The Weekly Roar
April 23. 2022
Principal Updates
Targeted Conference Days
Targeted Conferences are a time for teachers and families to meet to discuss any concerns about students who may need additional support academically, emotionally, or socially. If you are asked to attend a conference, please know that the goal is to support your child. We want all of our students to have the best educational outcomes. If you do not hear from your teacher, consider this as "no news is good news". Thank you CCUSD to carving out time for all of us to communicate. Also, don't forget that all students are dismissed at 1:45 on Thursday and Friday. Mark your calendars or set alarms on your phones!
Communicating with School Staff
Your communication is important to us! Lately, we are noticing an uptick in emails, phone calls, and texts. Please be patient with us as we try to respond to each of you. Please remember that it may take up to 48 hours for teachers to respond to you. If you need to notify the teacher of something important that is happening today, the fastest method may be to write an old-fashioned note and ask your child to hand it to your teacher. If you are trying to reach me, the principal, via email, please allow me 24-72 hours. If you require immediate help from me, please call the office and leave a message with the office team. Be sure to give the office team a few details so that I can prepare myself before returning your call. Thank you in advance for being patient with us. We are trying our best.
Support with Student Interactions and Behavior
It's that time of year where our children start to feel summer coming. We need all parents to help us encourage our Lions to remember to make good choices and remember to show our PAWS/PATA values. If you learn that your child has made a mistake in this area, please help us by following up at home with important talks and possible consequences. It will take ALL of us to ensure that our students treat one another with kindness and respect. Below are our PAWS/PATA values.
Check those Backpacks
At the elementary age, it's absolutely appropriate and encouraged for families to check their students backpacks regularly. Often, there is important information for families to read. Plus, it gives families a glimpse into what is happening at school. You can also help us keep toys and distracting items at home.
In this newsletter:
- This Week at La Ballona
- How Can I Support My Child at School
- Around the School
- Upcoming Parent Education and Family Events
- Information for 5th Grade Families
- Community Support Needed
- Green Tip of the Week
- Important Dates
Stay PAWSitive!
Dr. Becky Godbey
1. This Week at La Ballona
Monday, April 25th
-regular day-
Tuesday, April 26th
Covid Testing
SSC Meeting, 3:30
School Board Meeting, 6:00
Wednesday, April 27th
1:45 Dismissal
Equal Access Committee, 7pm (flyer below)
Thursday, April 28th
Targeted Conferences, 1:45 Dismissal
PTA DEI Committee Meeting (Link)
Friday, April 29th
Targeted Conferences, 1:45 Dismissal
2. How Can I Support My Child in School?
Student Handbook Highlight: What items are restricted at school?
This week we will highlight what items are restricted
Students are not to bring toys, games, electronic games, skateboards, roller-skates/rollerblades or scooters, trading cards, or sports equipment to school. Toy-like school supplies are also not appropriate. Note: Of course, weapons are prohibited as well, but I know that we all already know this.
Mask Update from Superintendent Tran (REPEATED)
The short version is that we will continue wearing masks indoors until May 2.
LB PTA April Cultural Calendar
3. Around the School
Babysitting for Targeted Teachers Conferences
During any parent teacher conferences, school is dismissed at 1:45pm, even if your child is not scheduled for a conference. The PTA will offer 2 days of after school care during targeted parent teacher conferences (1:45pm-3:30pm). For $10/day ($5/day for each additional sibling) you can leave your child(ren) in their own school environment with supervision from parent volunteers. Fill out a form for each child. You will get an email confirmation with payment instructions. If you prefer to pay with cash or check, please fill out this form then contact Laura ( to arrange payment. Please include comments or questions at the bottom of the form. If you are a PTA member, you get $1 off! And for a limited time, if you sign up for a PTA membership, it will be applied to your babysitting cost (you'll still pay $10 for two days, but $8 will go towards your membership fee). Just mention this deal when you fill out the form.
The La Ballona Times
Wednesday Principal Assembly
Star FREE After School childcare registration!
Silly Stringed!
Star NOVA class registration is now open.
School Site Council Meeting, Tuesday, April 26 at 3:30 p.m.
School Site Council is the school governance body, which reviews school-wide data, develops a school plan, and allocates supplemental school funds in ways that further the goals articulated in the plan. The governance body consists of the site principal, school staff members, and parents/community members.
Our next School Site Council Meeting is set for Tuesday, April 26 at 3:30 p.m. As a reminder, School Site Council meetings are open to the public, and any member of the public may address the council or committee during the meeting on any item within the subject matter jurisdiction of the council or committee. The agenda and Zoom Link is below.
4. Upcoming Parent Education and Family Events
Equal Access Committee meeting!
Our next meeting is Wednesday, April 27th at 7pm through ZOOM. Code in the flyer below, thank you! Everyone is welcome.
5. Information for 5th Grade Families
La Ballona 5th Grade Recipe Book needs more Recipes!!
The fifth grade committee is putting together a school cookbook for our Class of 2022 legacy project. We would like to have 1-3 of your favorite recipes as soon as possible (we may be able to add more if space permits). We will select one or more of your recipes to be included in our cookbook; your name will even be printed in the cookbook with each of your own recipes! Please include recipes that reflect your culture, holiday recipes, easy weeknight meals, or ones that are special to your family. If your student is in fifth grade, your recipe will definitely be included. We will include recipes from other grades as space permits.
6. Community Support Needed
Mothers Day fundraiser!
From April 18th - May 1st, you can purchase your Mothers Day flowers at The Floral Boutique (Venice & Girard) and 15% of your purchase will go back to the La Ballona PTA at no extra cost to you.
La Ballona Cultural Celebration-June 3rd
Do you have a food truck, restaurant, or food business to offer food for sale at the event? Do You have a special recipe that you can make and donate for our "snake around the world: food stand? Do you know a dance from your culture that you would like to teach in partnership with our dance instructor? Please email OR to help out and be a part of this amazon upcoming event at La Ballona.
We need Your Help!
La Ballona Needs your help! We have a few opportunities to join short-term committees for upcoming events at La Ballona. We can't do these activities without the help of several parents, and we truly appreciate your support!
1. International Family Night: We need people to help plan and organize the International Dinner & Entertainment Extravaganza on Friday June 3rd this year. Please contact Laura ( if you are interested in wrangling kids on the day of, decorating, setup and tear down, or just being involved.
2. 5th grade committee: 5th grade parents! We need help for the 5th grade activities at the end of the year. Please contact Laura ( if you can help set up and tear down, get donations for treat bags, contribute to the picnic potluck, or anything else.
3. Kinder committee: Kinder parents! Please email Liz ( if you are willing to help set-up and teardown, contribute cookies, snacks, or juice, or just want to get involved.
4. Staff appreciation: May 2-6 is Teacher and staff appreciation week! We need parents who can make Teacher and Staff appreciation week amazing for our beloved La Ballona Staff. Please email Sonni ( if interested.
5. Auction committee: If you're a parent who can volunteer from home, consider joining the Auction Committee! We need you! Our October auction raises around $28000 every year, and we need people to help solicit donations, take pictures, upload descriptions and send thank you's at the end. Email Michele ( to join!
6. Cone Crew: Love being outdoors? Cone Crew needs a couple more parents to keep our pick ups and drop offs more smooth and orderly. It's just 30 minutes of your time once a week (or more if you can)! Volunteers must go through the official volunteer process (fingerprinting) to participate. Contact Nichole ( for more info.
7. Field Day: The last day of school, June 10th is Field Day! We need parents to man stations (like bean bag toss and hula hoops) for an exciting, active last day of school! Please email Laura ( to be put on the list....
7. Green Tip of the Week
8. Important Dates (New Dates in Bold)
- May 2-6- Staff & Teacher Appreciation Week! This week is all about honoring the teachers and staff at the school that help your children each day.
- May 11- Open House (Virtual)
- May 30- Memorial Holiday, No School
- June 3- La Ballona Cultural Celebration, 6pm (School-wide Event)
- June 9- 5th Grade Promotion, 9:30am
- June 10- Kinder Celebration, 9:00am
- June 10- Field Day, 1st-5th grades
- June 10- Last Day of school, Early Dismissal
La Ballona Elementary School
Culver City, CA 90232
Location: La Ballona Elementary School, Washington Boulevard, Culver City, CA, USA
Phone: 3108424334
Twitter: @LaBallona