The Sequoit Weekly
Week of February 3, 2025

Important Upcoming Dates
This Week and Beyond
February 6th
- You Make A Difference Awards, 7:00 am
- Sequoit Pride Booster Club Monthly Meeting 7:00 pm
- Institute Day - NO SCHOOL
February 17th
February 20th
- Board of Education Meeting @LCHS 6:30 pm
February 27th
- Semester 2 Grade Checkpoint 1 of 3
Infinite Campus Tips (NEW)
Check out our D117 Infinite Campus Parent University for a library of Infinite Campus tips.
Spring Student Surveys (NEW)
Students will be asked to participate in a social learning survey during 2nd period on February 24, 2025. A modified bell schedule for February 24 will be used to provide time for administration.
On March 17 students will be asked to complete anonymous school environment and equity-and-inclusion surveys. This year D117 has applied for permission to use the data collected through these surveys in place of an additional survey that students have been asked to complete in the past called 5Essentials. We're excited to preserve more instructional time by consolidating how many surveys we ask students to complete.
You can read the district letter regarding these surveys, including an opportunity for parent opt-out, here: Panorama family letter -- Spring 2025 student surveys.
More information about a new Panorama Education parent survey will be coming soon.
E-learning Notice Of Public Hearing (NEW)
Every three years, we are required to hold a public hearing to be able to use "e-learning days" in lieu of emergency days. We are sharing the notice of the public hearing with both staff and the community. Here is the Notice of Public Hearing.
Notice of Public Hearing
According to Section 10-20.56 of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/10-20.56], school districts may, by adopted resolution, utilize "e-learning days" in lieu of emergency days. The number of e-learning days may not exceed the minimum number of proposed emergency days for an approved school calendar. The district's e-learning program must be verified by the regional office of education or intermediate service center for the school district prior to implementation. The school board must hold a public hearing prior to initial adoption or renewal of an e-learning program. Notice is hereby given by the Board of Education of Community High School District 117 in the County of Lake, State of Illinois, the Resolution to Adopt eLearning Program in Lieu of the District’s Scheduled Emergency Days for said school district for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2025 and ending June 30, 2028 will be on file and conveniently available for public inspection at the School District 117 Business Office, 1625 Deep Lake Road, Lake Villa, Illinois 60046. Hours of inspection are 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Notice is further hereby given that a public hearing on said resolution will be held at 6:30 p.m. on the 20th day of February 2025, at Lakes Community High School, 1600 Eagle Way, Lake Villa, IL 60046 by the Board of Education Community High School District 117, in the County of Lake, State of Illinois.
Summer School registration now open (NEW)
D117 Students and Guardians,
Hello! Registration for D117 Summer School 2025 is open. As a reminder, registration closes on April 4th! The options offered are various credit-bearing courses, bridge courses to assist with transitioning to higher-level coursework, credit recovery, and Summer Freshman Academy. Shared here (https://tinyurl.com/57sn5kxz) is the Summer School Brochure. For clarity, the last page of the brochure contains the information and links to the registration form. If you have any questions, please reach out to your counselor or respective building Summer School Principal.
Megan Troyer, ACHS Summer School Principal (847-395-9127 and megan.troyer@chsd117.org)
Curt Onstad, LCHS Summer School Principal (847-838-7623 and curt.onstad@chsd117.org)
Local Scholarship Application for Seniors Now Open (NEW)
Deadline: Friday, February 28, 2025. No late submissions accepted.
Families can review the list of available local scholarships here.
National School Counselor Week (NEW)
Steve Avallone
Brett Heintz
Debbie Jasnoch
Kelly Lindgren
Kelly McCracken
Taylor Travers
CLC Apprenticeship Awareness Spring Break Program (NEW)
Students 9-12 who are interested in pursuing a CLC Apprenticeship Program after graduation are invited to a Spring Break Preview! The program will run from March 24 - 27, 9am-12pm in the areas of Business, Early Childhood Education, Horticulture, Information Technology, and Manufacturing. A stipend will be provided for students who complete the program. Applications open on Wednesday, February 12 and limited spots are available. Interested students can contact our Post-High School Counselor, Ms. McCracken, at kelly.mccracken@chsd117.org OR the D117 CLC Navigator, Mr. Noote, at patrick.noote@chsd117.org to ensure they receive the registration form right away and complete it asap. Slots fill up quickly!
Attendance Matters (NEW)
Sequoit Pride Online Spirit Shop (3rd Week)
The Sequoit Pride Booster Club has an on-line store. Help support activities and experiences for our students by purchasing some spirit wear. You can access the store by using this link.
Call For Volunteers: Mock Interviews (2nd Week)
Antioch Community High School is again hosting Mock Interviews for students in Introduction to Business, Personal Finance & Life Resource Management (LRM). Students have been exploring careers, resumes and the interview process. Mock Interviews provide the opportunity for them to make these concepts real.
Mock Interviews will take place on Thursday, Feb. 13. We need YOUR help to make the project a success - can you help us provide this real-world life experience? This process allows our students to be both college and career-ready.
Please SIGN UP HERE for the individual period(s) you are available. There will be approximately 160 students interviewing over the day. The specific schedule for volunteers is as follows:
Period 1 8:00-8:50 4 volunteers needed
Period 2 8:55-9:45 6 volunteers needed
Period 3 9:50-10:40 8 volunteers needed
Period 5 11:40-12:30 5 volunteers needed
Period 7 1:30-2:20 11 volunteers needed (2 classes)
Period 8 2:25-3:15 7 volunteers needed
In our current economic times, many companies are looking for ways to connect with potential employees. If your company would like to participate in this Mock Interview opportunity, please feel free to share this email. We are eager to partner with the community to provide real connections for our students and local businesses.
Further information including student expectations, potential interview questions and a rubric “scoring guide” will be provided to confirmed volunteers before the Mock Interviews.
If you have questions, please do contact me at donna.corcoran@chsd117.org.
Support for families experiencing housing insecurity (2nd Week)
Are you or another ACHS family experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity?
The federal McKinney-Vento Act helps protect the rights of students whose families are experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity. You can review those rights with the Illinois State Board of Education Housing Insecurity Fact Sheet and read more at isbe.net/Pages/Homeless.aspx.
You can reference ISBE's parent questionnaire if you want to consider if your student may be eligible for services.
Reach out to ACHS's McKinney-Vento liaison, Assistant Principal for Student Services Scott Leverentz (scott.leverentz@chsd117.org or 847-838-7767) with any questions.
FAFSA Workshop @ ACHS February 4th immediately after school
ACHS is also hosting another FAFSA Completion Help workshop on February 4th immediately after school hours for seniors and their families. See the flyer below for more info!
Worried about having a dress or suit for Prom? (NEW)
Students who would like to attend Prom but are worried about having the right apparel should check out the 2025 Pop Up Prom Experience the weekend of March 8th and 9th coordinated by Mothers Trust Foundation with support from Zengeler Cleaners, College of Lake County, and the University Center of Lake County.
The College Funding Coach Zoom (NEW)
We’re excited to host The College Funding Coach® for an interactive webinar: "Little-Known Secrets of Paying for College" on February 13th @ 6:30 PM.
Learn how to save and pay for college without sacrificing your retirement. Whether your child is heading to college soon or you have years to plan, this event is for you! This workshop will educate you on how to make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes. Don’t miss out!
Register for your link to join the Antioch Community High School Workshop!
Parent Webinar: Reducing Risks, Building Trust: Substance Use Guide for Families
Compass Health Center is excited to continue their three-part series: Parent and Family University, and we’d love for you to be part of it!
Join us for our [virtual] session on February 19th: Reducing Risks, Building Trust: Substance Use Guidance for Families. This event offers practical, expert-led strategies for families to navigate mental health challenges and foster healthier habits.
Why You Should Attend:
Expert Advice: Learn practical strategies for mental health, substance use, and screen habits from Compass clinicians.
Actionable Tools: Get easy-to-apply tips to support your family’s well-being.
Build Trust: Strengthen communication and trust with your loved ones.
Convenient & Virtual: Join us from home at your convenience.
Sequoit Athletics (NEW)
Girls Wrestling Regionals
Girls Wrestling Regionals
Basketball Photo Shoot and Breakfast
Girls Bowling Conference
ACHS Activities (NEW)
Los Sequoits will be selling bracelets for The Pulsera Project during all Lunch Periods Feb 4, 7, 12, 13. Support this amazing cause. Bring $5 or you will also be able to purchase using the QR code on fliers posted throughout the school.
ACHS Chess Team Heading to State Tournament (NEW)
Congratulations to the Antioch Community High School Chess Team for bringing the NLCC Conference trophy back home for the first time in two years! After an impressive four consecutive championships, the trophy had found a new home last year, but the team’s determination and skill have reclaimed what’s rightfully theirs. Just this past weekend, the ACHS Chess Team qualified for the IHSA State Tournament. Under the expert leadership of Coach Jake House and Assistant Coach Scot Henderson, the team demonstrated exceptional strategy, teamwork, and perseverance throughout the season. Good luck in Peoria.
Useful Links and Documents
Important Phone Numbers
Main Office:
Dean's Office:
Nurses Office:
847-395-9176 (phone)
847-701-4828 (fax)
Student Services:
College & Career Center: