The Pulse of the Pride

August 2024
Lyme School Friends,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year! We are excited to get started!
Summer has been quite busy at school. Aside from the normal cleaning and waxing, there have been a variety of other projects ongoing. Our main entrance has been modernized with secure outer and inner doors. The red siding on the exterior of the building has been undergoing replacement as a part of the abatement project. New interactive touch displays have replaced all the projectors in the school building. Several rooms upstairs in the middle school have been painted. Everything will be wrapped up soon! The summer is a tight timeline for some of these projects.
Last year, we asked for feedback from families on our communication. Generally, families were pleased with our communication home. There were some helpful hints around the length of the newsletter and how to improve it. Families appreciated the weekly check-ins from teachers and the middle school team. Generally, families were happy with our frequency of parent/teacher conferences and our report cards with some suggestions for improvement. We take all the suggestions and review them knowing that not everyone can be pleased.
It is hard to believe that it is almost time to come back to school. What follows are details for the start of our school year. Please reach out if you have any questions.
John P. D'Entremont, Principal
News, Dates, Information, & Announcements
Important Dates
August 26th - Picnic Potluck & Ice Cream Social
August 28th - First Day of School
September 2nd - School Closed
September 10th - NH Primary
September 12th - Parent Informational Night & Meet the Teachers
September 17th - School Picture Day
September 19th - Middle School Hike
September 20th - Middle School Activity Night
September 30th - October 4th - Artist in Residence Program
October 3rd - Open House & Celebration of Learning
School Calendar for 2024-2025 Attached:
New Staff Introductions
Kristen Kilduff
Hello! My name is Kristen Kilduff. I am excited to be joining Lyme School as your Kindergarten teacher this year! For the last 14 years, I have taught Kindergarten and First Grade at Plymouth Elementary School in Plymouth, NH. I grew up in Lyme and Orford. I currently reside in Orford with my husband, Spencer and our sons, Lincoln and Carter. We spend much of our time outdoors hiking, biking, skiing, going for walks and playing with our dogs Remington and Willow. I look forward to meeting Lyme School students and families!
Jessica Ramirez
My name is Jessica Ramirez and I have been working in education for over 25 years. I hold a Master’s degree of Counseling from Webster University and a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish from the University of New Mexico. I have been fortunate enough to live in Spain, Puerto Rico and Mexico. Living in different countries has given me a better understanding of different cultures, accents and customs. Additionally, the experiences have enabled me to become a better teacher by having the first hand experience of how to acquire a second language. It is my teaching philosophy that every individual is capable of second language acquisition and the difference is how it is naturally introduced. I use an instructional tool called Comprehensible Input which teaches students the same way that they learned their first language. This is done through listening, reading, writing, and eventually speaking. I look forward to sharing my love of the language with your child/ren and collaborating with all of the families.
Danielle Dindo
Danielle Dindo is joining Lyme School this year as our Chef. She attended the New England Culinary Institute and brings over 20 years of culinary experience - several of those years being in school lunch programs and dining management positions. She is excited to bring high quality, healthy food options to our school lunch program. When she is not working, she enjoys time with her family and dog, Kaia, reading, and creating food of course! She looks forward to a wonderful 2024 - 2025 school year with us!
Kelsey Holmes
Jamie Pierson
Jamie Pierson joins the Lyme School staff this year as the Special Education Administrative Assistant. Jamie has grown up in the area and now lives in Thetford with her husband and fur babies. Jamie has many years working in the school setting in the surrounding area and is very excited to take on this new path and welcome Lyme as her family. In her spare time she enjoys photography and spending time with family and friends.
Marley Dube
Marley Dube joins the Lyme School staff this year as an Educational Assistant in first grade. She is from Plainfield, NH, and graduated last year from Keene State College with a BA in psychology and a minor in studio art. She is currently working on her M.Ed. and Education Specialist degrees in School Psychology at Plymouth State University. After working in both Vermont and New Hampshire, she discovered her joy in helping young children academically. As well as helping them make personal discoveries about themselves and the world. During the summer she sells her acrylic paintings in her town’s local art show. Marley enjoys spending time with her boyfriend, family, and three cats. She enjoys going to the beach, cooking, and making art.
Morgan King
Morgan King joins the Lyme School staff this year as an Educational Assistant. Morgan grew up in Lebanon, NH while also moving around states for some years before graduating from Lebanon High School in 2021. Morgan has spent her years since graduation expanding her knowledge of students with various special and behavioral needs along with other neurodiverse profiles. Morgan has worked previously as a Special Education Paraprofessional and most recently a Registered Behavior Technician, specifically in the field of ABA with students on the Autism Spectrum. In Morgan’s free time she enjoys spending time outdoors, hiking, and camping. Morgan is excited to join the Lyme community this school year!
Grace Cassell
Charles Geoghegan
Charles Geoghegan joins the Lyme School staff this year as the new Technology Coordinator. An Upper Valley native, Charles has more than two decades of educational and professional experience at the intersection of media, the arts, and technology. With a degree in Photography & Media from Oberlin College and having studied, worked, and educated in the fields of music, video & audio production- including recording studio management & tech support for Pyramind, a music production school in San Francisco- Charles is excited to bring his varied technical background to Lyme. In his spare time, Charles co-produces a nature podcast and records local musicians at his home studio in Canaan, NH.
Back to School Picnic Potluck & Ice Cream Social
We hope to see you at the Picnic Potluck & Ice Cream Social on Monday, August 26th at 4PM.
Bus Routes
If you need to add your child to a route if they haven't previously ridden before, please reach out to Amanda Perry in the office (aperry@lymeschool.org).
First Day of School Details
It will be a special day for many. Kindergarteners starting their very first day of school. 8th graders ringing the bell to signify the beginning of their end to their Lyme School careers. New teachers that have joined us having their first day with their new students.
At 8AM, we will gather on the field behind the school. Parents/Guardians can drop their students at the field and proceed across the gully to line up for the students to parade by. Students will parade into the school and out the front door to the bell. Our 8th graders will ring the bell roughly between 8:10 and 8:15AM. Students will then proceed into school for their day.
If it is raining, students will enter the main entrance and organize in the gym. Our middle schoolers will come out and ring the bell approximately between 8:10 and 8:15AM in the rain.
School Supplies
There are limited school supplies that students might need. This link will bring you to the school supplies list for the 2024-2025 school year. For all students we recommend:
Water bottle and backpack labeled with the student name
Colored Pencils
***Please note that we strongly suggest that families label student articles of clothing and items that are frequently brought to school. This way we can get them back to the students instead of to the Lost & Found.***
Lunch Program
With the addition of a chef on staff for this year, information will be forthcoming about our lunch program as well as information about free and reduced. Thanks for your patience.
New Main Entrance
Over the summer, we have had new doors installed to ensure our entry vestibule is more secure. You will also notice a table and a drawer in the vestibule to drop things off at school.
Reserving Facilities
Please know that we love families and community members to use our building and spaces. However, we do have a process to reserve our facilities. It starts with a facilities use request. We have attached this form for your convenience which links to our School Board Policy KF-R which outlines use of our facilities.
ALMA - Open for 2024-2025
If you are having trouble logging into ALMA, please reach out to Amanda Perry.
Please complete the required forms for 2024-2025 in ALMA for all returning students. You will see this on the main page when you log-in to ALMA under your student(s) name.
In ALMA, you will find your child's teacher(s) and schedule, a way to message teachers directly, and paperwork that needs to be completed for this school year.
Lyme School Apparel Store
The Lyme School Apparel Store has a variety of apparel and accessories all customizable with a variety of school logos. The Lyme School PTO earns 12% of all sales. Thank you for supporting our school and go Lions! #LYMESCHOOLROCKS
After School Care - Lyme After School Program (LASP)
Hello Lyme K-5 Parents!
I hope everyone is having a great summer! It has gone by too fast for me!
I wanted to let all of you know that Enrollment for LASP (Lyme After School Program) is open for the 2024-2025 school year!
For those of you that do not know me, my name is Megan Fryman (or I am known by the kids as Ms Megan), and this year will be 20 years for me running LASP.
LASP is a private business that is contracted with the Lyme School to provide after school child care at the school for children in grades K-5. My program is a Licensed Child Care Program through the State of NH Child Care Licensing Bureau since 2005. Space is limited and set by the NH Child Care Licensing Bureau, first come first serve basis.
LASP runs each day that school is in session from dismissal (3:00 M,T,W,F and 2:00 TH) until 5:30. I ask for a minimum of 2 contracted days/week with the only exception being that you are enrolling multiple children in the same household then you may contract both children for 1 day/wk if that is what fits your families needs. Program costs are a registration fee of $125/child at the time of enrollment and rates are $21/day (M,T,W,F) and $24 Thursdays for early release with monthly or weekly payment options.
If you do not need to contract there is an option for drop ins, please contact me for details as they are different from contracted families. Drop ins are not guaranteed, but may be accommodated if space is available.
I provide snack at 3:00 daily (most allergies/dietary needs can be accommodated), followed by outdoor activities, arts and crafts, homework club for those that need it, games, and if available we have access to the gym. I run this program for the kids so I try to let them have a choice of what they would like to do; some kids are very crafty and I love to provide fun, new crafts but I do not make the children participate if they would rather be running around or doing something else that they enjoy. I am a firm believer in good manners and respect at all times to everyone.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask, my contact info is below.
If you would like to enroll in LASP for the 2024-2025 school year please email me at megfryman77@gmail.com with your name and mailing address.
I hope everyone enjoys this last month of summer and I look forward to another great school year at LASP!
Meg Fryman
LASP Owner/Director
603-208-8303 (txt or call)
News from the Health Office
Lyme School Community,
Welcome returning and new students and families to the 2024-2025 school year. Please
refer to the following information from the Nursing Health Office.
Additional School Nurse information can be found on the Lyme School website under
the Student Support tab.
The Nurse's office is staffed Monday-Friday by a Registered Nurse. Please email
nurse@lymeschool.org and/or call the Main Office 795-2125 if your child is absent from
school due to illness or injury.
Duties include Nursing care, Health Screening, Medication administration, First
Aid, Emergency care, Individualized Health Planning, Health Education, and
collaborative work with families, teachers, special education services, our
guidance counselor and behavioral coach.
Kati Miller RN BSN: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
Matthew Greenway RN BSN: Wednesday/as needed coverage
Celeste McCool RN BSN: Wednesday/as needed coverage
Medication Administration:
If your child requires emergency medications (epipen, inhaler, etc.) to be kept securely
in the Nurse's office, please contact nurse@lymeschool.org to set up a time to deliver
the medication along with an updated allergy or asthma action plan from your child's
Healthcare Provider.
Returning students need an updated allergy or asthma action plan at the start of each
school year.
For daily medication administration, please complete and return the forms below with
your child's Healthcare provider.
All medications need to be dropped off before the first day of school.
Authorization for RX Medication Administration
Medication or Procedure Order Form
Student Influenza Vaccine Clinic:
The Flu Clinic for students will be held this year at Lyme School on October 22 2024
during the school day. Registration forms will be provided as we get closer to this date.
COVID-19 Information:
Please review the provided link regarding COVID-19 recommendations from the Center
for Disease Control (CDC) if your child is experiencing respiratory illness symptoms or
has tested positive for COVID-19.
The Lyme School Nurse's office is here to support you and your child and to promote
healthy outcomes for students and staff.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns you or your student may have
regarding the upcoming school year.
We look forward to a new school year and appreciate your cooperation.
Kati Miller RN BSN
Lyme School
As of March, 1 2024 The Center for Disease Control and Prevention updated guidance to provide "practical recommendations and information to help people lower risk from a range of common respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19, flu and RSV."
We follow these guidelines. Please review the following links from the CDC for more information and reach out to me with any questions/concerns.
Thank you for your efforts in keeping our Lyme School students, staff, and families healthy.
Neuroth's Library and Media News
Teaching and Learning by Mrs. Foxall
Photos from Around the Lyme School Community
Community News
Violin Program
Damaris Tyler, Instructor
After-school lessons and classes
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
3:00 - 6:00 times available
For more info, please contact me at:
New schedule so far:
1. Beginner Violin Class, Mon. 3:05-4:00
2. Second-year Violin Class, Mon. 4:00-500
3. 30-minute solo Lessons, 5:00, 5:30
4. Intermediate Fiddle Tunes Class, 3:00-
5. 30-minute solo Lessons, 4:30-6:00
6. Same as 5.
Returning students: Please reserve lesson times ASAP to get the best choices!
Research Study by Dartmouth Students
We are engineering students working to develop a product to improve NICU care and are looking to gain insight from parents who had a child who was in the NICU. If you fit that description, we’d greatly appreciate your participation and contribution to our project in the form of a survey. The survey is anonymous and should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. It can be found at this link: bit.ly/3Sb1rg2
● Fairness ● Acceptance of Others ● Integrity ● Responsibility
● Perseverance ● Individuality ● Compassion ● Courage
John P. D'Entremont, Principal
Elise Foxall, Academic Director
Geoff Tomlinson, Student Services Director