YMSL - Legacy Chapter
Spring 2020!
Highlighted in this issue:
- FInal Moms Meeting
- Final Boys Meeting
- Hours Reminders
- Banquet News
- We Need Pictures!
Final Moms Meeting - April 7th 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Come hear Michelle Adams as she shares how the teenage boy brain works-- and how differently his brain interprets vs. how our mom brain works and interpret things.
Country Place clubhouse at 3600 Country Place Drive, Plano, Tx.
This will be the last mom’s meeting of the year!
- Food will be provided. Bring wine to share if you'd like!
- Please RSVP on the website calendar asap.
Final Boys Meeting - Sunday, March 22, 2020
Class of 2021
- 1:30pm - 3:00pm
- Interview skills including social media presence for future employers
- Christ United Methodist Church
Class of 2022
- 1:30pm - 3:00pm
- Ridgeview Ranch Clubhouse 2701 Ridgeview Drive Plano, TX 75025
- Golf pros and Inspirational speakers Mr. Hansen and Mr. Krebs
Class of 2023
- 1:30pm - 3:00pm
- Christ United Methodist Church
- Melissa Woods, Licensed Professional Counselor
Important Reminders
- YMSL Service Award (+5 hours)
- YMSL Outstanding Service Award (+10 hours)
- YMSL Superior Service Award (+20 hours)
Senior requirements are due by April 15th!
- Minimum of 15 approved philanthropy hours each
- Member Mom & Son must complete 7 philanthropy hrs together
- Member Moms: Minimum of 3 meetings
- Senior Sons: Minimum of 4 meetings
9th-11th grade philanthropy hours due by April 30th!
- Minimum of 20 approved philanthropy hours each.
- Member Mom & Son must complete 10 philanthropy hrs together. 9th Grade Provisional Member Mom & Son must work a minimum of four different philanthropies
9th-11th grade meeting requirements due by April 30th!
- Member Moms: Minimum of 3 meetings
- Sons: Minimum of 5 meetings
If the minimum number of meetings are not attended, the member mom and/or the son MUST complete an additional 2 philanthropy hours for each meeting missed. These hours must be served after February 15th.
Do you need more volunteer hours?
Having trouble finding shifts? Check out these philanthropies that have flexible schedules!!
Annual Banquet - Sunday, April 26th
The theme this year is Boots, Bling, and Bowties. We'd like to see our young men in jackets and bowties - boots are optional. Moms, just have fun with the theme.
- RSVP by April 5, 2020
- Eldorado Country Club, 2604 Country Club Drive, McKinney
Boy's Classes 2021, 2022 and 2023, the doors will open at 5:30pm.
- Sign in at the reception table and find out your position for next year.
- Then, proceed to the banquet hall and photographer.
Class of 2020--if you are bringing guests, please go to the SENIORS ONLY page on the calendar (4/26/2020) and pay for them through Paypal. Your schedule is as follows:
- 4-6pm Senior Reception and Pictures
- 5pm Mandatory Cord Presentation Rehearsal (Bring Cap and Gown)
- 6:30-8:30pm Banquet
Photo Storage
Documenting our time with YSML is extremely important!. We need your help! Please take pictures at any of the events you attend throughout the year and UPLOAD them onto the YMSL website. This could be volunteer opportunities, boy meetings, mom meetings, and special events. Organizing the photos will also help your class when it's time for the Senior Slideshow!
NOTE: High resolution pictures from your camera or phone are much better quality than photos pulled off of Facebook!!
The folders are ready for you now. Happy uploading! Here is how you do it:
Login into YMSL website
Click “Photo” tab on the top bar. On the right side scroll down and click on the appropriate folder. Please include events, volunteer activities & boys meetings that only pertain to a specific class year.
- Class of 2020 Pictures 2019-2020
- Class of 2021 Pictures 2019-2020
- Class of 2022 Pictures 2019-2020
- Class of 2023 Pictures 2019-2020
- 2019-2020 Mom Meetings and Mom Events - Please include Mom Meetings and Mom Special Events that include all grade levels
Title photo - if possible, label pictures as follows:
- CO202X Activity Name Event Date (ex. CO2023 Bedstart 08242019)
- X – Class Graduation Year
- Activity Name – such as BedStart, Friday Night Friends, etc
- Event Date – ex. 08192019 (Aug 18, 2019)
Caption - list names in pictures if known
Upload - Photo file
Save Photo
Thank you for your help in documenting this awesome YSML Chapter!!
Logging Hours
- Be sure to log your hours as soon as you have completed your service. If you don't, you will receive a reminder email and you can do it then. If for some reason you missed your assignment please do not log hours. A new procedure on how to address missed hours is coming soon.
- When logging your hours, be sure to log the actual number of hours served. If no number is entered the entry will not be accepted.
Class Grade Level Advisor (GLA)
Please reach out to any of these ladies if you have any questions or need additional information.
VP Boys Laura Frawley laurakfrawley@gmail.com
VP Boys Elect Kristen Glasscock kglasscock@msn.com
2023 Karen Linsteadt klinsteadt@msn.com
2022 Kay Scanlon Kay.scanlon@gmail.com
2021 Jenny Van Cleve tjvancleve1@verizon.net
2020 Melissa Garcia melissalgarcia@gmail.com
Our Website - Your One-Stop Shop for Everything YMSL
Our chapter website is also the best place to find the following:
- Sign up to serve
- Check calendar opening dates
- RSVP for meetings
- Log your hours
- Connect with members
- Purchase YMSL Merch
All contents of this newsletter are to the best of the knowledge of those collecting it.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please email the contacts listed
or Lianne Boone at lianneboone@att.net