Week 3 Term 2 Panui
Wednesday - 15th May 2024
Contact Us
Email: office@witherlea.school.nz
Website: https://witherlea.school.nz
Location: 214-216 Weld Street, Witherlea, Blenheim 7201, New Zealand
Phone: 64 (03) 578 5568
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/witherleablenheim
Principal Message
Kia ora te whānau,
In today's digital age, our children's online safety is more important than ever. As we navigate the vast landscape of the internet, it's crucial to equip ourselves and our children with the knowledge and tools to stay safe online.
This week, we had Netsafe come along to school to run both staff and parent sessions about strategies to keep our children safe online.
The good news is that you don’t have to know every single app or platform they might use to support them. You don’t have to be a tech expert to help. Right and wrong are the same offline as they are online. You can offer life skills, maturity and experience your child hasn’t developed yet especially when it comes to safety and security behaviours. The online world and digital spaces can offer many positive experiences for our young people - connection, education, community and entertainment.
For those who were unable to attend the parent session on Tuesday, I have summarised some key messages below and included the webinar link.
Start Conversations: Communication is key. Talk openly and regularly with your children about their online experiences. Encourage them to share any concerns or encounters that make them feel uncomfortable. Discuss with your kids: the apps they are using; games they are playing; website they like visiting; who they are connecting with online.
Explore Technology: If you’re unsure about an app or website that your kid is using or wants to use the best way to learn more about it is to explore it for yourself. If you are still concerned about the app, then you can clearly explain to your child why you are saying no. You might still have a reaction from them, but you can feel backed up by your own research and they are less likely to think that it is because you have a negative view of tech. There are also happy mediums to be struck, for example: consider creating a shared account for the family dog that you both have access to. It’s a great opportunity to get them to explain how they could also keep themselves safe, what features they can use and how they might protect themselves online. Exploring technology doesn’t have to be a chore. Have fun with it!
Set Boundaries: Establish clear rules and boundaries for internet usage at home. Discuss appropriate online behaviour and the importance of privacy. Some examples may include:
Limiting device usage to living areas where you can easily monitor usage.
No devices at the dinner table.
Asking permission before taking photos and videos and sharing online.
Set boundaries for screen time, especially prior to bedtime.
Agree on what personal information is safe to share online. Netsafe recommends not sharing: passwords, addresses, birthdates, bank account details, school details, sharing their location on apps and personal information that can be used to guess security questions.
Monitor Activity: Stay informed about the websites, apps, and games your children are using. Consider using parental control tools and privacy settings to manage their online activity. This link provides the same filtering we use in schools, which is provided free for home use: https://switchonsafety.co.nz/
Empower Critical Thinking: Teach your children to think critically about the content they encounter online. Encourage them to question information, be cautious of scams, and consider the credibility of sources.
Practice Kindness: Emphasise the importance of treating others with kindness and respect, both online and offline. Encourage empathy and understanding in all digital interactions.
Be Cyber-Savvy: Educate your children about common online threats such as cyberbullying, phishing, and identity theft. Teach them how to recognize warning signs and what actions to take if they encounter any issues. These seven videos can be used to support a shared learning opportunity for you to learn alongside your children at home about online safety.
Seek Support: Remind your children that they can always come to you or a trusted adult if they experience anything unsettling or concerning online. Encourage them to report any inappropriate behaviour or content to the appropriate authorities or platforms. We recommend doing this through Netsafe, a not for profit organisation funded by the Ministry of Education and Department for Justice.
By working together and prioritising online safety, we can create a safer and more positive digital environment for our children to explore and learn. Let's continue to support and empower them as they navigate the online world.
On a different note, I have an important staffing update to share with you all. After 23 years of dedicated service to our community, Matt Robertson has made the decision to resign from his position at Witherlea to pursue an exciting opportunity teaching abroad in Kuala Lumpur. We wish Matt and his family all the best as they embark on this new chapter at the end of this term.
Congratulations are in order for Richelle Henderson, who has been appointed as Deputy Principal at Havelock School starting from the end of this term. We have every confidence that Richelle will excel in her new role and contribute greatly to the Havelock School community.
Additionally, we'd like to announce that Tracee Lee will be commencing maternity leave at the end of this term with Jemma Dunn following suit early in term 3. We extend our warmest wishes to Tracee and Jemma, and their growing families as they prepare for this special time.
As we bid farewell to valued members of our team, we are excited to welcome new faces who will be joining us to fill the vacancies left by those departing. Please join us in extending a warm welcome to our new and returning staff members as join our school community.
- Carolyn Edwards - Room 5
- Candice Woods-Potgieter - Room 15
- Jordan Schollum - Room 16
- Nicola MacKellar - Room 18
- Trish Owen - Specialist Teacher (The Arts)
- Huanoa Potiki - Specialist Teacher (Te Ao)
- Jane Walkenhorst - Release Teacher
- Wayne Whitaker - Release Teacher
- Sarah Cowan - ORRS Specialist/Release Teacher
A reminder to share your feedback about the possibility of introducing a Cohort Entry policy for 2025.
Looking ahead to next week, the Friends of Witherlea are meeting on Thursday at 7.00pm in the staffroom to discuss how 2024 fundraising proceeds will be used and plan for the upcoming quiz night.
Ngā manaakitanga,
Welcome to Witherlea School
We wish to welcome these new students and their families and whānau to our school and community;
Isobel S, Lewis B, Beau T, Molly P, Aurora W, Spencer M
Welcome to School Certificates are given out at our assembly on a Monday morning at 9am.
Witherlea School Value Awards
Congratulations to these students who have displayed one or all of our school behaviour expectations and are a model to others;
Lesa N , Beau V, Ameika G, Lexi T, Riley A, Gracie G, Euan C
Elise K, Sophie M, Kaiaria T, Darcy A, Quinn L
Teweia A, Xaver H, Harriet M, Hamish H
The awards are for recognition in displaying and modelling our school values!
Cross Country
Witherlea School Cross Country is on Wednesday 26th June. All students will be taking part and races will be starting on the Witherlea School field and extending out into Harling Park. Parents/caregivers are welcome to come along and support their children. There will be a coffee cart and friends of Witherlea School will also be running a bake sale (please note both of these are for adults only)