Principal's Weekly
Principal Beth N. Choquette, Bridge Street School
Bridge Street School
2 Parsons Street
Northampton, Massachusetts 01060
413-587-1460 (phone) 413-587-1484 (fax)
Beth N. Choquette, Principal bchoquette@northamtpon-k12.us
Elizabeth Peterson, Administrative Assistant epeterson@northampton-k12.us
Nicole Soutra, Senior Clerk nsoutra@northampton-k12.us
Nora DeJasu, Head Teacher ndejasu@northampton-k12.us
A Message From Principal Choquette 11/9/18
Thank you too all of our families, community members, and teachers who participated in Wednesday night's Vision and Action Forum. We had a wonderful turnout and I am so grateful for the collaboration that took place. As we move forward with the recommendations, the School Council will develop goals around the recommendations. We are hoping to create different subcommittees to work together on each of the goals created. Stay tuned for more information about this from our School Council. As always, our meetings are open to the public and are on the third Wednesday of each month from 3:30-5:00 at BSS. The next meeting will be held on December 19th.
There were many people that helped to make Wednesday nights forum a success. I'd like to thank the following: Fazzi & Associates, Northampton Area Pediatrics, The Northampton Police Department, Mary Kraus-Architect, A-1 Pizza, all of the facilitators, the Northampton High School Honors Society, Jeromie Whalen, Karissa Fabin, Edward Stone, and the Bridge Street School Council. This night would not have happened without your help and support!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Vision and Action Forum Breakout Sessions
Vision and Action Forum
Vision and Action Forum
Vision and Action Forum
5th Grade
All 5th grade families will need to be at the school at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, November 16th to pick up their returning Nature's Classroom student.
Please make sure students pack warm clothes, including coats, boots, hats, and gloves. There are no electronics, including cell phones, allowed at Nature's Classroom.
Chaperones are: Jed Dion, Jenna Daniels, and Leslie Stein. There will be additional adults working with our students and teachers once they arrive at NC.
Have a fabulous trip!
Attention Bridge Street Families: The BASE program will be extending session 2 registration until the 15th of November with a pro-rated cost if registration comes in after the first class takes place. Please consult the BSS website for copies of the registration packet or contact Keddie Loughrey at keddieloughrey@northampton-k12.us or 325-7825. Ms. Nicole also has extra copies in the office.
Additionally, there is a pricing change for Monday and Friday classes. Monday classes are $75 with only 7 weeks and Friday classes are $85 with only 8 weeks.
Buddy Bench
Walking School Bus
Why haven't you tried the Bridge Street Walking School Bus yet? It's convenient! It has the friendliest bus drivers in town! It always runs on time! It promotes healthy habits! It helps your child transition more easily into the school day! It contributes to a sustainable environment! So don't delay--get on the WSB today and ride the best bus in town!
The WSB runs daily beginning at Sheldon Field at 8:25 and arrives at BSS around 8:35. For more WSB route information, visit the WSB page. Questions: email Stephanie at spouliot2009@gmail.com.
We are considering adding WSB routes along Williams St./Pomeroy Terrace and from the South Street/downtown area. Please contact Stephanie if you are interested in driving or walking these potential routes.
Parent-Teacher Karaoke Night is coming fast on Nov. 16, 7 p.m. at the World War II Club on Conz Street in Northampton. We’re still up for donations for the silent auction. Any additions are welcome to send along their offers to president@bsspto.org. Also, volunteers for set up or clean up are needed. It’s an easy way to help out. Just email president@bsspto.org.
The next PTO meeting will be Tuesday, Nov. 13 at 3:15 p.m. Childcare will be provided and the agenda will include special guest, David Cantler, technology integration specialist for Northampton’s public schools. Come learn how technology is working in your children’s classrooms.
Hot Chocolate Run for Safe Passage
Bridge Street School has once again registered a team for the 15th Annual Hot Chocolate Run for Safe Passage on Sunday, December 2nd! Please help support the important work Safe Passage does to assist families who have lived with domestic violence by signing up to run or walk with other BSS community members. All participants receive a delicious mug of hot chocolate!
If you aren't able to join in the fun, you can still support the BSS team and Safe Passage by making a financial contribution. No amount is too small!
Visit the BSS team page to either join the team or to make a donation to Safe Passage.
Thank you for your support! Questions: contact Stephanie at spouliot2009@gmail.com.
Principal's Chats
K-2 Celebration 11/19/18
Important Dates
November 12th: No School-Veteran's Day
November 13-16: 5th Grade Nature's Classroom Trip
November 13th: PTO Meeting 3:15-4:15 at BSS
November 14th: School Council 3:30-5:00 BSS Conference Room
November 16th: Karaoke fun! 7:00 pm at the World War 2 Club
November 21st: Half day, dismissal at 12:20
November 22 & 23: No school, Thanksgiving break