March 18, 2025
What's New - Check out the Announcements for more info.
Girls Golf
Skilled Career Expo
Writers Club
The Skilled Career Expo will be held on Thursday, March 27th from 8-10:30 AM in the Lecture Halls. Explore careers you can begin right out of high school or careers that take an education of 2 years or less after high school.
All girls that were on the Girls Golf team this past fall need to attend a meeting in Coach Welte's room (1133) on Thursday March 20 right after school at 3:20 p.m. Information will be given out about a fundraiser for the Girls Golf program.
After Prom Help Needed
Dear Millard North Juniors and Seniors,
We are doing something new this year for the purchasing of Prom Tickets! For your convenience, all Juniors and Seniors that are in good standing should see a fee on Synergy for a Prom ticket. If you plan to come, please pay via Synergy or stop by the bookkeepers office with cash or a check. If you plan to bring a date from another school or an underclassman please fill out this form PRIOR to Monday, March 24th so we have time to verify their standing with their school. Once they are approved we will add a guest prom fee to your Synergy account.
Click on the title to see a list of activities.
German Club
German Club will meet on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 18 and 19 after school in room 2114 to create our school banner for this year's German Convention. See Frau Brennan in room 2114 if you have any questions.
Click on the title to see a list of activities.
Writers Club
Writers Club will meet this Friday after school in room 2135 after school - Ms. Carroll's room.
Japanese Culture Club
Japanese Culture Club will be meeting on Monday, March 24th, in room 2112 from 3:25-4:00.
Upcoming College Visits
- Wayne State College 3/18/25 @ 1:30
- Please register in Naviance or see Ms. Meier in Counseling.
Check out our MNHS Counseling Newsletter!
You will find lots of great scholarship info and more! Just click the link below.
College visits are listed in the newsletter.
See directions in newsletter to see how you can make an appointment with your counselor using e-hallpass!
Stay Connected
Search this Awesome Collection for the Latest in Electronic and Audio Books from the Millard North Library! Click here for details. https://soraapp.com/library/millardne
We have wonderful print and digital materials for our teachers and students. Come in and check out these wonderful resources.
Looking for excellent resources for research? Our databases contain reliable books, journals, newspapers, and magazines. click here for more details: https://mnhs.mpsomaha.org/academics/library/databases