Falcon Flyer
Important Events & Dates from F.AVE

October 3, 2024
In this Issue
Ms. Hanson's Notes
- Coffee Chat - This Friday, 10/4
- Upcoming Events at a Glance
- Picture Day Information - Dos/Don'ts, How to Order
F.AVE News
- Sign Up - October GR8 Reads Book Club
- Sign Up - CML (Continental Math League)
- Spotlight on Specials - PE
- Adult Recess - Tomorrow Night - Childcare available
- Walk & Roll
- Save the Date - Read-a-Thon Coming Soon
- Dine Out - Paolino's
- Business & Family Sponsorships Wanted
- Sponsor's Corner
CSD News
- Decatur Reads Week
- Color Guard Youth Night
Community News
- Rise City Dance Community Performance
- Decatur Book Festival Student Participation
- DEF Updates
- Season of Giving
Scroll down to learn more!
Ms. Hanson's Notes
The first week back from Break has been a busy one and we still have a couple of key events coming up tomorrow. In the morning we hope you will join us for a Coffee Chat on ways to support your student in Math. Tomorrow evening we have Adult Recess at Twains. The evening will include a full open bar, a casual dinner buffet, and fun games to ensure a memorable time for everyone. If you haven’t already purchased your tickets, they are available on the PTO website or CLICK HERE. We encourage you to join us for what promises to be a fantastic night.
Additionally, Decatur Community Players is offering child care to make it easier for parents to attend. Your children will be treated to pizza, games, and a movie while you enjoy the evening at Twain’s. Make sure to REGISTER HERE.
We hope you will be able to join us for these events.
Upcoming Events At a Glance
Latino & Hispanic Heritage Month: 9/15 -10/15
Week of September 30: Decatur Reads Week (see below for more information)
Friday, October 4: PTO Adult Recess - Buy Tickets Now!
Monday, October 7 from 3:00 - 5:00: Flu Clinic on the front porch at F.AVE
Tuesday, October 8: Go Red for Dyslexia Day
Wednesday, October 9: Walk & Roll to School
Week of October 14: PTO Read-A-Thon Fundraiser
Tuesday, October 15: Dine Out for PTO - Paolino's
October 14-15: School Picture Day
Week of October 21: School Bus Safety Week
Wednesday, October 30: Early Release Day, Dismissal at 12:15
F.AVE News
Join CML!
Calling All Mathematicians!!!
It’s time, once again, for Continental Math League at FAVE! Are you interested in solving challenging problems? Do you like participating in competitions? If you answered yes to either of these questions, keep reading!
If you choose to participate, you will practice independently solving math problems in a packet provided by your teacher (we suggest 5-10 practice problems per week). Then, all students who have practiced will be invited to participate in the Meet! These Meets happen during the school day at FAVE. The Math League will meet five times this school year and each student will independently solve six math problems.
Any students in grades 3-5 are invited to participate. Fourth and fifth grade students will begin competing in November, and will receive practice packets soon. Third grade students will compete beginning in January. This is a great opportunity for you to build your problem solving math skills
If you’re interested, please fill out the application in the Media Center Google Classroom. The application closes Friday, October 11, 2024. Contact Stephanie Tolentino with any questions (stolentino@csdecatur.net)
Spotlight on Specials - PE
Fit GA Fitness Testing (PACER practice) with Coach Hallman
Adult Recess is HERE!
Don’t Miss Out on Adult Recess Tomorrow Night!
Join us this Friday, October 6th, at Twain’s starting at 6:30 PM for our 2nd Annual Adult Recess. Enjoy a fun evening with an open bar, casual dinner buffet, and games. Tickets are available on the PTO website.
Need child care? Decatur Community Players is offering child care with pizza, games, and a movie for the kids (more info on PTO website). We hope to see you there!!
Walk and Roll: October 9th!
Wednesday, October 9 is National Walk and Roll to School Day! F.Ave Falcons and their families are invited to join students around Decatur and the globe in using feet or wheels to get to school. All walkers and rollers will have the opportunity to participate in a raffle for a special prize and the first 200 participants will receive a glow-in-the-dark bracelet thanks to the Georgia Safe Routes to School team.
Lace up your walking shoes or hop on your bike with your student(s) next Wednesday and let's see which grade will have the most walkers and rollers!
Save the Date! Read-a-Thon returns 10/14-10/18
It's almost that time of year again! Read-a-Thon is our biggest fundraising event of the year so mark your calendars and get ready for your kids to start logging their reading minutes! Start talking to family and friends about donating for every minute your child reads in order to help raise money for our school. Keep an eye out for more information coming soon!
Dine Out
Skip cooking and support the PTO by eating at Paolino's on October 15th!
We’re seeking to partner with businesses, organizations or brands that would like to support our school through sponsorship, while also benefiting by connecting with the local Decatur community! Don’t have a business but want to sponsor as a family or individual? Check out ALL PTO SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES HERE
If you have questions, please contact us at sponsorship@favepto.org.
The PTO would like to give a huge shout out to Morningside Pediatric Dentistry for being one of our Sky sponsors! Families with children of all ages who need a pediatric dentist - go see Morningside!
DEI Committee
Sign up to host a Pride Porch at Oakhurst Porchfest
We are hosting Pride Porches @ Porchfest! Every year the PTA/PTO DEI committees collaborate to decorate porches @ Oakhurst Porchfest to help celebrate Atlanta Pride (which is in October) and show support for our LGBTQ+ families. If you live in the Porchfest area, we need your porch, lawn, or driveway for Pride Tables!
The Talley and FAVE DEI Committees will create craft kits and decorations and will drop off before Porchfest. The host house just needs to set up a folding table to set up on the lawn, driveway, or porch. If you have a Pride flag, fly it high!
If you would like to be a host house, please sign up below and provide your address (for kit and treat drop off and as a reference for any Porchfest maps). We also need volunteers to help assemble the kits on Sunday, October 6 @ 1pm onwards. Place TBD depending on weather.
SIGN UP HERE: https://evite.me/gpZmJ9sUh5
Calling all CSD K-8th grade students!
Please check out the details below if you're interested in seeing what it's like to be a part of the DHS Marching Band Color Guard with a pregame performance opportunity!
Community News
Community Dance Performance
Several of our F.AVE Falcons are participating in an upcoming performance this Sunday, October 6th. This dance performance is called Rise in Motion at the Moving in Spirit theater nearby. Click here and scroll down to buy tickets and support Nora Stone, Ella Sutandi, Keira McPherson, Lucy Ryan, Ezra Isbister, Avery O'Brien and others!
Please join 3rd grade student Zunairah Ibnat at the Decatur Book Festival. She will be at the booth featuring the work of her dad and his colleagues She is excited to greet her F.Ave fellows with Skinny Pop and small-size water bottles at the booth.
Lighten the Load for CSD Families
DEF's Lighten the Load program began with an elementary school teacher who told us that one of her students dreaded school breaks because he and his siblings counted on having two meals a day at school. Our Lighten the Load program has evolved since then, but we're still committed to helping remove obstacles - like food insecurity - for our kids.
The number of weekend food bags we provide has DOUBLED this year, and we need your help to ensure we're able to continue to meet this need. This is our community, and these are OUR kids. Please consider donating to DEF, or purchasing items from our Lighten the Load wish list today.
DEF Provides Suicide Intervention Training for Anyone Interested!
Joe’s Fund, DEF’s behavioral health fund, provides ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) workshops multiple times each year. These two-day workshops are open to ANY CSD staff member or Decatur community member. We held a refresher course just this week, and the next trainings will be: October 10-11, February 27-28, and March 13-14. Help us make Decatur a suicide-safe community - sign up using the QR code. Interested in supporting this important work? Donate here: https://decatureducationfoundation.org/donate/.
A Season of Giving
A Season of Giving is a neighbor-led organization that brings joy to local children and seniors through gift-giving.
For Assistance: To apply for gift assistance, please complete our online application at Apply by October 31st. We are excited to support children through 12th grade again this year.
Sponsor a Gift: Donors can purchase gifts based on individual wish lists for children or seniors. If you would like to be a sponsor, please fill out the form at Sponsor.
Donate Directly: If you prefer, you can make a donation, and we will do the shopping for you. Simply Donate at our website!
Volunteer: We would greatly appreciate your help! If you're interested in volunteering, please go to Volunteer and sign up.
Need Help or Have Questions? If you encounter any issues with the forms or have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at aseasonofgivingdecatur@gmail.com.
Thank you for your support and generosity of the Season of Giving!
About Us
Lynn Hanson
Assistant Principal
Meagan Ferguson
Assistant Principal
Shannon Stewart
School Manager
Malik Morrow
Shronda Edwards
Email: fave@csdecatur.net
Website: https://www.csdecatur.net/FAVE
Location: 101 5th Avenue, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: (404) 371-6680
Please do not reply to this newsletter. See the Who Do I Contact link above and direct your inquiries to the correct individual.