October Newsletter
Resources for Teaching about Autumn, 2023

From the Principal
Dear families,
Can you believe that we have nearly reached the end of the first trimester of the school year? Where has the time gone?!
Very soon, Fairview will host our first round of parent teacher conferences. All Fairview teachers will communicate each family's designated appointment day and time for conferences this week, so be on the lookout for that! We will share about how your children are learning and growing so far this year. We put a great deal of time and effort into preparing for conferences, and we are so excited to see you! Our aim is to meet with 100% of our families, so if something unforeseen happens and you can't keep your conference appointment, please reach out directly to your child's teacher to reschedule.
While you're at conferences, please be sure to stop by and visit our Book Fair! More information about that is below.
Finally, several FV teachers wrote award-winning grants. More on that in the sections that follow!
See you soon,
Dr. Tyler Simmons, Principal
The Vocabulary Parade and Fall Parties are This Thursday!
Please see our flyer for FV's first-ever vocabulary parade on October 31st.
Later that afternoon, we'll open our doors to families to attend our Fall Parties, which will take place from 2:00-2:50 PM.
November Teacher Work Days
There will be no school on the following teacher work days in November:
- Friday , November 1st
- Monday , November 4th
- Tuesday , November 5th
- Friday, November 15th
PTA Fundraiser Tuesday November 5th
Your Box Tops Can Earn Money for Fairview!
Fairview Elementary is a Box Tops school! That means that families in our community earn cash to give back to our school when they purchase Box Tops products. Download the Box Tops app on your phone, sign up to support Fairview Elementary and start earning for our school today. You can even connect your Walmart account to Box Tops and earn every time you purchase participating products at Walmart without scanning a receipt!
Picture Retake Day is on Thursday, November 7th
If you missed picture day and didn't place an order, you can take care of that by Clicking here. Fairview's code is 86878HF.
If you're choosing to have a picture retaken because you weren't satisfied with the original, please be sure to send your picture packet back to school with your student. Thank you!
Parent Teacher Conferences
All conferences (Zoom and in-person) will be held between November 6th- November 26th. All teachers will confirm conference appointments with families by 11/1. If the date and/or time you're assigned doesn't work for your family, please contact your child's teacher.
We're looking forward to seeing you!
While You're Here for Conferences, Stop by our Scholastic Book Fair!
You are invited to our Scholastic Book Fair! Please come to the Media Center during the following dates and times
:· Tuesday, November 12, 3:30-7:00
· Thursday, November 14, 3:30-7:00
If you cannot stop by, Online shopping will also be available.
If you are available to volunteer (and receive $10 off your purchase), please sign up!
Assistant League of Mid-Missouri Links to Learning
Congratulations to the following Assistance League award-winning grant recipients:
○ Angela Vannoy- Books to Engage Students, ~$800
○ Brenda Heavin- Books for the Book Room, ~$800
○ Deanna Bickel- Math Centers and Hands-On Learning Activities, ~$1,600
○ Jeanine Davison- SEL Through Pets, ~$700
○ Mariah Brisco- Leveled Books, ~$800
○ Sara Dexheimer- Drums and Various Instruments, ~$1,500
○ Shara Burke- SEL Through Sensory Accommodations, ~$800
○ Stephanie Wyatt- Mobile Sensory Lab, ~$1,700
○ Tyler Allee- Small Group Texts, ~$800
■ Grand Total: $9,422.15 = 3rd most in the district! Way to go, Fairview!
PTA Meeting
Monday, November 11th at 4:30 Media Center. Please join us, if you're able!
Reminder: Change in Transportation
Thanksgiving break
Wednesday, November 27th- Friday, November 29th
Classes will resume on Monday, December 2nd.
Monthly Update from Our Specials Teachers
From the Art Room
In art class students have been busy photographing their artwork for their digital portfolio in Artsonia. Students did an amazing job learning and creating Non-Objective art and are now moving into learning about Landscapes. A Landscape is an artwork of outside, each grade level has a different learning objective in this unit. I am excited to see their finished artworks! If you would like to get connected to their Artsonia page, please email lrobb@cpsk12.org and I can set that up!
From the Counselor
This month in counselor class, students are learning about:
Kindergarten: Personal safety, Identifying basic feelings
1st grade: Personal safety, Identifying feelings
2nd grade: Personal safety, Coping strategies for big emotions
3rd grade: Problem solving/Conflict resolution
4th grade: Teamwork/Cooperation
5th grade: Peer pressure, Problem solving
When your student has their personal safety lessons, they will get a note home with information about what we learned and how to access that information online. Kids ask me lots of “what if…” questions that I tell them to talk about with their adults at home!
Here is a visual resource to help talk to your kiddos about setting boundaries for themselves:
3rd-5th grade students recently took the Mental Health Checklist and Mrs. Davison and I will be using information from that tool to check in with students and start skill building groups very soon.
I will also be around during Parent Teacher conferences if you would like to say hi or talk about your kiddo(s)!
With gratitude,
Lillian Hoell
Computer Lab
Happy Fall! We are getting a lot done in the computer lab. Along with our normal discussions of being a good digital citizen, we are getting familiar with the apps we have. All grades have used the camera app to take and edit photos. 4th and 5th grades have used the Sketches School app to do a sketch over project with a photo they had taken. Kindergarten and 1st grades are getting familiar with the Draw and Tell app and the features available to them. Grades 2nd through 5th have been getting familiar with and adding to their knowledge of Schoology and how that is used for assignments and schoolwork, especially as they get older. We are looking forward to using the Google apps, Pages, and Pic Collage in November.
Annette Kemble
From P.E.
Fitness measurements are nearing the end. We’ve had some very good effort! All grade levels are working on tossing/throwing/catching skills. K-2 has been playing 3 Catch Capture (2nd grade plays 5 Catch Capture) and also starting to learn the game Angry Birds. 3-5 is working on a game called Touchdowns.
Please check their A,B,C,D schedule and get those tennis shoes on. If they don’t have them they may not get to participate in all of the day’s activities. There have been some situations where kids have had to sit out. Please help them be successful. It’s a real bummer if you child has to sit and watch because they forgot tennis shoes.
Finally, if you’ve been in the gym lately you might have noticed the pictures on the bulletin boards. They are of our kiddos in action!! If you wish, send me a photo of your child doing something active and I’ll get it up on the board. You’re welcome to send in a hard copy pic or email me one and I’ll get it up! Thank you to those of you who have sent in pics!
As always, thank you for your continued support.
The Fever Fest was awesome! So fun to see kids on the hayride!
Mr. Wright
From Music
In music we have been moving and singing to fall themed music. Younger grades sang about spiders, pumpkins, bats, and much more. In older grades, we learned a xylophone arrangement to Spooky Scary Skeletons and moved to the song In the Hall of the Mountain King. Grades 2-5 just wrapped up learning about Hispanic music as well Tininkling which is a traditional Filipino folk dance. Thanksgiving is right around the corner which can only mean one thing…. Suuuuuper Turkey will be making an appearance in all grade levels very soon.Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @FVEFalconsMusic and check out the music room website found at www.fvemusic.com
From the Media Center:
Please continue to help your child to take good care of library books and remember to return them on or before their checkout day. Setting an alarm on a home device or phone can be helpful for families. Lost and damaged book are charged $10, but replacement cost is $15-$20 or more, so taking good care of books is best for everyone.
Our upcoming book fair is a great way to get books for your home – and books make great holiday gifts for children and teachers. See this newsletter for information on days and times. Hope to see you there!
From Ms. Greene
Please review each flyer for upcoming Thanksgiving events with Powerhouse Community Development Center.
Upcoming Dates November
- Friday , November 1st: Teacher Work Day, NO SCHOOL
- Monday , November 4th: Teacher Work Day, NO SCHOOL
- Tuesday , November 5th: Teacher Work Day, NO SCHOOL; Panera Fundraiser, 4:00-8:00 PM
- Thursday, November 7th: Picture Re-Take Day
- Friday, November 8th: Grade cards sent home in Friday Folders
- Week of November 11th: P/T Conferences
- Monday, November 11th: PTA Meeting, 4:30 PM
- Friday, November 15th: Techer Work Day, NO SCHOOL
- November 27-29: Thanksgiving Break, NO SCHOOL
- December 23-Januarry 3rd: Winter Break, NO SCHOOL
If your child will be absent for the day, please call or email to report the absence. Please email jhouston@cpsk12.org and your student's teacher on the same e-mail . If we do not hear from you, we will call to check on their well-being.
Contact or follow us
Email: jhouston@cpsk12.org
Website: https://www.cpsk12.org/Domain/16
Location: 909 South Fairview Road, Columbia, MO, USA
Phone: 573-214-3590
Facebook: Follow us here!
Twitter: @FVEFalcons