Week of August 5, 2024
August 5, 2024

Tiger Times - Week of August 5, 2024
Welcome Tigers!
Millennium Students and Parents,
We are ready to kick off another school year and welcome the Class of 2028 to campus. It's going to be an amazing year. I know the start of the school year is adjusting to new routines - getting up early again and trying to get to bed at a decent time. I hope our kiddos have tried to adjust their routines these last few days, but I imagine most will rip off the band aid Monday or Tuesday morning. 😁
When all students arrive on Tuesday, we will be welcoming almost 2300 students on campus. We ask for your patience at the start of the school year, especially with student drop off and pick up. Detailed information and tips regarding student drop off and pick up can be found below.
All our incoming 9th graders will report to their first day on
Monday, August 5
10th, 11th, and 12th graders will begin on
Tuesday, August 6
Highlights this week:
- Please join us on Thursday, August 8th for our Back to School Night from 5:30 - 7:30.
- School Pictures - Thursday and Friday 8/8 & 8/9.
"A new school year means new beginnings, new adventures, new friendships, and new challenges. The slate is clean and anything can happen. " - Denise Witmer
Nichole Bundy
Millennium High School
Millennium HS is a member of the Agua Fria High School District family of schools
Student Drop Off/Pick Up
Drop Off Tips
- Gates open at 6:30 AM
- Drop off early as traffic backs up as early as 6:50 AM
- Be patient, there will be traffic until everyone learns the flow.
- Front of school is for DROP OFF only
- Front of school has two lanes for drop off
- Obey right turn only signs
Pick Up Tips
- Gates open at 1:45 PM
- Utilize empty parking spots to wait for your student
- Be patient, there will be traffic until everyone learns the flow.
- U-turn available (baseball lot & main gym)
- Two exits - baseball lot (Park Ave) & student lot (Wigwam Blvd)
Student Safety
- We ask that you do not drop your child off in the middle of the street.
- We ask that you speak to your child about using the cross walk if they walk to school.
- Do not use the bus drop-off as a student drop-off or pick up.
Agua Fria School District - Parent Hub
Back to School
Back to School Night
School ID and Picture Day
School ID and Picture Day
**New this year** Students will have digital IDs this year. No physical IDs will be issued. Picture packages will be available for purchase via Life Touch Photography.
Student IDs are required to enter campus, purchase meals in the cafeteria, ride the bus to and from school, make transactions in both the Bookstore and Library, as well as many other things. Students will have access to their digital ID either on their phone or school issued device. Information will be provided to students on accessing their digital ID during the first week of school.
Freshmen/Sophomores will have their photos taken on Thursday, August 8th, and Juniors/Seniors will have their photos taken on Friday. Please note that the photo that seniors take on Friday, August 9th is not their yearbook photo. This photo will be their ID photo only. We will have a separate session for senior portraits on campus. All grades will have the ability to purchase these photos through Lifetouch. Paper flyers will come home this week.
Senior Portraits - On Campus Only
LifeTouch Photography will be taking senior prestige portraits on campus on September 9th and 10th in the library. Additional information will follow.
Bus Transportation Information
Edulog - Bus Riders
How to Apply for Transportation: Please follow the directions in the Edulog App (in the App Store, or Google Play store). NOTE: Eligible students needing transportation beginning August 7th are REQUIRED to register via the Edulog app.
Requirements: 5-Digit Student ID (visible in parentvue), plus a valid parent email address, and complete the registration in the app.
Steps: There are multiple steps, so please be diligent when completing the application. (Link to Edulog Tutorial in District website). This tutorial will walk you through the process.
Student Parking
2024-2025 Parking Permits (Juniors and Seniors Only)
- Students must complete the parking application while logged into their school Gmail account
- Please forward your student THIS LINK if they have not yet completed the application (they were sent the link via the school email system) --> NOTE: The Parking Application must be completed through studentGmail Accounts!
- Approval will be processed in the bookstore, and charges will be applied.
- You will be notified once your student is approved, and charges have been applied. Please note that this process has already started and payments can now start being made.
- Pick up of passes can be completed at the school bookstore once approval has been met, and the fee ($50) has been assigned and paid.
Contact msleeth@aguafria.org with any questions.
Student Chromebooks
Any new student who did not receive their Chromebook before school during our distribution events will now receive their devices from the library the first week of school. We intend to have everyone with a device by Wednesday this week. School issued devices are required to be used on campus and personal devices are not allowed.
Returning students should pull out their Chromebooks and ensure that they are fully charged prior to returning on the first day of school.
Chromebook Troubles
Students having issues with their Chromebook need to contact the library. Many issues can be solved through tips and tricks on the Library website. Students are required to have our campus technicians do any and all repairs to their device. The DPP is a great way to ensure these repairs are covered. This coverage does need to be renewed each school year.
School Safety and Security
Please take a moment to read our safety protocols for arrival to school.
Bell Schedule
School Hours and Attendance
Our school hours are from 7:15 AM - 2:05 PM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and 7:15 AM - 12:20 PM on Wednesdays. Students need to arrive on campus with enough time to arrive to their classes before the late bell rings. Please be sure to accommodate entering campus through security devices. There will be lines to enter campus.
- Regular student attendance is necessary to provide the greatest opportunity for student academic success.
- If you need to call in an absence for your student, please contact 623-932-7200 Extension 1 and leave your student’s name, ID number, date, and the reason for the absence and it will be processed as soon as possible.
- Students who are late to any class during the day will be marked tardy. 5 tardies to a class will be the equivalent of 1 absence for the class.
- Attendance Appeals will be held when a student misses 10 or more classes in a particular course.
- An Attendance Appeal could result in the loss of credit for the student. Please refer to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook and review the district policy regarding attendance and tardiness.
Class Schedules
When does my child receive their class schedule?
All student schedules will be able to be viewed in ParentVue/StudentVue on Monday, July 29th and were finished being finalized on Friday, August 2nd. Paper copies will be distributed to Freshman in the Aux Gym when they arrive on Monday, August 5th. 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students NEW to MHS will pick up their paper copy in the school library at the start of the day on Tuesday, August 6th.
What if my student's schedule shows a class that was not on the course selection sheet?
Unfortunately, not every course offered at registration becomes available. There are a variety of reasons why a class might not be offered (teacher availability, student interest, etc.) resulting in another course being selected for your student. Every effort is made to schedule students in the classes they selected whenever possible.
How can I request a schedule change?
As stated in the AFHSD Course Description Book, a student's class schedule may change ONLY under the following circumstances:
Completion of a class by correspondence or in summer school
Failure of a prerequisite course
Changes necessary because of health reasons
Changes necessary to satisfy graduation requirements
Administrative changes such as course conflicts, unbalanced class enrollments or student misplacement
Counseling Information
Millennium School Counselors
Our school counselors will be available on July 22nd.
Melissa Mangahas - Counselor A-Co mmangahas@aguafria.org
Jennifer Grumbling - Counselor Cr-G jgrumbling@aguafria.org
Erika Fierros - Counselor H-K/ELL efierros@aguafria.org
Marwin Lee - Counselor L-Ne mlee@aguafria.org
Jill Thomas - Counselor Ng-Se jthomas@aguafria.org
Eric Oliphant - Counselor Sh-Z eoliphant@aguafria.org
ParentVUE Access
ParentVUE access for new parents was created during the online registration process. The ParentVUE portal can be accessed via the bottom right corner of our school website (best viewed on a computer vs. a smartphone) or in the Parent and Student Resources section. Existing families would log in through their existing login. There is a forgot password option should you need it.
Food Services
Meal Benefits Program - Free and Reduced Lunch
LinqConnect & Food Services Website
Lunch: Here is the link to our Food Services website. There you will also find the Food Services application (LinqConnect -- Button Below).
- We encourage all families to apply for the Agua Fria High School District Free and Reduced Lunch program.
- In addition to receiving free and reduced price lunch, it has many other cost benefits when it comes to athletic and academic programs.
- The Meal Benefit Application is available on the website by visiting: www.aguafria.org/meals.
You may also utilize the attached packets below for more information and application.
Meal Pricing for 2024-25 SY
Breakfast = $2.75/day
Reduced Breakfast = $0.30/day
Lunch = $4.00/day
Reduced Lunch = $0.40/day
Health Center Information
- If you have any medical updates please complete the enclosed form and send directly to the school nurse directly – Email rsaldivar@aguafria.org
- Please see the link below to access the form:
- Emergency Health Form
Millennium Athletics Contact Information
Tryout information will be sent out through Agua Fria Final Forms. *We are no longer using Register My Athlete.
Please contact Mr. Gordillo with any athletics questions at rgordillo@aguafria.org.
Instagram: @millenniumtigers
Twitter: @MHSTigersAD
Athletic Student and Family Passes
Student Pass: bit.ly/MHSBookstore
- Scroll down to the webstore
- Under Returning Users use the student ID number as the username and the student last name as the password.
- Purchase through GoFan
- Each member of the Family Pass will have their own digital entry as physical cards will not be issued this year.
Stay Connected
Follow us on social media:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/millenniumhsaz
Millennium Administrators
Nichole Bundy, Principal | nbundy@aguafria.org
Michael Butts, Assistant Principal | mbutts@aguafria.org
Amie Gilbert | Assistant Principal | agilbert@aguafria.org
Remigio Gordillo, Assistant Principal/AD | rgordillo@aguafria.org
Carissa Harvey, Assistant Principal | charvey@aguafria.org