18 FEBRUARY 2022
Kia ora, Talofa, Malo e lelei, Faka alofa lahi atu, Nisa Bula vinaka,
Taloha Ni, Namaste, Aloha, Salaam alaikum, Kia orana, Ni Hao
A very warm welcome to all the students that have started at Robertson Road School this year, especially to all the new families who have joined us. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do talk with your child’s teacher in the first instance, or their team leader if you prefer. It is so good to see students settled and getting into established learning routines. As we return to school, the Red Phase 2 setting means that we need to make some adjustments to the procedures we put in place at the end of 2021.
I would like to reiterate that we continue to have stringent processes in place to operate in the current Covid climate. Please be assured that we will follow Ministry of Health guidelines. We would appreciate your support by reinforcing good hand washing and drying habits, as well as cough and sneezing etiquette. If you or your child is unwell or displaying any cold/flu symptoms, please remain at home.
As omicron is contagious, we will continue to follow safety procedures such as mask wearing, limiting mixing of different classes and staff, and practising good hygiene. We want to minimise the risk of disruption to learning, therefore access to school during school hours is limited to essential visitors only. Gates will be locked 9:30-2:40.
If the virus begins to impact our staff and/or students we may need to move to a "hybrid" approach to teaching and learning, where some children learn at school with others at home. We hope that most students will be learning in school but teachers have also already prepared materials that will be shared with you should your child need to isolate for a period of time.
Positive cases self-isolate for 10 days including symptom free before entering school.
Close contacts are within 1.5 meters and more than 2 hours of a positive case. Isolation is 7 days from last exposure. These cases will need to be tested immediately and on day 5, supplying a negative test and be symptom free before entering school.
Casual Contacts are contacts that had no close contact, within 2 meters or high risk indoor contact. Students can remain at school and monitor for symptoms.
If we receive confirmation of a positive case the following will happen
We will complete the documentation required by MOE and identify which case the student/staff member will be.
· All students and staff involved in that case (classroom bubble) will be notified by the school.
· MOE documentation (Letter) will be sent to those affected.
· The class will be closed and cleaned.
· Learning packs will be sent to those students of the affected classroom bubble.
· In some cases devices may be sent home, this depends on the wellbeing of the teacher.
Please notify the school if your child is a positive case or a close contact.
Noho ora mai (stay well)
Ravi Naidoo
Upcoming Events
- Swim week starts Thurs 17 Feb
- Turuki Health RRS Vaccination Drive Thru at Robertson Rd School Sat 5 March 2022 10am-2pm
Contact Us
Email: office@robertson.school.nz
Website: https://robertson.school.nz/
Location: 205 Robertson Road, Māngere, Auckland 2024, New Zealand
Phone: 09 275 6224
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robertsonroadschoolmangere