Low Ash Primary
Weekly update - 20.9.24
Autumn term week 3
Firstly, well done to this week's stars of the week who are pictured above. They have all had exceptionally good weeks. Keep up the good work everyone.
It's been another busy week as pupils settle into their new school routines. The children have been making the most of the sunny weather and enjoying the full school grounds at breaktimes and lunchtimes.
This week's school attendance is 96.5%.
Key Stage 1 class of the week - 1B with 98.7%.
Key Stage 2 classes of the week - 3B with 99.3%.
As always we aim for at least 96% attendance - thank you for your support with this.
Once more, here is the link to the attendance page of the school website which has information on the Penalty Notice system.
Forest School sessions
As shared last week, Years 1, 3 and 6 are enjoying their Forest School sessions. Here are some photographs of them practising their fire lighting skills. (All activities are risk assessed and led by Forest School instructors).
Routines and expectations - Classroom culture
This half term we are having a big focus on routines and expectations across school. The benefits of installing strong procedures and routines are backed by years of educational research. You might find pupils talking about walking with their 'tidy hands' or walking silently around school. This is all to help create a calm and structured learning environment. It seems to be working as this week we were visited by the Head of School Improvement for Bradford who was very impressed and commented on how orderly and calm the school environment was. Pupils are being consistently praised for doing the right thing and house points are awarded every day to pupils seen walking correctly around school. We have never given out so many! Pupils are also enjoying reminding members of staff to walk with their 'tidy hands' if they forget!
Further reward systems for Key Stage 2 pupils (in addition to house points and stars of the week) are currently being discussed.
A reminder that pupils also need to come to school in the correct uniform. We are happy to help any family if this is an issue. Pupils should not come to school in logoed items (except PE trainers) .
The secondary schools we feed into have told primary schools that one of the biggest things we can do to help children transition from primary to secondary is to embed these high expectations now. Thank you for your support in this.
Pupil Leaders
We feel it is important to give pupils responsibilities in school. This year we will have a School Council (their focus being on environmental issues so also working as an Eco committee), pupil librarians, digital leaders, prefects, playtime buddies and happiness heroes. We are also providing all of our Reception pupils with Year 6 buddies.
This week our new pupil librarians have been appointed. They all had to apply for the position and go through an interview process.
Our Happiness Heroes were awarded their badges in assembly recently and will begin their work on improving pupil well-being very soon.
The deadline for school council application forms was today and our 'voting day' will take place very soon.
Our Year 6 pupil librarians
The school Happiness Heroes
Well done to all the children who took part in the North Bradford U11s Dodgeball competition which was held at Hanson Delta Academy.
Bradford library membership for all pupils
As shared in the recent school ping, we would like to give all pupils the opportunity to join Bradford libraries. This is completely free. Please complete the form which was sent home and then visits to Shipley library will be organised for all pupils to set up their membership. If you need any help completing the form, please just let us know.
Reception and Year 1 parent and carer phonics workshops
A reminder about the parent and carer phonics session which is taking place for Reception and Year 1 parents and carers next week on Thursday 26th September. The session will run from 2.45 and parents and carers should enter school through the main entrance. At the session you will find out more about the phonics scheme we use (Read, Write, Inc) and how you can support your child at home. We hope you can make it!
Below is the link to the phonics page of our school website.
Packed lunches and snacks
Going forwards, we are asking all pupils who have packed lunches to take any uneaten food and empty wrappers home with them. This is so you can see what your child has eaten. We always encourage pupils to eat as much as they can of what you have packed, but we feel it is important for you to see what they have/ haven't eaten.
Some further reminders about packed lunches and snacks brought into school:
- we are a nut free school due to some pupils having severe allergies
-only healthy snacks should be brought in for a breaktime snack (fruit, breadsticks, yoghurts etc - no crisps or biscuits please)
-please make sure only water is brought into school
If your child has any medical needs which make any of the above difficult, please speak to us at school.
Asda Cashpot for schools
To date we have raised £245.80 with the Asda cash pot for schools scheme. If you have not already done so, there's still plenty of time to download the Asda rewards app to help raise further funds. Thank you to everyone who has already taken signed up.
Tours for parents and carers of prospective new pupils
If you know anyone whose child is starting school in September 2025, we are offering tours of Low Ash over the coming months. All tours will be led by a member of the school's leadership team and will last for approximately one hour. If you would like to book a spot on one of the tours, please contact the school office on 01274582927 or email on office@lowash.bradford.sch.uk
Wednesday 2nd October - 9.00am
Friday 4th October – 2.00pm
Wednesday 9th October - 9.00am
Friday 11th October – 2.00pm
Monday 14th October – 1.30pm
Thursday 24th October – 2.00pm
Thursday 14th November - 10.30am
Thursday 21st November – 10.30am
Thursday 28th November – 2.00pm
Monday 2nd December – 9.30am
Dates for your diary
Thursday 26th September - Phonics workshop for parents in YR and Y1 (2.45-3.20)
Friday 27th September - Asda Heroes launch (sustainability project - you will already know if this involves your child)
Tuesday 1st October - Individual Photographs
Friday 4th October - Flu vaccines for YR-Y6
Thursday 10th October - World Mental Health day.
Pupils will be invited to wear something bright (it doesn't have to be yellow) to make the world just that little bit brighter on this day. The My Happy Mind mental health curriculum will also be re-launched.
Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th October - Consultation evenings
Friday 25th October (3.00-3.25) - end of half -term 'show case' - You are invited into your child's class to look at their work with them
Friday 25th October - Break up for half-term
Tuesday 5th November - School re-opens for pupils
Thursday 7th November - FOLA 'Light' school discos
Friday 29th November - Christmas Fair
Tuesday 10th December - FOLA Christmas travelling gift shop (in school)
Friday 13th December - end of half -term 'show case' - You are invited into your child's class to look at their work with them
Thursday 19th December (evening)- Key Stage 2 Carols by Candlelight
Friday 20th December - School breaks up for Christmas
Online Safety
Unicef have shared an article with some clear advice about online gaming. The article covers how to create a positive and safe gaming environment, how you can engage with your children, what the benefits of gaming are and more.
Video games and children: A guide for parents | UNICEF Parenting