Husky Highlight
September 6, 2024
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Pou tradwi Bilten sa a, klike sou li, epi sèvi ak lyen ki adwat la (Haitian Creole)Note from Ms. Moulton
Greetings, Hosmer Families!
We are off to a fantastic start! There are many, many happy faces, and I am seeing lots of intentional community building across all grades and classrooms. A huge shout out to our Hosmer teachers and staff who have prioritized relationship building and the establishment of structure and routines!
ESL Picnic
Did you know that there are over 25 languages spoken by Hosmer families? TOMORROW (Saturday) there is a picnic sponsored by the English Second Language Department. Please join Watertown Public Schools at Filipello Park from 10-12 if you would like to meet other families who speak the same language you do.
Hosmer Welcome Picnic
The Hosmer PTO Welcome Picnic is coming up this week - September 12 from 5-7pm at the Hosmer School. We will have activities facilitated by Knucklebones, pizza, and snacks available to purchase, and Hosmer t-shirts and water bottles. Hope to see you there!
Hosmer Celebrates Dot Day!
On Friday, Hosmer School will celebrate International Dot Day! Dot Day is a celebration of uniqueness, creativity, courage, and collaboration that is based on Peter Reynolds' book, The Dot. Many classes will read the book and community members are encouraged to wear their polka dots!
Beginning of the Year Assessments
Classes have begun beginning of the year assessments, which will continue through the coming weeks. I am very proud of the healthy culture I am seeing around completing these. Students are working diligently, and teachers are communicating importance without causing undue stress. The assessments inform instruction and intervention so that we can appropriately meet student needs. The assessments students are working on are:
- DIBELS - completed 1:1 with a teacher or specialist. DIBELS assesses multiple aspects of reading and also serves as a dyslexia screener in the early grades.
- Math Numeracy Screener - completed 1:1 interview style with a teacher to measure key number sense skills, concepts, and developmental milestones.
- iReady (Reading and Math) - completed online, this is an adaptive assessment, meaning that questions get easier or harder depending on how a student is doing. After these are complete, students can work on online lessons geared towards their needs at home or at school.
Classroom Directories
By now you should have received a newsletter from your child's classroom teacher. Many teachers have included links to establish an open classroom directory with other families in the classroom. I encourage you to think about whether or not you would like to share your contact information and to do so there if you would like to connect with your child's classmates. Please note that classroom teachers cannot share messages from families, including party invitations, etc. in classroom newsletters.
As always, I thank you for your continued support of our wonderful school. It's going to be an amazing year!
With a grateful heart,
Erin Moulton, Principal
Important Dates:
- Thursday, September 12, 5-7pm - PTO Welcome Picnic
- Wednesday, September 25th - EARLY DISMISSAL, 12:15pm
- Thursday, Sept. 26th - School Picture Day
- Tuesday, October 1st - Hosmer Open House, 6:00-7:30
- Monday, October 14th - No School Indigenous Peoples/Columbus Day
- Tuesday, October 22nd - Early Dismissal at 12:15; Caregiver Conferences
- Thursday, October 24th -Evening Caregiver Conferences
- Thursday, October 29th -Evening Caregiver Conferences
- Friday, November 1st- Early Dismissal at 12:15; Caregiver Conferences
This Weekend - ESL Picnic
The ESL Department invites you to connect with other families who speak your language.
This Saturday, September 7th from 10-12 pm at Filippello Park, 191 Grove St.
Absence Reporting Form
When your child will be absent from school, please complete this Google Form. This is reviewed daily by office staff to ensure that students are safe and accounted for.
Notes from Nurse Mikayla
Including Permission for Over-the-Counter Meds
Hello Hosmer families!! So excited to kick off the year with a healthy and safe first week back at school!
Please fill out our new over the counter medication form- we have switched to online this year!
Please fill out the form if you would like your child to be able to receive medications in school, or has any health conditions you would like nursing to know about!
The link is here:
For those with allergies/ asthma/ or seizures who require a rescue medication, please drop off (Do not send in your child's backpack) the following:
- The rescue medication (including benadryl for any allergy plan- we do not keep this at school)- CHECK EXPIRATION DATES! We have had this problem with multiple drop offs, so it would be super helpful if you checked at home before dropping them off!
- The emergency action plan in the event of an emergency
For those with daily medications to be given in school, please bring in the following:
- The medication in the original prescription bottle
- A physician Dr. order that outlines the medication, dose, time, and any other instructions for administration
Other things to note:
- Send in a change of clothes- multiple underwear
- Apply sunscreen at home (we do not have sunscreen)
- Send your student with a water bottle
Lunch Menu
We are very pleased to announce that breakfast and lunch continue to be free for all students.
PTO Information
Hello Hosmer community!
We hope you have been having a wonderful first few days of school!
1. The Hosmer PTO Welcome Picnic is coming up this week - September 12 from 5-7pm at the Hosmer School. We will have activities facilitated by Knucklebones, pizza and snacks available to purchase, and Hosmer t-shirts and water bottles. Hope to see you there!
We need volunteers to make this event a success, so please sign up here if you are able to help us with setup, selling pizza and merchandise, or cleanup afterwards. Thank you so much to those of you who have already signed up to support!
2. The Hosmer PTO store is back open for the school year! You can buy t-shirts and water bottles at - pre-ordering for sweatshirts will begin next week!
3. We are looking for volunteers for our 5th grade activities committee, to take the lead on fundraising and activities to celebrate our outgoing Hosmer 5th graders. Please email to learn more and get involved!
Looking forward to seeing you at the picnic next week!
Amalia & Charlotte
Co-Presidents, Hosmer School PTO
Instrumental Music Opportunity
4th and 5th graders! Join us for instrumental music!
Thursday, September 12th 3pm - 6pm we will be hosting a rental night at Watertown High School for any student interested!
Join us! You can play:
Band! Strings!
Flute, Violin, Clarinet, Viola, Saxophone, Cello, Trumpet, Bass, Trombone, and Percussion!
Free lessons during the school day! For students who have financial need, there are school instruments available.
If you are interested in band, please email Mr. Thew at
If you are interested in strings, please email Ms. Byham at
Hosmer Choir Opportunity: Grades 2-5
Community Information
The Department of Children and Families is seeking to keep Watertown children in their
schools and communities. In order to accomplish this, DCF is looking for Watertown parents
who would consider opening their homes and hearts to a student in need of short-term
Please complete this brief survey if you are interested in opening your home and your
heart to a student in need.
About Us
Location: 1 Concord Road, Watertown, MA, USA
Phone: 617-926-7740
Twitter: @HosmerSchool