Panda Press
September 23, 2022
Dear Thacher Families:
We're looking forward to seeing you all next week for Welcome Back Night. Please see below for important information about what the evening will entail.
We've also noticed a few students arriving well before the doors open for arrival. I want to remind families that those children are not supervised until our morning duty staff come out at 8:30. If you are looking for child care, please reach out to Attleboro Before and After Care Unified Services (ABACUS) at: (508) 222-0309.
Frank W. Rich
Welcome Back Night
September 29, 2022, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
We are excited to be changing the format from the direct presentation style we've used the past few years to an open house format where we invite you to bring your child(ren) and have them be your tour guides for the evening. This is an opportunity for students to show off their classrooms and their work. We ask that you keep them with you and not allow them to wander the building on their own.
In an attempt to control the number of people in the buildig at once, in consideration of crowd size and our limited parking, we ask that families adhere to the following schedule based on their family's last name:
Last Name A - M: 6:00 - 6:45 PM
Last Name N - Z: 7:00 - 7:45 PM
We recognize that many families are busy with work, activities, and/or have children in multiple grades. We will allow families who can't make it to their assigned time to attend the time that works best for their schedule.
Here is a break-down of the evening's schedule:
Student Last Name A - M
6:00 – 6:45: Students will guide their family to the areas of the building they spend their day in (classroom, specialists, etc.). Don't stay in one place too long to make sure you get to see everything...45 minutes goes faster than you think!
6:45-7:00: First session ends. We ask that you exit the building to allow the next group of parents to park and get into the building.
Student Last Name N - Z
7:00 – 7:45: Students will guide their family to the areas of the building they spend their day in (classroom, specialists, etc.). Don't stay in one place too long to make sure you get to see everything...45 minutes goes faster than you think!
7:45-8:00: Second session ends. We ask that families leave to allow teachers to reset their rooms to be ready to welcome your children in the morning.
All This Week!
Attleboro Public Schools App!
Returning families may rememeber receiving messages directly from their child(ren)'s teachers over the past few years through Remind. Our new App has a similar function called Rooms which will be activated next week. Unlike Remind where all families were automatically enrolled and could be used through email, the new program (Rooms) only works through the app. You will not see Rooms in the app until it is activated on the September 22nd.
This week in Health
Students this week are still learning about teamwork in physical education class. However in Health we are learning about yoga and being about to calm our body down. We practiced yoga poses with the class, they got to pick their favorite yoga poses they enjoy the most. There is also a yoga station where students work on self control and are able to independently use yoga to calm their body down.
Thank you in advance for all your support throughout the year!
Go Panda’s!!!
Mr. Rendell
Mr. Howland
Upcoming Important Information & Dates
September 26 - 30: Book Fair
September 29: Welcome Back Night, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
October 4: PTO Meeting
October 7: Early Release Day
October 10: No School
October 25: Picture Day
Thacher Elementary School
Location: 160 James Street, Attleboro, MA, USA
Phone: (508) 226-4162