Rhode Island Mock Newbery 2022
July 27, 2021
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Let's Mock
It's time to start taking a closer look at the children's books of 2021. Participating in the Mock Newbery is an opportunity to read the newest children’s books and to discuss them with other passionate readers. A letter certifying participation is available for those applying the Mock Newbery program towards professional development.
Program registration: https://tinyurl.com/newbery22
Mock Newbery webpage: http://www.olis.ri.gov/youth/newbery/index.php
Please read at least 10 books for the first meeting. Books that have not been read by half the number of participants at the meeting will not be discussed and will be removed from subsequent lists.
Reading List #1
- Amari and the Night Brothers by B.B Alston
- Amber and Clay by Laura Amy Schlitz
- Ancestor Approved by Cynthia Leitich Smith
- Cece Rios and the Devil of Souls by Kaela Rivera
- Clues to the Universe by Christina Li
- Dead Wednesday by Jerry Spinelli
- Down to Earth by Betty Culley
- The Elephant in the Room by Holly Goldberg Sloan
- The In-Between by Rebecca Ansari
- Just Like That by Gary D. Schmidt
- The Lion of Mars by Jennifer Holm
- Maybe Marisol Rainey by Erin Entrada Kelly
- Middletown by Sarah Moon
- A Place to Hang the Moon by Kate Albus
- The Raconteur's Commonplace Book: A Greenglass House Story by Kate Milford
- Red White and Whole by Rajani LaRocca
- Rescue by Jennifer A. Nielsen
- Root Magic by Eden Royce
- Starfish by Lisa Fipps
- Strong Like the Sea by Wendy S. Swore
- Too Bright to See by Kyle Lukoff
- Ways to Grow Love by Renee Watson
- The Year I Flew Away by Marie Arnold
Virtual Discussions
Goodreads Group
We'll also be using the RI Mock Newbery Goodreads Group to discuss each of the titles on the first reading a list. A thread is being created for each title and we'll use the comments from the Goodreads discussions as a springboard for our virtual discussions. Start out by introducing yourself in the Introduction thread! Not a member of the group? Click the button below to join now!
Newbery Criteria
1. In identifying "Distinguished Writing" in a book for children,
a. Committee members need to consider the following:
- Interpretation of the theme or concept
- Presentation of information including accuracy, clarity, and organization
- Development of a plot
- Delineation of characters
- Delineation of setting
- Appropriateness of style
Note: Because the literary qualities to be considered will vary depending on content, the committee need not expect to find excellence in each of the named elements. The book should, however, have distinguished qualities in all of the elements pertinent to it.
b. Committee members must consider excellence of presentation for a child audience.
2. Each book is to be considered as a contribution to American literature. The committee is to make its decision primarily on the text. Other components of a book, such as illustrations, overall design of the book, etc., may be considered when they make the book less effective.
3. The book must be a self-contained entity, not dependent on other media (i.e., sound or film equipment) for its enjoyment.
Note: The committee should keep in mind that the award is for literary quality and quality presentation for children. The award is not for didactic content or popularity.
Adopted by the ALSC Board, January 1978. Revised, Midwinter 1987. Revised, Annual 2008.
Mock Newbery Discussion #1
Thursday, Sep 30, 2021, 06:00 PM
Mock Newbery Discussion #2
We’ll continue our discussion of the best children’s books of 2021. Please read at least half the books on the second discussion list. Voting for a Rhode Island winner and honor books will take place on January 13, 2022 using the balloting procedures of the real Newbery committee. The second discussion list will be available on October 5 at http://www.olis.ri.gov/youth/newbery/index.php.
Thursday, Dec 9, 2021, 06:00 PM
Mock Newbery Discussion #3 - Voting
It’s time to vote for a 2022 Rhode Island Mock Newbery winner and honor books! Please read all the titles from the third reading list and come prepared to defend your top picks before we vote using the balloting procedures of the real Newbery committee. The third discussion list will be available on December 14 at http://www.olis.ri.gov/youth/newbery/index.php.