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Superintendent's Update
February 23, 2024
Hello Auburn Families and Staff,
I hope you have all had a good school vacation week. I have some new information to share and some important repeat information this week: below there is a button for the 2024-2025 school calendar, the Bus Transportation Form that must be completed for all students who plan to ride the school bus in the 2024-2025 school year and information for Registration for the APS Preschool and Kindergarten is now open.
I would also like to share some information related to the Polar Plunge that will take place in the Auburn Public Schools in March. I would like to thank Ali Deluca, Special Educator and Department Chair at Auburn High School for sharing this information with me, so I can share it with you. APS has been Polar Plunging since 2020 in various ways. We have created our own independent versions of a plunge, we have been hosed down by firefighters, and we have attended the first plunge hosted by Polar Park into a pool in the outfield. This year, we are hosting the plunge with the first ever Mobile Plunge Unit provided by Special Olympics. (see the attached One Pager).
Each participant, either plungers or towel holders, raises money and for Special Olympics Massachusetts. We also hope to raise awareness and share what incredible opportunities are available through the Special Olympics. Participants believe that sports are the gateway to building confidence, lifelong friendships, and becoming leaders in the community. All donations will fund inclusive experiences for more than 14,000 Special Olympics athletes and 15,000+ volunteers in Massachusetts. Special Olympics provides athletes with disabilities a community that lasts beyond their high school years, as students transition to post secondary opportunities, Special Olympics will still be available, as athletes can participate for life. Below, please find more information on how you can help to support this amazing event and see some pictures and videos from past events.
Below you will also find a button with the updated fee schedule for Satellite and Galaxy, our elementary before and after school programs. You will note that there has been an increase to $ 10 for the morning and $ 20 for the afternoon program. This increase was necessitated by our commitment to providing high quality programming and top notch staffing. We remain less expensive than nearly all area programs and this will allow us to maintain a robust program for our students. Registration for the 2024-2025 Satellite and Galaxy programs will open on May 1, 2024.
Below you will find detailed information on the Auburn Public Schools DESE Report Card. I encourage you to review this information and contact us if you have any questions.
I am including a list of the remaining School Committee meetings for 2023-2024 for your reference. Please note that our meetings are held in person in the School Committee room at 5 West Street and are open to the public and they are also live streamed on Charter channel 194 and on YouTube at ACTVAUBURN. We also welcome participants via ZOOM. For the public to join the meeting remotely through Zoom, you must preregister by emailing Mandy Rocco, mrocco@auburn.k12.ma.us to ensure you are allowed entry into the meeting. Access via Zoom is not guaranteed after 6:15pm. All meetings begin promptly at 6:00PM.
Meeting ID: 857 1282 3082
Television: Charter Channel 194
- Wednesday, February 28, 2024
- Wednesday, March 13, 2024
- Wednesday, March 27, 2024
- Wednesday, April 10, 2024 (Public Hearing on FY 24 Budget)
- Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. prior to Annual Town Meeting (if needed)
- Wednesday May 15, 2024 – Regular and Reorganizational Meeting (Town Elections are May 14, 2024)
- Wednesday, June 5, 2024
- Wednesday, June 26, 2024 (if needed)
Thank you for your continued support of the Auburn Public Schools.
On March 22nd, Auburn Students, Faculty, Staff, and First Responders will be taking the PLUNGE. The plunge is for Auburn Students and Staff and first responders only and we have multiple teams:
- AHS Students and Staff
- AMS Students and Staff
- Central Office
- Auburn Fire and Police Department
- Elementary school staff
If you would like to donate to Special Olympics by supporting a Plunger or towel holder, the link is below. Once you click on it, choose "donate", and search for one of the team names above. Once it shows up, the individual team members will appear below it and you can choose an individual to donate to.
By hosting the Polar Plunge mobile site, we aim to support Special Olympics Massachusetts and promote a sense of community and shared values among our staff, students and first responders while also bringing out a little friendly competition.
Attached are some pictures from past plunges. There is also a mobile plunge "one sheeter" which has a picture of the plunge unit that is being delivered. This link is a video of one of our plunges with the AFD support. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sUxfM1-MfFTINWtreRP17UXxsF8vLTtt/view?usp=sharing
Please see the attachment below for more information on this position and please, spread the word!
Every year, each public school and school district in Massachusetts receives a report card. Just as your child’s report card shows how they are doing in different subjects, the school’s report card is designed to show families how our school is doing in different areas. A link to both district and school report cards is available on the DESE website.
The report card includes multiple measures of a school’s performance – more than just MCAS scores. It represents a new way of looking at school performance, by providing information on student achievement, teacher qualifications, student learning opportunities, and more.
Report cards are designed to be useful tools for everyone connected to our school. Families can use the information to have meaningful conversations with us about what the school is doing well and where there is room for improvement. Community and education leaders can use the information to better understand how to support students and our school.
You will notice on our report card that we continue to do well in many areas as compared to the state.. To improve student performance in our school, we will continue teacher training on Universal Design for Learning and cultural competency. We encourage you to become involved in helping us improve our school. We see parents as critical partners in the success of our students and school, and we are grateful for your continued support.
Finally, if your child attends a school that receives federal Title I funds, you also have the right to request the following information about the qualifications of your child’s classroom teachers:
· Whether your child’s teacher is licensed in the grade levels and subject areas they teach,
· Whether your child’s teacher is teaching under an emergency license or waiver,
· The college degree and major of your child’s teacher, and
· Whether your child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
If you have questions about our school’s report card, would like to become involved in school improvement activities, or would like to request information about the qualifications of your child’s classroom teacher, please contact your child’s building administrator. To see our district’s report card or to search for other schools’ report cards, visit reportcards.doe.mass.edu
Once again we will be using an online Bus Application for 2024-2025 and applications are now being accepted. Please see more information below.
If you apply and pay for bus transportation by May 1st, the bus fee for 2024-2025 will remain the same as 2023-2024 which was a fee of $ 100 with a $ 250 family cap.
There is a graduated fee schedule for all payments received after May 1st.
We have made this change due to an increasing number of late applications which significantly complicates the process of determining bus routes and assigning students to buses. As always, student safety is at the heart of this decision. We hope that families will apply electronically by following the link above. However, if you are unable to do so, I have attached a paper version of the bus application along with the graduated fee schedule and the Rules and Regulations for APS busing. All paper applications and fees must be sent in or dropped off at 5 West Street and can be left in the locked drop box outside of the main entrance.
Please apply early and remember, your application is NOT complete until we receive the bus fee.
If you have questions, please call Central Office at 508-832-7755 or email apsbus@auburn.k12.ma.us.
We are pleased to let you know that registration for Preschool and Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year is now open. All registrations will be completed online. If your child already attends the Auburn Integrated Preschool, you do NOT need to complete the online registration process. You will receive information from the preschool for next steps. To formally register your child in the Auburn Public Schools, please visit the Student Registration Page on our website. We ask that if you plan to register your child, you do so as soon as possible. As you might expect, we will need ample time to plan for the coming year and the sooner we have a solid count of children who will attend, the more successful school openings will be.
If you or someone you know has a child turning 5 years of age by September 1, 2024, and are interested in registering for kindergarten, please follow the link above. If you or someone you know has a child turning 3 or 4 years of age by September 1, 2024 and are interested in enrolling in our preschool for the fall, you can do so by following the link above.
You must be a resident of Auburn to attend the Auburn Public Schools.
There are specific registration links for Preschool and Kindergarten. Please be sure to select the correct link and the correct school once you enter the registration portal.
Proof of residency (noted below) must be brought, mailed or emailed to the appropriate school.
A raised seal birth certificate must be brought to the school to be copied or can be mailed to the school. If mailed to the school, it will not be returned to you.
If you are not sure which school your child will attend for kindergarten, please call either Bryn Mawr or Pakachoag and a staff member will assist you.
All children of school age who reside in the Town of Auburn will be entitled to attend the public schools.
Every student seeking admission to the school for the first time must present a birth certificate or equivalent proof of age acceptable to the principal and proof of vaccination and immunization as required by the state and the School Committee.
Two forms documenting proof of residency
One from Category A and one from Category B – of the parent(s) or guardian(s).
Category A:
1. Property Deed The following items must be dated within the last 60 days:
2. Current Paid Residential Real Estate Tax Bill (for the home in which you are residing)
3. Fully signed and executed Purchase and Sale Agreement, followed by official closing paperwork, or mortgage statement with address
4. Current (not expired) Rental or Lease Agreement with Auburn address, signed by the tenant and landlord or property manager, with all residents listed
Category B:
1. Voter Registration with Auburn Address
2. The following items must be dated with the last 60 days:
3. Trash, water, electric, cable, gas or oil bill under parent/guardian name with the Auburn address
4. Homeowner Insurance or rental insurance bill with Auburn address
If you do not own or rent a home in Auburn and are living with an Auburn resident, a residency affidavit must be completed and notarized and be accompanied by the above noted residency information from the owner of the property. The administration reserves the right to request proof of residency at any time.
If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact the appropriate person below. Please stay tuned for more information regarding school programming, student screening and transition opportunities that will take place later in the school year. We look forward to working with you.
Auburn Integrated Preschool
Alan Keller, Principal, akeller@auburn.k12.ma.us
Caitlin O’Neill, Administrative Assistant, coneill@auburn.k12.ma.us
Bryn Mawr Elementary School
Brooke Beverly, Principal, bbeverly@auburn.k12.ma.us
Lisa Wheeler, Administrative Assistant, lwheeler@auburn.k12.ma.us
Pakachoag Elementary School
Jennifer Stanick, Principal, jstanick@auburn.k12.ma.us
Diane Meunier, Administrative Assistant, dmeunier@auburn.k12.ma.us
Monday, Feb 19, 2024, 07:00 AM
Thursday, Mar 21, 2024, 07:00 AM
Friday, Mar 22, 2024, 07:00 AM
Registration for our TOPs program is open until 4/1 and is available for residents of Auburn and surrounding towns.
We are also looking for buddies age 13+ to be part of the program as 1 on 1 coaches.
US Youth Soccer TOPSoccer (The Outreach Program for Soccer) is a recreational sports program for children and adults with intellectual, emotional, or physical disabilities offered only through local US Youth Soccer-affiliated soccer clubs. TOPSoccer provides people with diverse abilities an opportunity to play soccer in a structured environment that is safe, fun, supportive, and inclusive. In the TOPS format, coaches or “buddies” work with the TOPSoccer players in a one-on-one format on the field.
This year our program will be held at the turf field at Pappas and will be on Saturdays at 9am. To register, visit https://www.unitedsoccerofauburn.com/ Questions? Contact: Malory O’Brien tops@usauburn.com
If you like to RECYCLE this fundraiser is for YOU! :)
*ARBC is collecting old, new, out-of-style SNEAKERS...every pair counts!
*Feb 1, 2024 - Feb 28, 2024
*See attached flyer
*Any questions email auburnrocketsboosterclub@gmail.com or see our FB page.
As always THANK YOU for supporting the athletes of AHS!
Auburn Fastpitch is working hard to get American Legion Lady Fastpitch Softball started in Massachusetts! Legion softball has started in other parts of the USA and it’s about time we started this here giving our young women the same opportunities our young men get through Legion Baseball.
Do you think you might be interested?
What you need to know:
· This is for girls in grade 8 through 12. Girls entering 8th grade in fall 2024 are eligible to play.
· The American Legion Lady Fastpitch league will not interfere with travel or school softball.
· This program is a great way for girls in grades 8th-12th to play competitive softball but at an affordable cost and in some cases for free.
· We are expecting the cost to be $50-$100, however, we are hoping to get a full sponsorship to fund the player cost.
· All games will take place during the week with the occasional Sunday evenings. They will have to play a minimum of 10 games starting in June and ending with playoffs at the end of July.
· There will be a try-out, date is TBD.
· You do not need to live in Auburn to play, anyone can join our team.
· This is independent and separate from Auburn Fastpitch.
If you are interested in receiving more information, please fill out this link and we will pass along information as it comes.
The Spring season runs April through June, ages 5 and older. Registration closes March 15th, 2024. Register before 12/31/23 for a $25 early bird discount !
For registration or for more information go to:www.auburnfastpitch.org
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. ~Helen Keller