DRES Family Message
August 7, 2022
Message From Mrs. Sanchez
Good Evening DRES Family,
We had a great first week of school. Our hallways were full of smiling students following SOAR expectations. Students were making new friends and adjusting well to their new teachers. We have an exciting year ahead of us.
Durant Road Elementary School is being adopted for the year by the John Wall Family Foundation. John Wall, an NBA player, most recently with the LA Clippers, grew up in Raleigh. He started his foundation adopting schools in the Maryland/DC area when he was playing with the Washington Wizards. Since he recently signed with the LA Clippers he decided to move his Foundation work to his hometown and we are the lucky school! All of the details are not ironed out yet but I'll be sure to keep you updated. We hear he is coming into town soon and may stop by to see us!
Carpool Agreement
22-23 DRES Carpool Agreement
Dear Families,
In order to keep all students and staff safe during arrival and dismissal, it is imperative that all adults utilizing carpool follow these important directions.
1. Drop off is from 8-8:30am. Please have your child to school on time to start their day so they are not feeling rushed or trying to catch up.
2. Do not drop children off before 8:00am. Staff members are not available to monitor them and are not responsible for their safety before 8:00am.
3. Cars need to pull all the way down to the end of the sidewalk, to quickly and efficiently move through carpool.
4. Drivers must follow the traffic director for when to pull away from the school.
5. All cars need to pull up together, have students exit as soon as the car stops, then pull away together as a group, in order to avoid dangerous situations.
6. If students arrive to school after 8:30am, parents must park and come to the door to sign their child in to school for the day and the child will be marked tardy.
7. In the afternoon, pick up is from 3:00pm-3:30pm. Children must be picked up by 3:30pm so staff can begin afternoon meetings and trainings.
8. Carpool Tags MUST be present daily for dismissal from the time cars arrive on campus until cars leave the campus. We need to see the tags in multiple locations.
9. Please be patient at the start of the school year as we have new students learning the process.
10. Teach your child to recognize their carpool number, both visually and orally, so they will recognize when their number is posted on the screen and when the caller is calling their carpool number.
11. All families will receive their first 2 carpool tags for free. Additional carpool tags can be purchased at $3.00 each.
12. If a carpool tag is not present in the car, the driver will need to park and come to the office to show their ID in order to receive the child.
Thank you for adhering to these procedures!
Bus Tags
Bus Contract
Cell Phones- Students
S- Safety
O- Own Your Learning
A- Act Responsibility
R- Respectful
The students have been learning how to SOAR in the cafeteria, classroom, bathroom, hallway, specials, recess, and at arrival and dismissal.
Eagle Points- As classes get compliments throughout the school day for following SOAR expectations, they receive Eagle Points that accumulate throughout the school year. When they hit each goal level, they get to have a reward celebration. Classes receive a shout out on the morning news when they reach new goal levels.
Eagles go from Red- 25 points to Diamond- 1000 points. Reward examples include: extra recess, hat day, popsicles, etc...
Positive Office Referrals- Any staff member can submit a positive office referral for any student that is demonstrating SOAR expectations. The students will receive a certificate and get a shout out on the morning news.
Parent/Student Handbook
Second Step Social Emotional Curriculum
All students are currently learning about Unit 1- Growth Mindset & Goal Setting. See specifics on how you can help support this work at home by selecting on your child's grade level below.
Open House- Save The Date
Quarter 1 Dates
8-25-22- DRES Chorus Starts for 4th & 5th Graders 7:15-8:00am on Thursdays
8-29-22- PTA Meeting 6:30pm- DRES Media Center
8-30-22- United Skates of America Spirit Night
9-1-22- Open House 4:30-6:00pm
9-2-22- Early Release- Dismissal 1:00-1:30pm
9-5-22- No School- Labor Day
9-6 to 9-16- Apex Fundraiser
9-17-22- School Grounds Clean Up Day 9am-12pm
9-26-22- PTA Meeting 6:30pm- DRES Media Center
9-30-22- Last Day of Quarter 1
10-3 to 10-24-22- Track Out
School Messenger
Read more at this link: https://www.wcpss.net/schoolmessenger
Did you change your phone number or move?
If you've moved, please provide an updated gas, electric, water bill, signed lease agreement, or bill of sale for house purchase. Contact Mrs. Antonio for an appointment.