Chippewa Falls Middle School
November 2024 Family Newsletter
From the Principal
Dear CFMS Families,
In this month of thankfulness, we are thankful for the opportunities to partner with all of you and enjoy celebrating the amazing things that our kids are doing on a daily basis! Thank you for your continued partnership and feedback during our start to the school year. We appreciate you.
November 4th marks the start of our first quarter. As you view your child’s progress report, please keep in mind that the gradebook will reflect the formative work your child has completed thus far and that formative work will have a zero (0) weight in the calculation of the overall grade. The summative scores that reflect your child’s level of mastery of the content standards that have been targeted up to this point will be reflected as a progress grade for each course. A more detailed explanation of formative vs summative assessments and CFMS grading practices can be found by clicking the "CFMS Grading for Learning Handbook" button at the bottom of this newsletter.
Our school district's mega result is: "All students will graduate prepared with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors necessary to achieve their personal goals and make a positive impact in the world." Our staff at CFMS are dedicated to ensure that this is happening for all of our students, and seeing this happen is what inspires me to come to work each day and work hard for all of our students, staff, and families.
As always, if you have questions or wish to discuss your child, please do not hesitate to contact any one of the great staff members with whom your child works.
In Partnership With You,
Derrick Kunsman
Student Attendance
Arriving Late?
Parents must notify the school whenever their child will arrive later than 8:35 a.m. Notification on the attendance line should include estimated arrival time and the reason for the late arrival
Report to the main office area (door 2 which is the flagpole door) to obtain an entry pass to class
Leaving Early?
Call the attendance line
Include the time your child needs to leave school, the time that they will return, and the reason they will be gone. Also include if your child is allowed to walk/bike home
Your child will be given an Early Dismissal pass (they should try to pick this pass up in the Grade Level Office)
Your student will show that pass to the main office and watch for their ride at the main office area (door 2 which is the flagpole door)
Since we have a large school, we write your student's pass for 5 minutes earlier than the time requested
Is Your Family in Need? We Can Help!
Please fill out this form for additional support.
Manufacturing Tour
Our goal is to help all students graduate prepared to succeed in post-secondary education and careers.
Cardinal Market
The Cardinal Market is a convenient spot in our building where students can grab food items that your family may need for the week.
- Items available will vary from week to week
- Each Wednesday and Thursday students will receive an email with a form to fill out for that week's meals
- Students will only receive items on the weeks they complete the order form
- All of this is free of charge
We hope your student and your family can benefit from this convenient resource this year! If you have any questions or need any additional information, please email Rebecca Barrett-Brathol ( or call 715-726-2400 x2249.
Student Council
Help your school by donating to the market!
What does the Market Need?
Currently the Cardinal Market encourages you to donate cereal, mac and cheese cups, and Ramen noodles. These are items that are usually low in the market.
The team with the most donations will win donuts. Bring all donations into the library for a reward.
Students of the Month
Click on each picture to see who the Students of the Month are!
Message From Nurse Bethany
Absenteeism due to illness should be telephoned daily to your child's school secretary. Please be specific about illness (i.e. flu, strep, chickenpox, etc.) because it is helpful in the control of communicable disease. Thank you to families for calling your student's school when they are ill and for reporting the diagnosis made in the physician's office.
Reminder: Your child should not come to school if:
- They have a fever of 100.4 or higher before medication (Tylenol/Ibuprofen)
- They have been diagnosed with a contagious illness and have been on medication less than 24 hours.
Good hand washing habits are the number one way to prevent the spread of illness!
CFSD Health Office
CFMS Music Department News
A huge thank you goes out to all of our CFMS music families for their assistance with this year’s music department fundraiser. We far outpaced our fundraising efforts this year in comparison to previous years and we cannot thank you enough. For those of you who need to pick up your frozen foods and prizes, please mark Monday, December 9th from 3:15pm-5:30pm for pick up. This will be done across the street from the middle school at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church. Look for more information on delivery day pick up from your child’s music teacher in early December.
With winter concert season approaching, please see the dates listed below for those concert dates and times. Our students have all been working really hard to learn their music and are getting very excited to get to perform it for their family and friends. More specific information regarding arrival/warm up times and concert dress will be coming out from your child’s music teacher in the coming weeks.
Thursday, December 5th--CFMS Winter Choir Concerts
6:00pm--7th grade treble choir concert
6:30pm--8th grade treble choir concert
7:15pm--6th grade mixed choir concert
7:45pm--7/8th grade bass choir concert
Thursday, December 12th--CFMS Winter Orchestra Concerts
6:00pm--6th grade orchestra concert
7:00pm--7th grade orchestra concert
8:00pm--8th grade orchestra concert
Tuesday, December 17th--CFMS Winter Band Concerts
6:00pm--6th grade band concert
7:00pm--7th grade band concert
8:00pm--8th grade band concert
*Please note: if inclement weather causes a concert to be canceled on its originally scheduled date, the make-up night would be Tuesday, January 7th.
CFMS Athletics
Cardinals In Action
Cardinals in Action is CFMS's family and teacher organization that supports our Middle School students and staff! All are welcome. Together we will enhance the school environment with programs and activities!
Cardinal Community Learning Center
Voyagers takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdays after the regular school day. Students can make new friends and get involved in a variety of fun activities outside the traditional classroom.
- Student Connections
The Cardinal CLC is a "school within a school" that serves as a community learning hub.
Mentor Chippewa
Box Tops for Education
School Communication
Parent Communication
Parents/Guardians should set up an Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Gives You Access To:
- attendance
- report cards
- schedules
- homework assignments
- pay fees/lunch
If you are a split household, you can have two accounts.
Please keep your information updated in case of emergency! You can update your address, phone numbers, email addresses in Infinite Campus.
Need help? Call our help desk at 715-726-2413 for assistance.
Board of Education
Chippewa Yellow Bus
Does your student need to ride a different bus?
- All student rerouting requests will originate at Chippewa Yellow Bus Company.
- Student rerouting requests require a 24 hour notice and approval by the bus company. This includes one time and/ or occasional rerouting requests.
Click HERE for more information from the bus company
Chippewa Yellow Bus Phone: 715-726-2454
School Meals Info
Students Leaving Ill During School Day
From Page 17 of the Parent handbook
Students are required to go through the nurse’s office if they feel ill during the day. The school nurse’s office documents illnesses and if necessary, will allow the student to call home from their office. Students are not to use their cellphones to call home or chromebooks to email parents / guardians.
High School Athletics Reminder
- The Chippewa Falls High School would like to remind you of its game attendance rule.
- In order to enter any high school game/event, all middle school and elementary students must be accompanied by an adult chaperone. Also, please note that once you leave the event, re-entry will not be permitted.
- Thank you for helping all of our fans stay safe at our home sporting events!
Student Chromebooks
Each CFMS student will checkout a school Chromebook. These will be distributed on the first days of school.
Students are able to bring Chromebooks home with them at night. It is a student's responsibility to charge and care for the device at home. Students should bring charged Chromebooks to school daily.
Quick Links to More Middle School Information
Chippewa Falls Middle School
Location: 750 Tropicana Boulevard, Chippewa Falls, WI, USA
Phone: 715-726-2400