Hawthorne Happenings

Hawthorne Happenings
January 20th Martin Luther King Jr. Day School Closed
January 23rd First Grade Family Literacy Night 6:00 p.m.
January 29th Lunar New Year School Closed
January 31st Spirit Day: Problem -Solver
Dress as your favorite Super Hero
Reading Routines
One of the best things about this time of year is that we begin to see the tremendous growth our students have made since the beginning of the year. Students are eager to apply all they have learned as they continue to grow as readers. This afternoon, second graders in Mrs. Carrea's class spent time engaged in independent and partner reading. They shared that they enjoy reading series books, sharing books with friends, reading in the class book nook, choosing books from the class library, and sharing high interest books from home.
Physical Education and Health News
In December, the Physical Education department was quite busy teaching our Hawthorne students a skill called the underhand toss. Specifically, the students were taught to step with their opposite foot, swing the ball or bean bag back, and release the object at an optimal time. Our goal was to do this with correct form and accuracy.
This week, we began our Floor Hockey unit. Students spent the first week learning how to safely grip the hockey stick and dribble a ball using soft taps. Soon, the students will learn how to shoot a ball and play defense. In Health and Wellness, students are learning about the importance of exercise. At the end of January, we will study the heart and how to maintain a healthy heart.
First Grade Family Literacy Night
Please use the QR code to sign up for First Grade Family Literacy Night.
Congratulations Eagle Scouts
Congratulations to former Hawthorne students, Logan Schwan and Ryan Samoyedny, on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout, scouting's highest honor. Logan and Ryan have both demonstrated dedication, leadership, and service through their Scouting journey and their Eagle Scout Projects. Logan created an interactive Music Wall at Hawthorne Elementary School, and Ryan created an outdoor Play Space at Easter Seals Project Explore in Valhalla. We appreciate their creativity and the hard work they did to give back to our youngest learners.
Portrait of A Learner Focus: Problem-Solver
Our Portrait of a Learner focus for January is on being a Problem-Solver. When we are problem- solvers, we, “Use a variety of resources to recognize a problem, identify possible causes, and apply solutions (MTPLCSD Portrait of a Learner)." As part of our work, we are teaching students about how to decide whether a problem is a big or small problem and how to make choices to solve problems.
Students have been learning about being problem-solvers in character education with Ms. Westfall and Dr. Killelea. Our words of the week for January are: problem-solver, choice, accountable, and dependable. We invite everyone to celebrate being problem-solvers on January 31st by dressing as their favorite super hero.
Ways to practice being a problem solver at home include:
Notice and name when you have a problem.
Have a family brainstorming session to develop solutions to the problem.
Give your child opportunities to test different solutions to the problem.
1. When you arrive at the Hawthorne campus, please proceed with caution in the parking lots.
2. Please make sure your child has appropriate winter clothing for recess.
PTA Corner
Sharing Our Cultures
We are looking for volunteers for our annual Multicultural Fair. This a great opportunity to share your heritage and learn about other cultures. Please use the QR code below to sign up.
Mt. Pleasant Recreation Department
To register for classes please visit the Mt. Pleasant Recreation Department website.