Pine Ridge Prep Update
February 13, 2023
Welcome from Mrs. Tanner & Mrs. Banzhaf
Dear Pine Ridge Prep Families,
What an outstanding turn-out for Parent/Teacher Conferences! We always enjoy getting to share the progress of your amazing students! Thank you for all who attended!
Click the link to access the 2022-2023 Family Handbook.
As always, if you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to us!
Thank you for the privilege of serving you ~
Mrs. Gabrielle Tanner, Principal
Mrs. Shelley Banzhaf, Building Leader Intern
Upcoming Events
February Events
- 2/14 Valentine's Day Parties @ 2:30 - Please let your child's teacher know if you plan on sending treats for the party!
- 2/21 Math Family Event @ 7:45AM-8:30AM
You can find all school events listed on our school calendar which you can access on our webpage.
Items That Need Your Attention
Valentine's Day
Receiving School Messages
When we send messages to all families, such as this weekly newsletter, emergency alerts, event reminders, etc., we send those via email and text. If you have not been receiving them via text, it could be that you have not yet opted in to that service. If you would like to begin receiving messages this way, text "YES" to 86088.
We Are Learning To...
This Week We Are Learning To...
Math - 3 Year Olds
- We are learning to know number names and count in order, so we can use numbers to get what we want or need (Ex: buy things at a store, count out toys/treats to share, set the table, etc.).
- We are learning to use patterns so we can find the answer to a number problem.
- We are learning to understand addition using the +1 pattern in everyday activities.
Math - 4 Year Olds
- We are learning to know number names, count in order, and write numbers so we can use numbers to get what we want and need. (Ex: buy things at a store, count out toys/treats to share, set the table, etc.)
- We are learning to use patterns so we can find the answer to a number problem.
- We are learning to understand addition as putting together and adding to so we can find out how many there are of things. (Ex. how many reward tickets we have altogether to spend at the school store, how much money we have to spend at the store,
- We are learning to understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from so we can find out how many things are left. (Ex. know how many reward tickets I have left after spending them at the school store, know how many snacks are left after eating some, know how many toys are left after some kids have taken them, etc.)
- We are learning to use appropriate tools to model situations and solve problems with addition and subtraction.
Reading - 3 Year Olds
- We are learning to ask and answer questions about a text so we can understand a text.
- We are learning to identify similarities between texts so we can understand information presented.
- We are learning to use new words so we can build our vocabulary.
- We are learning to identify parts of a book so we can understand the importance of books.
Reading - 4 Year Olds
- We are learning to ask and answer questions about a text so we can analyze details from the story.
- We are learning to identify the connection between two individuals, events or ideas so we can understand information in a text.
- We are learning to ask and answer questions about words we don’t know so we can understand a text.
- We are learning to identify physical parts of a book so we can use a book correctly.
Social Studies - 3 Year Olds
- We are learning to name places in our home and classroom so we can recognize our location in the world.
- We are learning to recognize how we impact our home and school environment so we can have a positive impact on your community.
Social Studies - 4 Year Olds
- We are learning to name our city and state so we can recognize our location in the world.
- We are learning to recognize a community as a place where people live, work, and play so that we can understand our role in the community.
- We are learning about different forces, push and pull so we can demonstrate the force on different objects.
Social/Emotional Learning
- We are learning to recognize a community as a place where people live, work, and play so that we can understand our role in the community.
- We are learning to say the problem so that we can think of solutions.
- We are learning to speak up assertively so that we can use our words when someone treats us in a mean or unsafe way.
Time to Eat!
Informational Items
Home Depot Workshops
Workshops take place the first Saturday of each month from 9:00-12:00.
March 5: Airship
April 2: Bird Feeder
COVID Protocols
Late Start
Academic Calendar
Family Resources
Food & Clothing Bank
Community Resources Council Directory
If in need of resources, you can also contact the United Way by dialing 211.
Pine Ridge Prep Preschool
Website: https://www.topekapublicschools.net/pine-ridge-prep
Location: 1110 SE Highland Ave.
Phone: 785-329-7870
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PineRidgePrep/
Twitter: @PinePrep