Oldham Observations
Message From the Principal
Thank you to everyone for the warm "welcome back". The concern and caring that came from students and families was heartwarming, but not surprising. It is our commitment to a supportive and kind community that makes Oldham so special.
There are many ways that we promote and teach our students how to maintain that community. For example, our focus right now is on cooperation. One way to think about Cooperation is “working together to reach shared goals.” As a family, talk about how this definition applies to how you work together at home. What are some goals you share?
Cooperation is 1 of 3 traits we will focus on throughout the year that helps students Be Kind. Across grade levels, students will continue to develop skills like perspective-taking, conflict resolution, and
leadership. Check out the classroom focus for each grade level below.
Cooperation in First Grade
Friendship skills are life skills! In 1st grade this month, we are focusing on friendship. An important part of being a good friend is working together to reach shared goals, which is practicing Cooperation! Friendship skills we are working on:
● Communicating with Kindness
● Understanding how our actions impact others
Talk about friendship with your student and how working together with people can be a great way to make new friends.
Cooperation in Second Grade
We all experience conflict in life. Whether we are frustrated with a friend or in an argument with a family member, we need tools to help us navigate conflict successfully. This month's focus for 2nd grade is on understanding conflict resolution through Cooperation. Students will practice using the Tree of Choices, which is a simple tool to lead us toward successful conflict resolution.
- 1. The Roots of the Tree
- Identifying if the problem is big or small.
- Big problems require help from an adult, which usually means someone is being hurt.
- Small problems can be solved on their own.
- 2. The Heart of the Tree:
- Naming the emotions you are feeling.
- 3. The Branches of the Tree:
- Make a choice to:
- Move it out (step away from the problem)
- Talk it out (talk through the issue or connect with a friend/trusted adult)
- Breathe it out (practice some strategies that help us calm our emotions before responding).
Cooperation in Third Grade
Considering someone else’s point of view is important when Cooperating with others. Alongside Cooperation, our focus in 3rd grade this month is perspective-taking. Perspective-taking is the ability to consider a situation from the other person’s point of view. Perspective-taking skills we are building include:
- Working to understand what others may be seeing, thinking, or feeling in different situations
- Considering how best to respond after understanding other people’s points of view
One of the best ways to teach is to role model! Practice perspective-taking with your students through questions like, “What was that like for you?” or “What do you think made you feel that way?”
Cooperation in Fourth Grade
We all experience conflict in life. We need tools to help us navigate conflict successfully. This month, 4th graders will practice using the Tree of Choices to practice conflict resolution. The Tree of Choices is a simple tool to help us resolve conflict successfully.
- 1. The Roots of the Tree
- Identifying if the problem is big or small.
- Big problems require help from an adult, which usually means someone is being hurt.
- Small problems can be solved on their own.
- 2. The Heart of the Tree:
- Naming the emotions you are feeling.
- 3. The Branches of the Tree:
- Make a choice to:
- Move it out (step away from the problem)
- Talk it out (talk through the issue or connect with a friend/trusted adult)
- Breathe it out (practice some strategies that help us calm our emotions before responding).
Cooperation in Fifth Grade
Leadership is how we influence others. It’s a powerful way to positively impact the world around us. This month, 5th graders will build their leadership skills while practicing Cooperation. Leadership skills we are building include:
- Positively influencing others through what we say and do
- Role modeling what it looks like to be a helpful member of the class or school
Another leadership skill we are focusing on is resolving conflict using the Tree of Choices. This is a simple tool to help us approach conflict in a healthy way, which shows good leadership and builds Empathy.
- Identify the problem
- Name your emotion
- Make a choice:
- Move it out
- Talk it out
- Breathe it out
How can you encourage your student to practice leadership at home with other family members?
Check out this video from the Fifth Grade Character Strong curriculum
Character Strong "Purposefull Pursuits"
Have some fun connecting as a family this month while practicing Cooperation. Here are 2 “PurposeFull Pursuits” you can complete together!
1. Cooperation is working together to reach shared goals. This week, plan a time where everyone needs to work together to accomplish a shared goal like cleaning up the space you live in or making a meal together. Make sure everyone has a role to play with specific tasks. When the project is complete, discuss and celebrate how each person’s part was important to the end result.
2. Find a time to sit in a circle together and celebrate all the ways you have seen each other practice Cooperation. Take turns sharing responses to the following prompts or make up your own! Remember to practice Cooperation as you take turns and listen to each other. Celebration Prompts:
- What family member(s) do you want to celebrate for their Cooperation this month?
- What is 1 way you were a leader this month?
- What is 1 way you were a helpful follower this month?
Making a smoothie using a BIKE!
Race to Embrace
The second annual Race to Embrace will be held on Sunday, May 19th at Norwood High School. Last year's inaugural event was a huge success. Check out this link for more information
Mark your calendars: Oldham Field Day is June 4th!
Chronically Absent Information
School attendance is essential to student success. The state defines chronic absenteeism 10 or more absences. Research is very clear, students who are chronically absent are at risk of not meeting grade level standards. Once a student has 10 absences a letter is sent reminding parents of the importance of consistent school attendance and a meeting is requested to discuss a plan to improve attendance. At that time we can discuss extenuating circumstances and work together to ensure improvement. You can review the Elementary Student Handbook at this link. Page 39 details the attendance policy.
STEAM Night was a HUGE success
High School Robotics Club teaching our Oldham friends about ROBOTS
High School Robotics Club teaching our Oldham friends about ROBOTS
High School Robotics Club teaching our Oldham friends about ROBOTS
Oldham PTO
The Oldham PTO is an essential and vibrant component of our community. Be on the lookout for information and invites to upcoming meetings. Some info to remember includes:
- Kids Club wrapping up next week
- STEAM night was a success!
- 5th grade bake sale was a big hit!
- Shamrock collection bins collected over $800!
- Trattoria, 4/25 5-8pm (pasta dinner)
- Oldham field day, 6/4
- 5th grade field day, 6/7 (at Oldham)
2024 Earth Day Cleanup
Progress Norwood is holding the 2024 Earth Day Cleanup, Community Picnic, and Fair again this year on Sunday 4/21/24. We will be once again hosting cleanups at each school in town as well as other greenspaces and parks. Use this link to sign up!
Third Grade Wax Museum
Crowds learning about Mr. Heinz
So many families attened
Getting ready for the crowds
Respecting Property: Our chromebooks
There have been several incidents with students pulling keys off the Chromebook or damaging the Chromebook. Moving forward the tech department will be billing families for repairs. So, it is important to talk to your children about "Respecting Property" and using the Chromebook tool carefully and thoughtfully.