Stonybrook School Weekly Update #31
April 28th, 2024
4th Grade Field Trip
Our 4th grade students had a great day of learning and fun on their field trip to Waterloo Village on Friday, April 26th.
Take Your Child To Work Day
Take Your Child To Work Day was a great day at Stonybrook School! We welcomed so many of our staff members children to Stonybrook School!
Poison Poster Contest
Congratulations to the following students who were recognized for their Poison Poster entries.
3rd Grade:
1st Place - Caitlin C.
2nd Place - Leilani T.
3rd Place - Siena L.
4th Grade:
1st Place - Victor T.
2nd Place: - Joshua B.
3rd Place - Scarlett T.
5th Grade:
1st Place - Vorora X.
2nd Place - Dakshana S.
3rd Place - Ariana L.
Honorable Mention in 5th Grade: Evelyn C.
2nd Annual KEHSA Family Engineering Design Night
Our 2nd KEHSA Sponsored Family Engineering Design Night will be held on May 7th beginning at 6:00 p.m. Families that were on the waiting list for the first Family Engineering Design Night will be given priority. You will receive a confirmation email the week prior to the event. Thank you and I look forward to seeing you for this wonderful event!
3rd Grade Spring Fling
Thank you to KEHSA and to all of our 3rd grade families who attended our Spring Fling Dance on Friday evening. Thank you as well to Mr. Tedesco for being our DJ for the evening and our Stonybrook staff members who were in attendance. It was a beautiful evening of dancing, dinner, and delicious desserts.
Save the Dates for our 5th Grade End of the Year Events
Further information on each event will begin to be sent out in two weeks. Please note the revision in our 5th Grade Barbecue and the dates that your children will be visiting PRM for their Move Up Day. Thank you.
Important Upcoming Dates
April 29th to May 3rd: NJSLA Testing for Grade 3 begins
May 2nd: 5th Grade Band and Choir Trip
May 4th: Stonybrook Student Council Car Wash 9:00 a.m. to Noon
May 6th to May 10th: NJSLA Testing for Grade 4 begins
May 7th: KEHSA Family Engineering Design Night
May 9th: PEEC Parent/Chaperone Meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the Band Room
May 13th to May 22nd: NJSLA Testing for Grade 5 begins
May 15th: GOAL Law Trip
May 18th: Diversity Derby - Being held at KHS
May 20th: Stonybrook Art Show - 4:00 p.m. for all families (Further information will be sent home).
May 24th: School Closed - Give Back Day
May 27th: School Closed - Memorial Day
May 29th: GOAL Museum Night
May 30th: Stonybrook Career Day
May 31st: Field Day
Chromebook Reminder
Important Reminder: Please make sure that your child's Chromebook is charged and brought to school each day.
If your child has been provided with a loaner at any time this year, and now have their original Chromebook back, we ask that you please return that to Mrs. Bosch.
As we begin to prepare for our NJSLA Standardized Testing on April 29th for 3rd grade, your child will be using their Chromebook each day in class. It is important that they have their device each day. Thank you for your continued support. *Please remember to make sure that your child has headphones and a wired mouse for testing. Thank you.
Important Reminders
Please make sure to label your child's sweatshirt with their name/grade.
Please also label your child's water bottle with their name/grade. If your child has lost a sweatshirt or jacket throughout the school year, please have them check the lost and found in the cafteria. All items will be donated at the end of May.
Thank you.