Harding Newsletter
December 13th, 2024
Harding Knights Unite
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ကျိာ်ဂုၤဂၤတခါလၢနအဲၣ်ဒိးအီၤ လၢအတမ့ၢ် အဲကလံးကျိာ်န့ၣ်အိၣ်ဧါ. နအိးထီၣ်ကွၢ်လံာ်တၢ်ကစီၣ်ပှာ်ဘျးစဲ ဒီး စံၢ်လီၤဖဲစုထွဲပှာ်ဘျးစဲတခါအဖီခိၣ် ဒ်သိး တၢ်ကကွဲးကျိာ်ထံအီၤလၢကျိာ်အဂုၤအဂၤအဂီၢ်သ့ဝဲဒၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. ဝံသးစူၤသ့ၣ်ညါလၢ လံာ်လၢ တၢ်ကွဲးကျိာ်ထံအီၤန့ၣ် ကအိၣ်ဝဲဒီး တၢ်တလီၤတံၢ်လီၤဆဲး မ့တမ့ၢ် တၢ်တလၢ တပှဲၤသ့ဝဲဒၣ်န့ၣ်လီၤ. နမ့ၢ်အိၣ်ဒီး တၢ်သံကွၢ်တဖၣ်န့ၣ်, ဝံသးစူၤကိးပှၤဖဲ 651-793-4700 န့ၣ်တက့ၢ်.
Ma doorbideysaa luuqad aan aheyn af-Ingiriis? Waxaad furi kartaa lifaaqa wargeysyada oo guji batoonka kore si aad wargeyska ugu tarjuntid luuqado badan oo kala duwan. Fadlan ogow in natiijada turjumaaddu ay noqon karto mid aan sax ahayn ama aan dhammaystirnayn. Haddii aad wax su'aalo ah qabtid, fadlan naga soo wac 651-793-4700.
Puas xav tau ua lwm hom lus? Nej qhib txoj kab mus rau hauv daim ntawv xov xwm thiab nias lub pob nyob rau saum toj ces yuav muaj txhais ua ntau hom lus. Thov nco ntsoov tias cov lus txhais no yuav tsis raug txhua lo los sis txhais tiav tiav. Yog nej muaj lus nug, thov hu rau peb ntawm 651-793-4700.
¿Prefiere un idioma que no sea inglés? Puede abrir el enlace del boletín y hacer clic en la parte superior de la pantalla para traducirlo a muchos idiomas diferentes. Tenga en cuenta que la función de traducción puede ser inexacta o incompleta. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llámenos al 651-793-4700.
Winter Break Dates
No School on December 23- January 3
School starts again on January 6
Fun Things Happening in the Harding Community
STEM Night at Chelsea Height Elementary
On November 13th, Harding students went to Chelsea Heights Elementary School to help out with their STEM night. The principal of Chelsea Heights, Mr. Moldonado Perez sent this message to our students, "I wanted to take a moment to extend my gratitude to the High School students who volunteered to run stations and assist my science specialist, Tom Altman, during STEM Night. Their dedication, enthusiasm, and willingness to step up made a significant impact, and their efforts truly enhanced the experience for everyone involved. It is inspiring to see Harding students engaging and contributing in such a meaningful way."
AVID Field Trip
In the middle of November AVID students got a chance to visit Mankato State University. The students got a chance to look around the campus and see what the university had to offer. The students had lots of fun visiting the campus. Lastly, they were able enjoy the cafeteria food as it was "ALL YOU CAN EAT" and some got the chance to go at it with the ice cream machine. The bus ride was definitely a quiet one with a lot of food coma victims.
Knight Crew Field Trip and Friendsgiving
Harding's Knight Crew was out and about doing great things. They hiked up to the middle school nearby (Txuj Ci Upper Campus) advocating what Harding has to offer. On the other hand, before the short holiday break they were able to get together and celebrate Friendsgiving.
Hmong New Year
The Hmong New Year has been celebrated at Harding for over 15 years. Thanks in part to Harding's Hmong Club and School Administration. This year, Harding Hmong New Year was held on Friday, November 15. The event was well attended with estimated attendance of 600 people. Students provided entertainment through singing and dancing. Parents of Harding students and their families came out in support of the event. All students and staff are encouraged to attend the event and dress in their cultural attire. Hmong New Year is a time to celebrate the success of this past year and prepare for the upcoming start of the new year.
Nyob Zoo Xyoo Tshiab!! Happy New Year!!
Parent Day Visits
We would like to invite any parents or families of 9th and 10th graders to our Parent Day Visit. This is an opportunity to come to Harding during the school day to visit with teachers, other families, and students. There will be time to connect with each other, shadow our behavioral intervention staff, and meet a few teachers and staff. Our next Parent Day Visit is on January 23rd during 4th hour, 1:50-2:50. In the future we will have Parent Day Visits for other grade levels. Please email or call Micah Zielske (the family engagement coordinator) if you could like to join this event. micah.zielske@spps.org or 651-744-2178.
Spring College Pathway Classes
Juniors and Seniors: Are you interested in taking college classes this spring? Click the below link for a powerpoint of available options, and reach out to your counselor if you would like to register.
Semester 2 courses start on January 28th
Options in business, trades, IT, health care, and more!
Courses end on college schedules- mid May
Must schedule them with your school counselor
Applications to the partnering college will be done in January
Questions? Email Jerry Utecht at jerome.utecht@spps.org or stop by room 1143
History Day Projects
If you have an 11th grade student, they are currently working on History Day projects in their Social Studies classes. History Day projects offer students an opportunity to research a historical topic or event that they want to learn about! Students will research their topics, and then present what they learned through a performance, website, exhibit board, documentary, or research paper. Harding students have the opportunity to compete with other students in regional and state competitions, and can earn prizes and money! Final projects will be due on Jan. 16 (B Day) or Jan. 17 (A Day). Ask your student about their History Day projects!
Cap and Gown Ordering
Parents and families,
I am Mr. Houston and I am the senior class advisor for the class of 2025. I look forward to working with you and your seniors over the next several months to ensure they meet the important deadlines to participate and attend graduation. Harding's graduation ceremony will be held at Roy Wilkins Auditorium on Wednesday, June 4th at 5:30p. We ask that families show up to the arena by 5:00p. No entries will be allowed once the ceremony begins. We anticipate the ceremony will end no later than 6:30p. All students will receive 8 admission tickets for graduation. A maximum of three additional tickets can be purchased for $10 each. Tickets will be distributed to students on their last day of school, Friday, May 30th. Right now, the most important task for our seniors is completing the cap and gown order form. All graduating seniors will receive a free cap and gown as long as they complete the order form. The deadline to complete the cap and gown order form is Friday, January 31st. Many students have already completed the cap and gown order form within their advisory class; however, there are some seniors that still need to complete the form. The cap and gown order form can be found at the following url: https://forms.gle/x9aVKPj5UWtqMD5k6
If you have any further questions regarding the cap and gown, or graduation, feel free to email me at michael.houston@spps.org.
Question of the Month
How do you know if your child will be ready for the next grade?
Ua cas koj thiaj paub tias koj tus me nyuam yuav npaj txhij rau qib tom ntej?
နဖိအိၣ်ကတဲာ်ကတီၤ သးလၢတီၤဆူမဲာ်ညါတတီၤအဂီၢ်လံဧါန့ၣ် မ့ၢ်နသ့ၣ်ညါအီၤဒ်လဲၣ်.
Sidee ku og tahay haddii ilmahaagu diyaar u yahay tacliin ahaan fasalka soo socdo?
¿Cómo sabe usted si su estudiante estará listo para el próximo grado?
Contacting Staff
How to Contact Staff
The Harding office phone number is 651-793-4700. School office hours are 8:00-3:30. If you need to reach a teacher or staff member directly, please contact them through email.
All staff email addresses are: firstname.lastname@spps.org and can be found on Harding’s online staff directory.
Student Absences
Please remember to email our Attendance Clerk at Gertraud.Kussmaul@spps.org or call the attendance hotline each day your student is absent from school. If your child is absent from school, it is necessary for a parent/guardian to call the Attendance Hotline at 651-744-3063. Please leave the following information:
-Student name
-Student number
-Day and date(s) of absences
-Reason for the absence
If you need to pick up your student early, before the end of the school day, please call the office at least 2 hours in advance of the departure time.
School Counseling Office
Shanie Xiong (A-Ha) shanie.xiong@spps.org or 651-744-1428
Teresa Savage (Hb-K & P-S) teresa.savage@spps.org or 651-744-3506
Marianna Sullivan (L-O) marianna.sullivan@spps.org or 651-744-1907
Mana Vue (T-V) mana.vue@spps.org or 651-744-3152
James Lo (W-Z) james.lo@spps.org or 651-744-3664
Dan Kennedy (American Indian Counselor) daniel.kennedy@spps.org or 651-744-1160
Jamie Shady (CCC) james.shady@spps.org or 651-744-3599
Katie Kovacovich (CCC) kkovacovich.ach@spps.org or 651-744-3599
Lisa Mills (Counseling Clerk) lisa.mills@spps.org or 651-744-3067
Administration Staff
Anthony Chlebecek, Principal anthony.chlebecek@spps.org
Evelyn Nordquist, Assistant Principal (9th Grade) Evelyn.Nordquist@spps.org
Craig Guidry, Assistant Principal (10th Grade) Craig.Guidry@spps.org
Xong Moua, Assistant Principal (11th Grade) Xong.Moua@spps.org
Jayson Spence, Assistant Principal (12th Grade) Jayson.Spence@spps.org
Kelly Brown, Behavioral Intervention Specialist (9th Grade) kelly.brown@spps.org
Phoenix Cobb, Behavioral Intervention Specialist (10th Grade) phoenix.cobb@spps.org
Essa Adam, Behavioral Intervention Specialist (11th grade) essa.adam@spps.org
Steve Solaja, Behavioral Intervention Specialist (12th Grade) stephan.solaja@spps.org