Conley Correspondence
Weekly Communication 8.30.24
Please make sure your child is coming with headphones everyday. They use them daily for Lexia and other academic tasks.
School Breakfast Starts Tuesday 9/3
Huntley 158 looks forward to expanding food service options to include breakfast at Conley starting Tuesday, September 3. Breakfast will be a cold grab-and-go breakfast kit (cereal bar or bowl of cereal, additional grain and fruit juice), white milk and fresh fruit. Cost is $1.75 (regular) or $.30 (reduced) or free for qualifying students. Breakfast is optional for all students and will be served daily in the cafeteria from 8:20 am - 8:35 am. Items will not go back to classrooms out of respect of student allergies.
5th Grade Broadcast Club
Broadcast Club is a newscast created by Conley 5th grade students. Broadcast Club will meet on Wednesday afternoons from 3:25 - 4:00, but your child will only be assigned to attend when their class is recording. A schedule will be sent to parents and students at the beginning of the school year. Email reminders will be sent home prior to the broadcast so you are aware and reminded that your child will be staying after school. Your child will sign up for segments, camera work, or interviews.
If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Mrs. Golyshko at cgolyshko@district158.org. This sign-up will close on September 5th.
Disc Golf
Conley Disc Golf sign-ups are going out this Friday, August 30th. There is a limit of 30 players per grade level. Third graders will play on Tuesdays, fourth graders play on Wednesdays, and fifth graders play on Thursdays. Be sure to turn your permission slip in quickly to seal your spot! Spots will be filled on a first come first serve basis. All permission slips are due back no later than September 6th.
Conley Goes Gold!
Conley's 4th & 5th Grade Music Concerts
What day is my child’s performance?
Monday, November 18th: Brickey, Castro, Gogny, Scardina, Schultz
Tuesday, November 19th: Golyshko, Hedrick, Jacobs, Kittl, Mulvey, Riebock
Wednesday, November 20th: DeLaPaz, Garcia, Hollabaugh, Jarosz, Pipitone, Secor
What time is the performance?
The concert starts at 7:00 pm. Your child should arrive no earlier than 6:45 pm.
Where is the concert?
The concert will be held in the Conley Gymnasium. When students arrive, they should meet their teacher in the cafeteria.
What should my child wear to the performance?
Students should wear a shirt that is one of the Olympic flag colors (red, black, green, blue, or yellow), paired with dark-colored pants. They should also wear comfortable shoes suitable for standing and moving.
Is there anything I can do to help?
YES! Please see the volunteer form Mrs. Rollin's sent home/emailed. If you can help, please send the slip back to school with your child no later than Friday, September 13th. Volunteers will receive reserved seating for their family on the night of their child’s concert!
CHAMPS: Our Proactive & Positive Approach to Behavior
What is CHAMPS?
Click here to find out more about CHAMPS
Illustrative Math
Find out more about Illustrative Math (IM) being used in our classrooms
Illustrative Math is a problem-based curriculum where students learn by doing math, solving problems in mathematical and real-world contexts, and constructing arguments using precise math language.
Click here to find out more about IM
Satchel Pulse- SEL Screener
In the next month, teachers will be completing our Satchel Pulse social-emotional screener. This will happen twice this year. The screener focuses on the 5 Competencies, self-management, self-awareness, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making. See this letter for more information and for an opt out link.
Dismissal Reminders
Dismissal changes must be made by 2:30pm.
If we do not receive notification that your child is a car rider by 2:30pm, we will not remove them from the bus. Please let classroom teachers know if you plan to pick up your student so we have documentation. We really appreciate it!
Sick Day Reminders
If your child will be absent because of illness, you are required to call the school by the beginning of the school day and report the absence each day. If your child is absent and we do not receive a call, we will call you at home or your place of employment to verify the absence. The purpose of this procedure is to determine if your child has arrived safely to school.
During a long-term illness, a parent may call on the first day and notify the office of the anticipated length of the absence. After three consecutive days of illness, a written excuse from a doctor is required for an absence to be considered excused. A doctor’s note and/or school health office verification will change the absence code to “Medical Verification” for attendance purposes. If a pattern of non-attendance has been established by the building administrator, a written excuse from a doctor and/or school health office verification of illness may be required as part of a student’s individualized attendance plan.
PTA News
Easiest way to join PTA
THIS FRIDAY: First Dine & Share
Join us in supporting the Square Barn PTA for our first Dine & Share event. Head to MOD Pizza anytime during their hours (10:30am-11:00pm) and mention you are supporting Mackeben, Conley, or Square Barn PTA. A portion of the proceeds will go straight to PTA to support our students and staff!
Where: MOD Pizza
When: August 29th
Hours: Anytime between 10:30am-11:00pm
Address: 228 S Randall Rd, Algonquin, Illinois, 60102
Phone: (224) 246-8178
See you there!
Conley's Fall spirit wear ordering has been extended until end of day Sunday! Click the link to order.
Upcoming Events & Meetings
Get involved with our PTA by attending upcoming events or coming to a meeting!
Huntley 158 Virtual Bulletin Board
The Huntley 158 Virtual Bulletin Board (VBB) is a way to connect Huntley 158 families with enrichment and educational events and programs in the community. This year, rather than receiving a separate email, families can find these opportunities on the district’s Virtual Bulletin Board webpage in our weekly newsletter. We encourage you to click the link and check out what’s happening for students and families in the community!
To submit a program or event for inclusion on the Huntley 158 VBB, organizations must be not-for-profit or a taxing body based in Huntley 158 boundaries or a surrounding community. Please email your event flyer in PNG or PDF format to kimoore@district158.org and include "VBB" in the subject line. To ensure accessibility for all, flyers must be accompanied by a brief description of your event that includes the name of your event, date, time, location, call to action/website link (if applicable) as well as contact information. Thank you!
September Spirit Days
September 6: Football Day! Wear your football jersey or favorite team!
September 11: Red, White, & Blue
September 13: Conley Spirit Day
Homecoming week:
September 16: Favorite Hat
September 17: Wear Red
September 18: Fall Picture Day
September 19: Favorite Sports Team
September 20: Wear Huntley or Conley Gear
September 27: Dress like a P.E. Teacher
Helpful Links
Conley Elementary School
3-5 Elementary School in Huntley Community School District 158
Address: Dr. John Burkey Dr formerly, 750 Academic Dr, Algonquin, IL 60102
Conley Main Office: 847-659-3700
Conley Absentee Line: 847-659-3711
Principal: Katie Surjan
Assistant Principal: Jeremy White
Principal's Administrative Assistant: Kathy Michel
Attendance Administrative Assistant: Lindsay Brunschon