Wolverine Weekly
Week of
Medinah Intermediate School
Address: 7N330 Medinah Rd., Medinah, IL 60157
Website: Medinah Intermediate School Website
Phone Number: 630-529-6105
Fax Number: 630-539-3812
Principal: Mrs. Natalie Czarnecki- nczarnecki@medinah11.org
School Hours: 8:45 a.m.-3:25 p.m.
MySchoolBucks Parent Help Line: 855-832-5226
3rd Grade
1st Recess- 11:20 a.m. -11:50 a.m.
1st Lunch-11:50 a.m. -12:10 p.m.
5th Grade
2nd Recess: 11:45 a.m. -12:15 p.m.
2nd Lunch-12:15 p.m. - 12:35 p.m.
4th Grade
3rd Recess: 12:10 p.m. -12:40 p.m.
3rd Lunch: 12:40 p.m. -1:00 p.m.
Week of October 28th-November 1st
🍂Please remind your student to bring a sweatshirt or jacket with the cooler weather 🍂
Monday-10/28- A Day
Sports Day- Wear your favorite sports gear
All of 5th Grade classes Music Rehearsals-10:50-11:40 a.m.
Tuesday-10/29- B Day
Music Day-Wear your favorite band t-shirt or dress like your favorite musician
Wednesday-10/30- C Day
Minion Day-Wear Yellow or Blue
Wellness Wednesday 🌱
Thursday- 10/31- D Day
Happy Halloween come to school dressed in your costume🎃-View MIS Halloween Procedures
Halloween Parade-1:15 p.m. **Please note if it is raining the parade will be cancelled. **
PTO Parties-2pm-3pm
Friday-11/1- A Day
Beach Day-Wear your beach hat, sandals and a Hawaiian/colorful shirt.
Spirit Day-Medinah Spirit Day-wear spirit wear or BLUE
Teacher Spotlight
We are thrilled to spotlight our incredible Literacy Specialist, Mrs. Lima, who brings so much positivity and inspiration to Medinah Intermediate School. Mrs. Lima facilitates a wonderful activity called T.G.I.F. in her classroom, helping to cultivate a positive learning environment for all of her students. Each week, students have the opportunity to share their experiences using the T.G.I.F. prompts:
- T - What did you try this week?
- G - What are you grateful for?
- I - What inspired you?
- F - What fun did you have this week?
This activity encourages students to reflect on their accomplishments, appreciate the good things in life, and build a sense of community. We are so lucky to have you, Mrs. Lima, for fostering such a wonderful culture at MIS!
Dismissal Procedures Below:
- Dismissal Procedures: Correct Entrance: Please use the entrance off Medinah Road for both drop-off and pick-up.
- Pull All the Way Up: To prevent traffic buildup on Medinah Road and avoid bus delays, we ask that you pull all the way forward when dropping off or picking up your child. This allows more families to move through the line efficiently.
- Please do not get out of your car until you are in a lane. This is to help with back up of Medinah Road traffic.
- Please get out of your car when you pull into a lane. Please walk to the median so that your child can see you. We don’t want students crossing traffic without an adult.
- Bus Lane: Please be mindful not to block the bus lane. It’s crucial that our buses can move in and out smoothly.
Thorndale Ave: Please do not enter or exit through this entrance. This is for busses only at dismissal time.
Cross Walk in Parking Lot: Please leave the middle of the cross walk for students to find their families and stand on the sides of the crosswalk.
Our top priorities are the safety of our students and ensuring a smooth process for all.
Thank you, and we look forward to a fantastic year ahead!
Healthy Snacks
Just a reminder please make sure your child brings a healthly snack every day. Examples could be fruit, granola bars, Made Goods, crackers, cheese sticks, etc…...
Standard Response Protocol
MIS Clubs/Extra Curriculars
Student Council- Friday before school- arrive at 8:00AM- Begins: Friday October 18th- Click here for schedule
Digital Media Club- Resuming December 2nd 2024
5th Grade Service Worker
5th Grade Choir- 11:45-12:15pm in Music Room
MIS Intramurals:
Wolverine-Tuesdays-3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m Click here for schedule
Wildcat-Thursdays-3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.(Early Dismissal Days on Thurs. 8 a.m.) Click here for schedule
4th Grade STEM Club- Wednesdays 3:25-4:45 pm- Click here for schedule
MIS Band After School Rehearsals
Dear MIS Band Families,
Our first concert of the year is coming up in a couple of months (December 12th at 7:00 pm - more info to come soon!) and the fifth grade band will be performing as a full ensemble! In order to help prepare the group, we will be having three rehearsals after school. These will be in the gym on Wednesdays from 3:30 to 4:15. The dates are: 11/20, 12/4, and 12/11. On those days, all band members will need to bring their instrument, method book, and folding stand to school. After they’re dismissed from school for the day, they’ll head to the gym, get set up, and make some music! Please plan on arranging transportation home after rehearsal ends at 4:15.
I know that this is an extra commitment, so please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I’ll also send reminders for these rehearsals as they get closer!
As always, thank you all so much for your help, support, and flexibility. These students have grown so much already this year and I can’t wait to share that progress with you at our first performance!
Have a great day!
Dylan Propheter
Parents: Order lunches by Wednesday for the next school week
Tuesday- 11/5
Election Day- NO SCHOOL
All of 5th Grade classes Music Rehearsals-10:50-11:40 a.m.
End of Trimester 1
Veterans Day-Wear Red, White, and Blue or Camouflage
World Kindness Day-Choose Kind T-Shirt or wear blue or pink
Thursday- 11/14
Picture Re-take Day
Report cards go home
5th Grade Band After School Rehearsal (3:30-4:15 in the MIS Gym)-Click Here
Early Dismissal-2 p.m. On Early Dismissal Days, please call before 12:30pm for any pick up changes.
Monday- 11/25
Institute day- NO SCHOOL
Tuesday 11/26-Friday 11/29
Thanksgiving Break 🦃
Office Staff Contact Information:
Michelle Reyes- mireyes@medinah11.org
Shelly Gronseth- Secretary- migronseth@medinah11.org
MIS Halloween 🎃
Dear Parents,
Please Note: All Medinah Intermediate Students are given a bus route regardless of pick-up or drop-off transportation method. We review your registration to make a note of your request for transportation.
Outside of school hours if you have a bus concern, please call First Student Bus Company at 847-352-7900.
Please review Medinah School District bus safety rules with your children to ensure that all students are safe on the bus. Thank you for your support and time.
- Be at your corner 5 minutes prior to scheduled pickup time.
- Stay off the road and in a single file line while waiting for the bus.
- Remain seated while the bus is in motion.
- Keep hands and head inside the bus windows at all times.
- Keep the bus safe and clean at all times. No eating is allowed on the bus.
- Students are not permitted to use cell phones or electronic devices while on the bus.
- Keep belongings out of the aisle.
- In the event of a road emergency, remain in the bus until instructions are given by the driver.
- Loud talking, laughing or unnecessary confusion diverts the driver’s attention and could result in a serious accident.
- The same rules apply for field trips.
Medinah PTO News and Events
Hello Medinah Families,
We are having our annual Affy Tapple PTO Fundraiser on 10/23 & 10/24 and looking for volunteers to sell these yummy treats during the lunch hours at MIS, MPS and MMS. Below are the links to volunteer to help the PTO sell during lunch. Please note, volunteer sign up will close on 10/18. All volunteers need to have a volunteer form filled out with the district prior to coming on site.
Volunteer Sign Ups
Medinah Primary School: PTO Affy Tapple Sales (MPS)
Medinah Intermediate School: PTO Affy Tapple Sales (MIS)
Medinah Middle School: PTO Affy Tapple Sales (MMS)
Thank you!
Medinah PTO
Affy Tapple Sale
💡 Reminders
Students can be dropped off at school any time after 8:20 am.
Please make sure to label your child’s coats, sweatshirts, lunchboxes, etc. We want to be able to get them back to them when they are left in the lunchroom and outside.
If you are coming into Medinah Intermediate, you MUST bring a valid driver's license or state ID card to the main office before entering into the building
Send a note to school or email the office and your child’s teacher if…..
· He / She has any daily pick changes
· He / She is being picked up by someone other than who is on the pick-up list
· He / She is leaving school early
· As always if your child will be absent, please call the office-630-529-6105.
**Please call the office by 2:00 p.m. for any pickup changes. On Early Dismissal Days, please call before 12:30pm. On Half Day Dismissal please call before 10:30 a.m.
Office Staff Contact Information:
Michelle Reyes- mireyes@medinah11.org
Shelly Gronseth- Secretary- migronseth@medinah11.org
When dropping off your child after the start of the school day or if picking them up before dismissal please scan the QR code with your phone located in the vestibule window for the Student Sign-In/Out Form
MIS sign-in/out form: Click Here
Healthy Snacks
Just a reminder please make sure your child brings a healthy snack every day. Examples could be fruit, granola bars, Made Goods, crackers, cheese sticks, etc……
Quest Lunch:
Lunch orders will always be due the Wednesday one week prior. Their student ID is located on the chromebook on the tech card. Please when ordering online with Quest you completely check out and make sure you receive an email confirmation-To Order and view menu- Click Here
My School Bucks:
District 11 has a new online fee payment system called My School Bucks (MSB)-Click Here
Parent MSB Help line: 855-832-5226
MSB is a user-friendly, online payment system with a single sign-on. You can create an account, add your student(s), and see ALL of your students in one account.
If you need your child's student ID it is located on their chromebook on the tech card or you can call the office at 630-529-6105.
First Student Bus:
If it is before or after school hours and had questions you can call First Student Bus at 847-352-7900.
Your child's attendance matters, check out the charts below. If your child is not going to be in school, please call the main office before 8:45a.m. at 630-529-6105.
Medinah Health Office Reminders
Health Office Contacts:
District Nurse, Renee Wesley–rewesley@medinah11.org
Health Office Assistant, Ewelina Korzeniewski–ewkorzeniewski@medinah11.org
Required Health Forms:
Student Needs:
Please inform the nurse of any allergies or sensitivities to foods, medications, and environmental allergens. If there are any pertinent details of your students' health that you feel the nurse needs to know, please reach out and discuss this with the school nurse. This information can be helpful to better support your student throughout the day, if certain situations arise.
About Your Student’s Medication:
The district's medication policy mandates that all medication to be administered at school requires an MD order, this includes over-the-counter medications. Students may NOT keep over-the-counter meds in their backpacks or in their lockers--including cough drops, Advil, etc. This is an important safety concern! Please review the policy included in the registration process. A completed medication authorization form must be accompanied with any medication administered at school.
If your student requires an inhaler, Epi-Pen, or any oral medication, please obtain the medication form and appropriate health care plan from your physician when your child has their exam. Forms may also be obtained on the district website. Medication_Authorization2016.pdf (medinah11.org)
Absences related to illness:
If a student is absent for 3 or more consecutive days due to a illness or health issue, a doctor’s note WILL BE required per district policy
Please prepare to keep your child home until:
A fever of 100 degrees or greater--they can return to school after being fever-free for 24 hours WITHOUT the use of any fever reducing medication
Vomited or had diarrhea--they can return to school after 24 hours illness-free
A persistent sore throat/cough--they can return to school after MD evaluation/treatment
Body aches/fatigue/paleness--they can return to school when rested/stronger
Itchy, draining eyes--they can return to school after MD evaluation/treatment after 24 hours WITH a physician's note to the Nurse
A skin rash--they can return to school after MD evaluation/treatment WITH a physician's note to the Nurse