CES Weekly Communicator
Issue #18: December 13, 2024
Principal Corner
Happy Friday, Chapelfield families.
This week I was impressed with our students. We have a week before Winter Break and your child/ren are working hard. They are also showing PAWS (being positive, acting responsibly, working hard, and showing respect). I saw many students help one another during indoor recess, raise their hand in class, follow the playground rules when we were able to go outside, report concerns, apologize when they made a mistake, and wave to friends and staff in the hall. I know many students were given PAWS stickers this week for going above and beyond. I am so proud of our students!
I just want to remind you that the weather has gotten cold. We go outside when the temperature outside is 20 degrees or above. Please have your child bring their coat, a hat, and gloves. If you need a coat, gloves and/or hat for your child, we are happy to help. We have several that were donated that you can keep. Please email me at millern@gjps.org.
Stay warm! Have a great weekend.
Nikki Miller
Volunteers Needed for 3rd grade
Third Grade will be creating our annual Patchwork Pillows on December 19th. As many of you know, this is a super fun and memorable event for the third graders, but requires a lot of help! We are hoping to have more volunteer sewers with a sewing machine to help put together the student's patchwork pillows. If you know anyone who is available on December 19th from 12:10-2:30 p.m. with a sewing machine please use the sign up link below or email ginnt@gjps.org. Thank you for your support!
Mental Health Team
School Counselor's Corner with Mrs. Jasin
The holiday season, while it brings feelings of joy, can also be a source of stress for children (and adults), leading to changes in their mood, behavior, and emotional well-being. It's important for parents and caregivers to be aware of these potential challenges and take steps to support their children's mental health during this time.
Gahanna Residents In Need (GRIN) – Winter Coat Distribution
Saturdays Dec. 14 & 21, 11AM-1PM
Monday Dec. 16, 5-7PM
161 Granville Street, Gahanna, OH 43230
(614) 214-4747
Residents in the 43230 zip code or Gahanna-Jefferson school district area can attend during the times listed above to receive free winter coats on a first come, first served basis. ID is required.
We kindly ask that ALL visitors follow the steps below each and every time you visit Chapelfield:
1. Once at the front, exterior doors of the school, press the buzzer. A member of the office staff will ask your reason for visiting Chapelfield.
2. Once inside the vestibule, you will enter your drivers' license or state ID into the scanner. ALL visitors/guests/guardians need to scan their drivers license EACH and EVERY time they visit Chapelfield.
3. Once your license has been scanned and processed you will be permitted to enter the main office area to pick up your visitor/volunteer badge.
4. If you have NEVER had your driver's licensed scanned at Chapelfield before, this will take a longer time. You will want to plan accordingly.
**As a reminder, if there is a non-guardian planning to visit Chapelfield for any reason (to eat lunch, read a book in the classroom, visit the bookfair, take your child to an appointment etc.), we ask that the guardian email the teacher and front office (gilzows@gjps.org ) to let us know prior to the visit.
Our Vestibule
The vestibule will be a place you have to wait if you are picking up a student, dropping off a book bag or lunch box.
The office is a busy place and there are times that we are dealing with student confidential issues. The vestibule will be a place to wait. It also allows us to keep our building safe. We want to keep students and staff safe including keeping confidential information safe. Thank you for understanding.
Related Arts Spotlight
Physical Education Update from Mr. Scheibeck
Hello CES Families,
In our PE class, we’re focusing on more than just physical fitness—we’re building meaningful relationships. While gym class is often seen as a place for kids to run around, it’s really about teamwork, communication, and trust. Through games and activities, students have the chance to connect and collaborate, building stronger bonds with each other.
Recently, our 2nd through 5th graders wrapped up a two-week golf unit. While golf may not be for everyone, one of the things I love about PE is the opportunity to introduce students to sports and activities they might not experience elsewhere. Whether it’s golf, badminton, or something else, PE allows us to explore a wide range of activities that can spark new interests and provide valuable life skills.
In addition to these lessons, we’ve been partnering 5th graders with kindergartners to help build relationships across ages. It’s been wonderful to see the older students mentor the younger ones, forming bonds that go beyond the gym.
We look forward to continuing to foster teamwork, communication, and relationships through all our activities.
Thank you and have a fantastic weekend!
Mr. Scheibeck
PTO Updates
PTO sponsored a limo ride to Mod Pizza for our Read-A-Thon winners before break!
PTO Events
*Little Caesars Restaurant Fundraiser: Don’t miss out on the opportunity to help raise money for Chapelfield Elementary PTO by purchasing delicious Little Caesars pizza, bread, cookies, and meal deal codes!
1. Click the link below to place your order now: https://fundraising.littlecaesars.com/fundraisers/support/b4dd580d-6bd1-4a54-9172-fe065acb7656
2. Share our link with everyone you know who loves pizza via email or text, and post on your social media pages to reach even more people.
Remember, you earn $6.00 on every item you sell.
Thanks for your participation! Our fundraiser ends 12/25/2024.
*Mark your calendars for Pancakes and Pajamas with The PTO on January 22nd 6:00-7:30 p.m..
*Save the date for Family Night will be held on Friday, January 24th.
5th Grade Committee Updates:
*Thank you for supporting our candy cane fundraiser!
*Mark your calendars for Skate Zone 71 skate night on Monday, January 13th from 6:00-8:30 p.m.
Community Connections
GJPS Heart and Pride Award
The Heart and Pride Award recognizes two outstanding staff members each month who make a profound impact on our students and Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools.
The Heart & Pride Nomination Form will remain available year-round and is open to any member of our staff, regardless of position.
December Important Dates
Monday, December 16: Spirit Week-Tinsel Toes-Wear warm, winter, fun socks
Tuesday, December 17: Spirit Week-Channel your flannel-Wear your favorite flannel
Wednesday, December 18: Spirit Week-Candy Cane Day-Wear red and white
Thursday, December 19: Spirit Week-Fancy Up-Wear your fanciest winter or NYE's outfit
Friday, December 20:
*Spirit Week-Snooze Day-Wear your cozy, comfy pajamas
*End of quart 2
*PAWS breakfast at 7:30 a.m. in the gym
*Last day of school before winter break
Monday, December 23-Friday, January 3: Winter Break
*Please note that Friday, January 3 is a teacher work day; NO STUDENTS that day.
Monday, January 6: Students return to school from winter break
Spirit Week-December 16-20th
Important District Links
280 Chapelfield Road
Gahanna, OH 43230