Wrangler Weekly
Week of January 26, 2025
Message from Mrs. Bratton, principal
One more week and then goodbye to January!
There is a buzz on campus -- all competition seasons are revving up: we have One Act Play who competed this afternoon, band is setting its sights on UIL Contest, and spring sports are right around the corner as are cheer and dance tryouts. While the Wranglers are pushing to excel in extra curricular events, our teachers are continuing to push for growth in our classrooms.
Our goal is to show growth in every student. Granted, no one excels in every area every year. However, the more we solidify each student's understanding and then mastery of the extensive topics in our full curriculum, the stronger steps we can take the next year to achieve even more growth. Some years the growth feels like we've scaled a mountain; other years it feels like just a few steps -- but if those steps are solid and those steps are secure and more confident... that too is growth.
So here's to growing some Wranglers in the coming months -- please help us get there by getting your Wrangler to school EVERY day and ensuring they get a good night's sleep EVERY night. (Tired brains don't grow at the same rate as rested ones.)
Reach out to your child's teacher if you have any academic concerns or your child's counselor if there's a wellness issue. We are here to help.
With Wrangler Pride,
Mrs. Bratton
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Attendance Matters. Every Student. Every Day.
Student attendance for the week of Jan 20-24:
6th grade: 94%
7th grade: 95%
8th grade: 96%
Monday, January 27
SVHS dance team tryout clinic
Tuesday, January 28
PTA Fundraiser Kickoff Day
Wednesday, January 29
Thursday, January 30
Girls soccer at CMS
Boys BB vs CHMS, 7th home/8th away
Friday, January 31
FCA in main gym before school
Saturday, February 1
Chess Tournament at CLHS
Nominate here!
Dance Team Tryout Clinics - Jan 27
Your SVHS Silver Spurs and Silverado dance teams are hosting one more upcoming tryout clinic on Monday January 27th. Click here to register.
Fence Spirit Sign orders due Feb 1
Spring sports are in high gear and there is no better way to celebrate your Wrangler's accomplishments than with a fence spirit sign. Our next round of orders are due by February 1st with about a 3 week turnaround.
8th graders -- SVHS Cheer Tryout Mandatory Meeting - Feb 3 or Feb 5
Do you want to be a Smithson Valley High School Cheerleader? Cheer tryouts are quickly approaching! If you would like to try out for the cheer team, you and a parent MUST attend a tryout meeting on February 3rd or February 5th at 6:30 pm in the library at SVHS. You MUST attend ONE meeting in order to tryout. We hope to see you there!
SVHS Dance team tryout meeting - Feb 10
If your 8th grader is interested in trying out for the SVHS Silver Spurs or Silverado dance teams, there is a mandatory tryout meeting on February 10th starting at 5:30pm in the SVHS senior dining hall.
Tennis interest meeting and tryouts - Feb 13, 19-21
If your 7th or 8th grade student is interested in trying out for the SBMS boys or girls tennis teams, a mandatory tryout interest meeting will take place on Thursday, February 13th at 7:45am in the main gym. Tryouts take place the following week February 19-21st after school starting at 4pm on the tennis courts.
Daddy Daughter Dance - Feb 22
Join the SBMS Silver Stars dance team for a night of enchantment at our annual Daddy Daughter Dance on Saturday, February 22. Families that register by January 18th will receive a tshirt.
Para información en español, haga clic aquí.
A Message from Nurse Keith
Please be aware of Comal ISD policy regarding fever, which requires that all students and staff be free of fever (100 degrees and above) for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever reducing medications, before returning to school. Thank you for working with us to help prevent the spread of illnesses at school.
Thank you MediaTink
On behalf of the SBMS PTA, we extend our sincerest gratitude to our valued sponsors.
Your unwavering support enables us to enrich the lives of our students and strengthen our community. We are honored to partner with you this school year.
A special acknowledgment goes out to MediaTink, our 2024 Dance Title Sponsor.
February 3 or 5: Ranger cheer mandatory tryout meeting, SVHS Library 6:30pm
February 6: Girls Soccer semi-finals at CHMS
February 6: Dance team competition reveal, SVHS 7pm
February 7: PTA Fundraiser Color Day
February 8: UIL Tournament
February 8: Girls Soccer championship at CHS
February 10: SVHS dance teams mandatory tryout meeting, SVHS senior dining hall 5:30pm
February 12: Girls Soccer at SVMS
February 13: Tennis tryout interest meeting, main gym 7:45am
February 14: Student holiday/staff development
February 17: Student and staff holiday
February 19-21: Tennis Tryouts, 4pm
February 22: UIL Tournament
February 22: Silver Stars Daddy Daughter Dance
February 25: Pre-UIL band concert
February 26: Track vs SVMS at SVHS
February 27: Tennis vs DMS at SVHS
March 3-6: Wrangler and Ranger Cheer Tryouts
March 3: 8th grade class panoramic picture
March 4: Choir concert, 6pm SBMS cafeteria
March 5: Track at CLHS vs MVMS/CHMS
March 6-7: Band UIL concert at Seguin HS
March 10: Golf at Rebecca Creek
March 11: Tennis at PHS vs BMS
March 12: Track at PHS vs PRMS/CHMS/NBMS/MVMS
March 17-21: Spring Break
Spring Branch Middle School
Email: brandi.norton@comalisd.org
Website: sbms.comalisd.org
Location: 21053 Texas 46, Spring Branch, TX, USA
Phone: (830)885-8800
Facebook: facebook.com/CISDSpringBranchMS
Instagram: sbms_wranglers
Twitter: @SBMSWranglers