CCOG Newsletter
Weekly Updates
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Reflections from Pastor Jennifer
The question was posed, "What does God say that worship is?" I may think that by singing or raising my hands or shouting or some other outward display, I am worshipping God. But how does God receive love? Throughout the Bible, we understand that the way God receives love is by our obedience. The way that we worship is to serve God, to obey Him, and give Him whatever He may ask of us.
Give to children who may not have anything for Christmas. In January, we are collecting hats, scarves, fuzzy socks and gloves to place in the shoeboxes. We will also collect shoeboxes and shipping costs throughout the year. Thank you for your contributions.
January Focus
Through the end of the month, we will be participating in a time of prayer and fasting. It is between you and the Lord what you decide to fast. I encourage you to make it clear to the Lord the purpose of your fasting (healing, direction, salvation, etc.). Also consider doing the daily devotional offered on the CCOG page of the YouVersion Bible app.
Help for the Homeless
On Tuesday, January 21, we will head to uptown Charlotte to minister to our homeless neighbors. To help in-person, be at the church in time to depart by 5pm. To help behind the scenes, consider donating to this ministry with money, sleeping bags, tarps, or tents.
Men's Fellowship
The men have spoken - the next men's fellowship will be on Saturday, February 1. All men are invited to have breakfast at Kat's Patch (629 North Main St. Troutman) at 8:30am. Be sure to invite any male friends or family members who would benefit from some fellowship.
Sunday, February 2 is the next first Sunday Meal. Because this is so close to the NFL Super Bowl, we often have our own "Souper Bowl". Bring a delicious soup of your choice, along with some guests to this time of fellowship.
February Focus
In the month of February, we focus on sharing love. There are numerous ways to share love with your friends and family, some ideas will be shared between now and next month. One way that we can show love as a church is to fill a baby bottle with cash, checks, or change to help provide for the Lake Norman Community Pregnancy Center. We will get our bottles next Sunday and will have 4 weeks to fill and collect them.
Pursuing God Wholeheartedly
O God, you are my God;
I earnestly search for you.
My soul thirsts for you;
my whole body longs for you
in this parched and weary land
where there is no water. Psalm 63:1
Do you hear David’s heart for God in this prayer? His passion, longing, and desire for God? Does it stir you? Does it awaken something deep in your heart? What makes this psalm especially remarkable is the situation behind it. David is on the run, fleeing from his own son, fleeing for his life.
Can you imagine his broken, grief-stricken heart? His own son. And yet here he is, pursuing God with all his heart.
“O God, you are my God.” David is saying, “My whole world has unraveled, but you are still my God. You are the Almighty God. You are my Shepherd. You are my God and you will see me through.” “Earnestly I seek you.” Not casually, not half-heartedly, but passionately, fervently, and wholeheartedly. This is not religious ritual. This is not duty.
This is a love affair. The whole kingdom is at stake, as is David’s very life. And yet here he is, seeking God with all his heart. Is this not David’s greatness, this passionate heart for God?
"My soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.” There is no water in the Judean desert, and David’s thirst for water is a picture of his thirst for God. He’s saying, “Lord, only you can satisfy the deepest longings of my soul.” I think of Mother Teresa, who was going through a dry period in her spiritual life and yet still had such a passion for Christ that she prayed this prayer: “I want to love you, Jesus, like you have never been loved before.” What hearts for God. Why do some people have such a rare passion for Christ? I don’t know.
Ultimately, this kind of heart for God is a gift. Every good thing is a gift from God, but you can ask for this gift. Lord, give me this kind of heart for you. This thirst for you. This love for you.