
If you have further questions, please call the Office of Teaching and Learning at 203-924-1023, extension 317.
*Exceptions are not accepted after the first day of school.
Candy Grams
Candy Grams will be delivered to the student with a candy treat by our mascot, Leo on Thursday, February 13, 2025!
Please note: Candy Grams are NOT sent to student from another student. Candy distributed will be nut free.
Complete the grams (This gram will be delivered to your child) for each gram being purchased. Return it with payment of $2.00 per gram, in an envelope labeled “Candy Grams” by Monday, February 10, 2025. Please contact the main office if you would like to purchase additional grams.
Flyer was previously sent home. An additional copy is provided below.
Random Acts of Kindness - February 10 - February 13
This year we will once again be recognizing Random Acts of Kindness Week from Monday, February 10-Thursday, February 13. Each day of Kindness week, your child will be presented with a challenge to be completed by the end of the day.
Random Acts of Kindness Week allows us to think about others and how we can take initiative to pay it forward with a simple act of kindness. You will be surprised at how contagious it is!
Kids Heart Challenge
Once again LHS will be participating in the American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge. We are planning to hold this event on Monday, February 10 for Kindergarten-Fourth grade and Tuesday, February 12 for Pre-K.
Your child has received a donation envelope from Mr. Beloin. Donations can be made online or using the envelope. Fundraising and donations are encouraged but optional.
Message from Nurse Erica
As previously communicated:
As you may be aware, there is an increase in respiratory illness across the state. Long Hill is experiencing an increase in reported cases of the flu and flu-like illness.
If your student has been diagnosed with the flu or has flu-like symptoms, please keep them home until they are fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications & symptoms improved. Call your pediatrician if you have any concerns.
Please call the school to report your child's absence & illness. Contact your school nurse if you have any questions.
Information Regarding Weather Related Schedule Changes
Information regarding early dismissals, delays, or cancellations as they relate to winter weather
- Kindergarten-Fourth Grade: 2 hour delayed opening - doors open at 10:45am; school begins at 11:00am; morning bus stop time is 2 hours past normal bus stop time.
- Kindergarten-Fourth Grade: Early dismissal (unless otherwise noted) - 1:50pm
- Make sure the main office has current emergency contact information. Advise your emergency contacts that they must show photo ID. Your child will not be released to anyone who is not listed as an emergency contact on Infinite Campus.
- Delays, early dismissals, and cancellations will be posted on the district's website at www.sheltonpublicschools.org. There is no district phone call that goes out.
- Local radio and TV stations will also broadcast the message.
- You can also sign up for text message alerts from various news news stations.
- Please do NOT call the school as it is important to keep the phone lines open for emergencies.
Parking Lot Reminders
Please help to keep our children safe. I ask you to be mindful of your speed in the parking lot at both arrival and dismissal times - you never know when someone will unexpectedly cross. Pedestrians and buses always have the right of way - especially in the crosswalk. Also, please DO NOT drop your child off in the lot and have them cross alone. If there is no staff outside in the parking lot for drop off, you must park and walk your child to the front door and buzz the main office. In addition, DO NOT pull into the bus loop during arrival time. This is to keep our students safe. I appreciate all your help and cooperation.
Make Up Work Procedure for Vacations
For planned absences, such as vacation during the school year, teachers are NOT required to provide students or parents/guardians with advance work or assignments. It is the student’s and/or parent’s responsibility to get the work upon their return. Taking time from school to go on a vacation poses a risk to your child’s educational progress. Both students and parents must understand that when school is missed due to vacations, it is not the responsibility of the teachers to provide remedial instruction for the assignments/content that has been missed.
Change of Dismissal
As previously stated, we will NOT accept any change of dismissals after 3:00pm on a full day or 1:00pm on an early dismissal day.
Infinite Campus Updates
With the winter weather approaching, please make sure your information in Infinite Campus is updated so we have the proper contact information. It is imperative that you keep us updated if any of this information changes. You can do this by calling the main office.
In addition, if you move you MUST notify the main office immediately.
As the weather is getting cooler, please make sure your child comes to school properly dressed and has a coat as students will continue to go outdoors for recess.
Culture in the Classroom
We are excited to continue Culture in the Classroom at LHS!
If you are interested in participating in Culture in the Classroom please email Mrs. Krauss at skrauss@sheltonpublicschools.org.
Afternoon Bus Stop Reminders
The bus company will not let students off the bus if there is no adult waiting at the stop. Be sure you have a plan in place for your child if you are unable to meet the bus. Traffic and weather can unexpectedly impact your ability to arrive for your child on time. If there is no adult waiting, the bus company will return your child to school and someone must pick them up in a timely manner.
Students are expected to attend school each day school is in session for the entire day. Students arriving after 9:00am will be marked as tardy, unless they have arrived on a bus. Being late to school is disruptive for all in the classroom.
Our instructional blocks start promptly at 9:10am daily. To ensure a smooth morning transition, please have your child to school on time.
Students have 9 excused absences allotted to them-after that all absences are considered unexcused unless accompanied by a doctor's note.
Afternoon Parent Pickup
- Parents will not be allowed to the rear of the building until 1:35pm on early dismissal days and 3:35pm on full school days.
- There will be NO access for parents or vehicles until 3:35pm when the chain is removed by a staff member. Please DO NOT park in the front and walk to the back of the school if the chain is up.
- Please be cognizant of this because we can not block access to the school and back up traffic on Long Hill Avenue.
Please understand there are classes outside until that time, therefore there is no access until 3:35pm to ensure the safety of our students.
Cafeteria Services
As a reminder, breakfast and lunch are available each day for kindergarten - fourth grade students at a charge. In addition to the hot lunch choice-chicken nuggets, bagel, grilled cheese, and salad are available each day.
- Elementary Breakfast $2.00/ Reduced $.30
- Elementary Lunch $3.45/ Reduced $0.40
A menu will be sent home electronically at the beginning of each month with food choices (subject to availability). Menus are also available on the district's website. Students may also bring lunch from home.
We do not have a microwave for students to heat lunches and staff will not cut up food for students. Please be sure your child knows how to open their lunches, drinks, and lunch boxes.
Households may submit a free-and-reduced-priced-meal-application as soon as possible
to determine a student's eligibility for this school year and to avoid unpaid meal charges. If your children were approved for Free/Reduced meal benefits last school year that eligibility will expire on October 20, 2024. Only one application is required per household.
If you need a paper copy of this application, please contact the main office.
Please find the complete FRAM packet below attached or you may find the application located on the district's website. Please return all completed application forms to the school.
From the PTO's Desk
1. PTO General meeting on Tuesday, February 11 th .
2. Supply drive for Teachers extended until Feb 10 th . Thank you for all the donations. Please continue your support. Amazon wish list
3. Ice Hockey Fundraiser Feb 8 th . Ticket sale here https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/Longhill25.
Volunteer sign up -https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4BA5AD2AABF5CE9-54565061-icehockey
4. Valentine day class party February 13 th . Watch out for sign up from your room coordinators. Special instructions for February 10 th Kid’s Heart Challenge will also be shared together.
5. Teacher's treat – Feb 26 th . Sign up coming soon.
6. Winter Spirit wear drive in progress. Link to shop https://longhillschool2025.itemorder.com Last date 02/16/25
7. Sale of the Yearbook to open soon. Please continue photo submission until March 3rd week.
8. 6-week Giggling Pig after school art enrichment program to start end of Feb. Limited seats. Flyers and registration info coming soon.
9. Save the date - School Dance March 1 st – 5:30 to 7:30
Egg Hunt March 23 rd - 12:30 to 2:30
10. Join us on Facebook by searching LHS PTO SHELTON
School Information
Address: 565 Long Hill Avenue, Shelton
Phone number: (203)-929-4077
Fax number: (203)-929-8250
Website: http://longhill.sheltonpublicschools.org/home_page
Twitter: @DAiutoAndrea
Instagram: mrsdaiutolhs
LHS Policies & Procedures: https://secure.smore.com/n/mhfz9
Principal of Long Hill Elementary School