Colrain Central School News
August 28, 2020
Amy Looman, principal
The first day of school for students is September 16, 2020.
DRAFT Daily Schedules
I know many of you have been waiting for your child's daily schedule. We have been working hard to create a schedule that has age appropriate amounts of screen time. We have also tried to condense the amount of synchronous (live, online) time so that those who have to access an internet hub do not have to go back and forth all day. This is a draft schedule pending School Committee and Teachers' Association approval. Please understand, this schedule may need to be adjusted a bit as we get underway in order to accommodate students. Academic blocks will include a combination of whole group lessons as well as smaller breakout groups, interventions, and independent work, as appropriate. Regular screen breaks will be built in and will occur more frequently at the start of the year. Please communicate with your child's teacher if there is an issue.
You can find a draft, by grade level, at
We have ordered devices in order to provide one per student. In spite of ordering them in June, we are experiencing a delay in the delivery of them. To say I am frustrated by this, does not even begin to explain it.
I will be reaching out to you for more information about what devices you may have available, should they not be in by Sept. 16th. More information about that as soon as I have it.
Intake Conferences
All School Meeting
The link for the google meet is:
It is also possible to call in to the meeting. The phone number is 1 401-542-2752 PIN: 458 529 864#