August 2024

August 9, 2024
Welcome to the 2024 - 2025 School Year!
🎓 Dollars for Scholars Community Awards Night Photos
On May 13th, Dollars for Scholars held their Community Awards Scholarship Ceremony at the Golden Bear Theater at TVHS. Check out some of the pictures that were taken at the event. Congratulations to all of our scholarship recipients!
In April, we shared an inspirational story about TVHS alumni Kelsie Whitmore being the inspiration for a new video game, "MLB: The Show," the first of its kind to introduce female players. Check out the link below to see what's happening with Kelsie, as she became the first woman to start a game in baseball league history in June.
Kelsie Whitmore: Oakland Ballers 1st female pitcher helps win historic game
TVUSD Community High 🖐️
"Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary." - Margaret Cousins
The TVUSD Community High Five Program is designed to empower and encourage the community to acknowledge and appreciate the dedicated employees of the district. This program serves as a platform for parents, students, and local residents, to recognize and celebrate the relentless commitment and hard work put forth by district employees.
Whether it's the passionate educators who shape the future of our children, the diligent administrative staff who keep the educational machinery running smoothly, or the unsung heroes who contribute to the district in various ways, the TVUSD Community High Five Program provides a means to express gratitude and support for their unwavering dedication to the educational well-being of the community. Through this program, TVUSD fosters a sense of unity and appreciation, strengthening the bond between the district and the community it serves.
Fill out this quick form and the Communications Department will create and send a digital certificate to the employee for their hard work. As an added recognition, one employee will be selected each month as a "Community High Five Spotlight" and their shout-out will be recognized in a future edition of the Community Connection.
✅ Everything You Need to Know, in One Spot!
We're so excited about the new school year that starts on Wednesday, August 14th! To help your family get ready, we've created a Back-to-School hub where you will find important information for the start of the school year. We've also added additional links on how to stay informed and get involved!
❓Need More Help? 💬 Let's Talk!
If the links provided on the Back-to-School hub haven't answered all of your questions, we encourage you to submit a Let's Talk message!
🗓️2025-26 Student/Teacher Calendar
The 2025-26 Student/Teacher Calendar has been posted on the Calendars page of the District website. This document will be presented for approval at our next Governing Board meeting.
🍑 Discover the Improved Peachjar Experience!
We are delighted to inform you about significant improvements now available on Peachjar—the platform we use to share content directly with our school community. These updates, developed by Peachjar, aim to enrich your experience and ensure you have the most relevant and accessible information at your fingertips.
What’s New in Your Peachjar Experience?
- Tailored Engagement: Peachjar now features a more personalized experience, helping you find the information and activities most important to your family.
- New Search Capabilities: Access new search options, making it simpler than ever to find exactly what you're looking for.
- Save Flyers: Effortlessly save flyers for future reference.
- Categorized Flyerboards: Navigate through categorized flyerboards, such as athletics & academics, arts, and more, for targeted access to flyers that interest you.
- Streamlined Navigation: The new layout features clearly defined School and Community tabs, making it easier than ever to find information for after-school opportunities in the community or school announcements.
Seamless Transition, No Action Needed
No need to do anything! You'll continue to receive emails from Peachjar. With the new experience launching next week, a simple click on any flyer will directly connect you to the new features, streamlining access to opportunities for your child. We're excited for you to enjoy these upgrades and appreciate your ongoing involvement in our school community, making a positive impact on our students' lives.
🚨 Annual Notifications
Dear TVUSD Parents and Guardians,
State law requires the Governing Board to notify the parent(s) or guardian(s) of minor pupils enrolled in Temecula Valley Unified School District ("District') schools of the legal rights and responsibilities pertaining to their child(ren)'s education. The Governing Board recognizes that the District is responsible for ensuring that it complies with State and Federal Laws and regulations governing educational programs. The District is required to give annual notification to parents and guardians regarding certain portions of the instructional program and matters related to school administration.
Each parent or guardian is required to sign that you have been informed of your rights. Your signature is an acknowledgment that you have been informed of your rights; it does not give consent for your child or ward to participate in any activity or program in the schools.
Some legislation requires additional notification to the parents or guardians during the school term prior to a specific activity. A separate letter will be sent to the parents or guardians prior to any of these specified activities or classes. Other legislation grants certain rights that are spelled out in this Annual Notification.
The Governing Board encourages each parent and guardian to read and know their rights under the laws governing the education of their children. The District and its Governing Board recognize that parent or guardian involvement in their child's education promotes student achievement and contributes greatly to the student's success. Parents or guardians are urged to fully exercise their rights according to the laws that are explained in this Annual Notification. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the principal of your child's school.
🍴🥗 Nutrition Services
TVUSD Community Eligibility Program (CEP)
Temecula Valley Unified School District announced it will operate the Community Eligibility Program (CEP) under the National School Lunch I School Breakfast Programs for the 2024-2025 school year. Schools qualifying to operate CEP serve breakfast and lunch to all children at no charge and eliminate the collection of meal applications for free, reduced-price, and paid student meals. This new approach reduces the burdens for both families and school administrators and helps ensure that students receive nutritious meals.
🚌 Bus Transportation Applications
24-25 Online Bus Pass Application is Now Available!
The online bus pass application for the 2024/2025 school year is now available! Please be aware of the following:
- Your student must be enrolled for the 2024/2025 school year prior to completing the online application.
- If your student is new to our district, you will need to attach a photo.
- If you are applying for free or reduced fare, you will need to attach a document from the list of acceptable income verification documents.
Questions About Bus Passes & Online Registration?
For all questions regarding bus passes and online registration, please visit https: www.tvusd.k12.ca.us
For all questions regarding bus passes and online registration, please visit https://www.tvusd.k12.ca.us/buspassregistration or call (951)506-7008.
Beginning August 1, 2024, the bus pass office will be open 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM for in-person applications. Take advantage of the online application and avoid waiting in line!
TVUSD Offers Fee-based Home-to-School Transportation
Temecula Valley Unified School District offers fee-based home-to-school transportation for students living more than:
- 1.25 aerial miles from their home elementary school
- 2.50 aerial miles from their home middle school
- 3.25 aerial miles from their home high school
🚧 Construction Updates
CHS Athletic Facility
The construction of TVUSD's new Athletic Facility at Chaparral High School is zooming ahead! The steel structure is nearly done, and we’re aiming to have the roof up by the end of August, beating the rainy season. Inside, walls are already rising, and all the trades are working at full throttle. Power is flowing into the building, and underground work is wrapping up. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to ELEVATE our students' success and take it to the next level!
Summit Academy
Phase three of Summit construction is in full swing! The middle school locker room is on track to open at the end of September. We anticipate a short move-in time and will fully occupy the facility by early October. We are also on track to open another instructional building with nine classrooms and collaborative space. This building is slated to open August 2025/26, simultaneous to adding 8th grade.
It is now time to complete your Annual Family Update in your Infinite Campus Parent Portal. This update is REQUIRED FOR ALL STUDENTS RETURNING TO TVUSD FOR THE 24/25 SCHOOL YEAR.
Any student who does not have a completed Annual Update:
- may not be enrolled in a class for the 24/25 school year
- may not receive a schedule
- and may not be able to participate in school business days in August.
It is imperative that all families complete the Annual Family Update as soon as possible to prevent any delay in your child's enrollment for this school year.
Please note, this process is for RETURNING STUDENTS ONLY. If you have a child in your family who will be new to TVUSD for the 24/25 school year, you must complete the New Student Enrollment process. Click HERE for New Student Enrollment instructions.
Visit our website for more information: https://www.tvusd.k12.ca.us/lovetolearnpreschool
New Family Enrollment Now Open, First Come First Served
Open enrollment for new families is on a first come, first serve basis. Click here to access the enrollment request link. Please note that we will give Priority Placement to those students requesting the Full Day Class and then to students of District Employees.
Ages & Eligibility, Days/Hours of Operations, & Cost
For more information, please click here to visit the Love to Learn Preschool website.
Days/Hours of Operations
Love to Learn Preschool follows the TVUSD yearly calendar located on the District’s website. https://www.tvusd.k12.ca.us
- AM Class 8:30am - 11:30am
- Full-Day Class 8:30am - 3:00pm (8:30am – 12:30pm on all modified days)
🏫 24/25 TK/Kinder Enrollment
Online Pre-Enrollment
Appointments are assigned by schools. Please see the list to the right for more details.
If you are having technology issues or have any questions about pre-enrollment, please send a message via Let's Talk by clicking here or call 951-506-7937 to speak with a CEC Technician.
The window for enrolling NEW 1st-12th grade students for the 24/25 school year is now open. You can register your child today!
📲 This Week on Social Media
📲 TVUSD Back-to-School Hub
🚨 We're excited to start the new school year on Wednesday, August 14th! 🙌 To help your family get ready, we've created a 🎒 Back-to-School hub where you will find important information for the start of the school year. 📲 We've also added additional links on how to stay informed and get involved! 👀 Check it out: https://www.tvusd.k12.ca.us/backtoschool
🏆 TVUSD Communications Department Receives NSPRA Awards
🤗 We are thrilled to share that the TVUSD Communication Department's efforts were recognized in July at the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) conference in Seattle! The team received a 🏆Golden Achievement Award for their ✋ High Five Employee Recognition Program, along with two 🏆Publications & Digital Media Excellence Awards for 🎥 videos created in house, and one for the 📰 Community Connection newsletter. 🎉 Way to go, TVUSD! 👍 @tvusd.official
Care Solace
🏈 High School Athletics 🏀
Subscribe to the Community Connection by clicking on the "Subscribe to TVUSD" link below. You can also catch up on past newsletters by visiting the Community Connection Newsletter Archive webpage or by clicking this link to view our newsletters in the Smore Archive Folder.
Temecula Valley Unified School District
Location: 31350 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, CA, USA
Phone: (951)676-2661