Senior Capstone Experience
Contact Information
D. Boyd, Senior Capstone Experience
Room: E6
Twitter: @dboydsclass
RHS Phone: 615-890-6450
Remind: Text @boydcap to phone# 81010
What is Senior Capstone Experience
Class Policies and Procedures
NOTE: All rules, procedures, and policies are subject to change based on school and district policy, technology issues, etc. I will let you know if this occurs.
- Be on time.
- Be prepared.
- Behave!
- Be respectful
Consequences for Breaking the Rules
- Verbal warning
- Conference with me and call to parent
- Office referral—pink slip
Beginning of Class
Come in the classroom and go straight to your seat. No wandering around the room. Sharpen pencils before class starts. Start the posted bellwork or follow other posted instructions.
You are tardy if you are not in the room when the bell rings. Go to the tardy station to get a note. If late, enter quietly, turn in your excuse note, and take your seat without disruption. Deans will handle excessive tardies per school policy.
Materials for Class
Ink Pen
Notebook Paper
Colored Pencils/Markers **
Hand Sanitizer**
Headphones (aux plug if using school laptops)**
** optional items
All grading will be on the points system. The number of points available for each assignment will vary based on the complexity of the assignment and the amount of work required. There will be no extra weighting of grades. For example, a 50 point quiz will impact the total points available for the grading period by 50 points (no x2, etc.). If available points for all assignments total 1200 and you earned 895 points, you will have a 75 for the grading period (895/1200=74.58%).
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
Late Work
It will be very difficult to pass this class if you do not complete work in a timely manner as this class is more about the process than just the final project. You will be graded on rough drafts, group participation, group projects, presentations, etc. If you cannot complete work on time, you likely will not pass this class. This is a college prep class and the expectations for timely work will be similar to those of college professors. There is a 20% deduction for late work without an excused absence. If you know you will be unable to complete a project on time, it is up to you to advocate for yourself in ADVANCE of the due date.
Make-Up Work
You are a SENIOR. It’s YOUR responsibility. Do not wait until the last minute (SEE ABOVE re LATE WORK)! Get a phone number and email address of a reliable person in your class to contact when you miss school to ask questions. Read instructions. All assignments are posted in Schoology. You have 5 days from the day you return to school to make up work with no penalty. Be responsible.
Food and Drinks
Only bottled water is allowed in the classroom. If you spill it, clean it up quickly and quietly.
No FOOD (this includes gum and candy) or drinks other than water are allowed.
Backpacks must be on the back of your chair, under your desk or under your feet. No backpacks in the aisles. Get your supplies out beginning of class. No digging – it’s disruptive.
Bathroom Breaks
Go between classes. The hall pass will be near my desk for emergencies. You must swap your phone for the pass. You will only be allowed to leave the room for EMERGENCIES. No in/out the first or last 10 minutes of class. I reserve the right to limit hall passes - don't abuse the privilege
Ending of Class
I dismiss you, not the bell. DO NOT start packing up before I tell you to. I will give you time to pack up.
Electronics Policy
- Cell phones must be turned off or in silent mode and in your backpack or other assigned location.
- All headphones, earbuds, AirPods, etc. must be unplugged/off and out of sight.
- No charging phones in class without permission. There are specific locations where you are allowed to plug your phone in.
- Failure to comply with this policy will result in your devices being given to your AP.
Laptops: Per county policy, you cannot use personal laptops in school any longer. You will have an assigned laptop. You should bring it daily. Make sure it's charged. There will be assigned charging stations for laptops.