Week Ahead
November 10th - November 16th
This Week On the Ridge
I Voted Contest Winner
Congratulations to 3rd grader, Caroline Caldwell for being identified as one of the I Voted sticker winners who had their design made available to voters on Tuesday.
Vento Chiaro Concert
Thank you to the PTA, the Band Boosters, and Mr. Williams for bringing classical quintet, Vento Chiaro to our 3rd and 4th grade students. Students loved the concert and were an excellent audience.
Pick Up Patrol
We will be using Pick Up Patrol at Oak Ridge beginning tomorrow for attendance and changes to pick up routines. Please make sure you update your child's regular end of day routine on the app. After that, any changes to your child's normal routine must be made by noon each day. Changes after that must be called in. We will no longer be using orattendance.
PTA Corner
This month's PTA meeting will be held at the Forestdale Library at 4pm. This is a change in the typical time to allow parents and teachers a different option to take part in the meeting. All are welcome!
SEPAC Meeting
Community Action Day
Save the Date
Moms' United
Specialist Showcase
Dates to Remember
11/14- Gr. 3, Plimoth Patuxet Museum 9 - 12:30pm
11/14- OR Title I Night, 5-6:30pm OR MPR/Cafe
11/19- Gr. 4, Young People's Concert, 11-12:45pm
11/27- Half day
11/28-11/29 Thanksgiving Break
12/3- Gr. 6 Blake Planetarium, 10am Arch/Santoni 11am Branco/Hammond
12/4- Specialists Showcase Night OR MPR 5-7pm
12/6- Gr. 6 Blake Planetarium, 10am Gould/Leonard 11am Dumas/Stanton
12/19- Gr. 5&6 SMHS Winter Concert OR MPR
1/13- Puberty Night for Parents & Guardians, MPR 6-7pm