Eagle News
Ebeling Elementary School I January 26, 2024
Our mission is to provide a nurturing environment committed to achieving excellence. All students are challenged to reach their maximum potential by gaining a solid foundation of skills, knowledge, and values. This foundation enables each student to become a resourceful thinker and successful lifelong learner.
Email: officeebeling@uticak12.org
Website: https://www.uticak12.org/Domain/18
Location: 15970 Haverhill Drive, Macomb, MI, USA
Phone: 586-797-4700
Attendance Line: 586-797-4799
PLEASE NOTE - Calendar Change for 2023-24 School Year
Safety remains a priority in Utica Community Schools.
The State of Michigan has announced that it will hold a presidential primary on Tuesday, February 27th. Our schools remain the centerpiece of the community, and we are proud that many of our school facilities are used to support the voting process. During these elections, school facilities need to be open and easily accessible to allow voters to cast their ballots.
As has been the practice of UCS for past elections, there will be no school on Tuesday, February 27. The cancellation of school maintains our commitment to safety and allows our facilities to be open for community members to cast their ballots.
Do I Have to Sign My Child in to School After 8:30?
- Class begins at 8:25
- Teachers begin taking attendance at 8:25, and many are finished by/before 8:30
- Your child(ren) will be marked absent unless signed in at the office, causing distress when the phone call home reporting your child absent is made.
- The adult at Door #9 begins her in-class assignment at 8:30; staying at Door #9 for latecomers makes her late for her classroom assignment.
Thank you for your patience in the parking lot drop-off line. Please remind your child(ren) to be prepared to exit quickly as your vehicle approaches the drop lane. Exiting onto the crosswalk helps ensure the swift movement of cars and successful, timely arrival of all students in the car line.
Children Participate in Outdoor Activities
Daily outdoor recesses are a valuable factor in promoting healthy classroom conditions. Children are expected to participate in recess activities so they should wear adequate outdoor clothing now that the weather is getting colder. This includes boots, hats and mittens. It is important that children learn to be prepared for changes in Michigan weather. All students will remain indoors for supervised recess if the weather is inclement. Factors used to determine indoor recess include rain, wind chill and playground conditions.
2nd and 3rd Grade Concerts in March...
Students in grades 4-6 can join the team!
Being a part of this team means you will complete one of the five projects below at home. The projects will be mailed into the Olympiad, and you will have a chance to compete in a statewide competition without having to leave your home!
Choose One Project Option Below: All projects need to relate to this year’s theme:
Stand Up! Risk Takers and Change!
Poetry: Write a minimum of 14 lines, maximum of 50 lines poem.
Poster: Create a poster that relates to the theme.
Quiltathon: Create a quilt block that must measure 12 inches by 12 inches.
Essay: Write a 1–2-page essay that expresses a position on a current public issue that correlates to the theme.
Social Studies Song: Write and perform a song based on the theme.
To participate on the Ebeling Team, you must be in 4th, 5th, or 6th grade. Complete the permission slip below (download, or pick up a paper copy in the office or Room 17 (Mrs.D'Angelo), and turn it in by the deadline of February 2, 2024.
Please submit any questions or concerns to: Mrs. D’Angelo Rachel.dangelo@uticak12.org
Show your school spirit! Shop for T-shirts, hoodies, sweatpants, bags and beanies - all customized to show your EAGLE PRIDE! Lots of designs to choose from. Items are personalized locally and delivered right to school - no additional shipping charges.
Great Start Readiness Program
GSRP pre-application for the 2024-2025 school year opens on December 11, 2023. The Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) is a FREE preschool program funded through the Michigan Department of Education. Interested families can call the GSRP office at 586-797-6930 or email at gsrp@uticak12.org. See flyer below. For the 2024-2025 school year, children must be four years old on or before September 1, 2024.
If your child is going to be absent call 586-797-4799 and leave a message on the 24-hour automated absence line. Any absences not called in to the office will be marked as 'unexcused' on student attendance records.
Your child will be excused from class for illness, bereavement, recognized religious holidays and medical or dental treatment that cannot be scheduled after school or on weekends.
Your child is responsible for makeup work. Homework requests may be made for an absence of two or more days in the case of both excused and pre-excused absences. Homework requests require 24 hours to process.
Absence for family travel during scheduled school days is discouraged.
However, should family travel be necessary, parents must submit a written request to the Ebeling office for Principal approval of a pre-excused absence at least one week in advance. Vacation days in excess of 10 days per semester will not be approved.
Arrangements to complete classroom assignments can be made with the teacher.
You can arrange for home study through the school principal should your child be absent from school for an extended period due to physical disability or illness.
If a student arrives late to school, the parent must accompany the student into the office, and the student must be signed in before he or she can go to class.
Truancy officials will be contacted in the event of a student having excessive tardies or absences.
If your child wishes to eat breakfast at school, they must order breakfast the day before when asked by their classroom teacher. When entering school for breakfast, students must enter through the main doors (either Door 1, or Door 9) and proceed directly to the gym/cafeteria. Doors will open at 8:05, and breakfast will be available to eat until 8:25.