Weekly Bulletin
Week of June 5, 2023
Thursday, June 15th - Last day of School - dismissal at 11:10 a.m.
8th Grade Dress-up Dance
The 8th grade dress-up dance is scheduled for Thursday, June 8th from 7-9 at the Chelmsford Elks Lodge ~ tickets to be sold in homeroom. Permission slip and flyer attached below.
Dear Chelmsford Families,
Our district values your feedback! We are currently surveying The Chelmsford Public Schools families in order to gain insight into your perception of our school and district effectiveness. To ensure we continue to provide high quality, rigorous learning experiences that meet the needs of our learners and prepare them for college and career, we need your feedback. We want to know what you think.
To administer these surveys, we have partnered with Panorama Education to conduct our 2023 Family Survey. Panorama safeguards your privacy, keeping your responses anonymous. The survey shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to complete, and will be a valuable source of information for us as we work to make our schools and district as good as they can be.
You may complete the survey online between Thursday June 1st and Friday June 16th using a computer, tablet, or smartphone by visiting the website below:
If you have multiple CPS school-aged children, please feel free to fill out multiple surveys to represent each individual child’s experience. The first question on the survey will be a dropdown to select which school you are filling the survey out for.
We thank you in advance for your thoughtful responses. If you have any questions about the survey administration, please don’t hesitate to contact your building Principal.
Thank you in advance for your time.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RAfeTfIBMmHFXEuKheHt6zNLOtSstemdJ5kpSkH-JN4/edit?usp=sharing - translation
Yearbook 2023 has arrived and will be distributed on yearbook day, June 8. There are still a limited number of books still available. If you would like to reserve a yearbook for distribution day, please use the link below to download a paper order form. Send it along with $40 cash or check, payable to Parker Middle School to the office.
Don't wait, or you will miss out.
Congratulations to Ms Annunziata's 6th grade artist Addyson Mele whose artwork has won the Lowell Humane Society "Be Kind To Animals" poster contest for the middle school level. Addy is now a finalist for the grand prize of having her artwork mass-produced for their 150th Anniversary Poster. Wish her the best of luck!
Great night at Fenway Park for 500 students and their families with a WIN against the Reds: 8-2!
Parker PTO activities are coming to a close for the 2022/2023 school year!
Please consider joining us for our final PTO meeting of the school year.
- Virtual Parker PTO meeting: June 7th @ 7:00 pm. Parker PTO is looking for more board members to join our team for the 2023/2024 school year. Current open board positions include: Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Enrichment Coordinator. Please email: ptoparker@gmail.com with any questions
As always, thank you for your continued support throughout the school year.
Parker PTO
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (224) 501-3412
Access Code: 447-065-885
Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://meet.goto.com/install
Email: ParkerAttendance@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Please Send Email: Prior to 9am on the day of the absence (same as current voicemail option) Please Include: Child’s name, Grade, and Reason for absence.
We encourage you to use the email option when reporting an absence, dismissal, etc. Parents are still free to use the phone system to report absences, but you are encouraged to use email for greater office efficiency.
If you prefer, you can certainly call the attendance line prior to 9:00am, at 978-251-5133, extension #4100.
We will continue to send automated emails when students are absent. The email serves as notification that your student is not in school and will be marked absent.
In order for an absence to be marked as "Excused", families will need to provide medical documentation.
Thank you for your understanding.
Parker Middle School
Email: robinsond@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Website: https://parker.chelmsfordschools.org/
Location: 75 Graniteville Road
Phone: 978-251-5133