Principal's July Newsletter
2024-25 Back to School Issue
Hi, this is a reminder that you're receiving this email because you have a student at, or have expressed an interest in, Glenbard East High School. Communication between Glenbard East and our families and community is very important to us. Don't forget to add ge_news@glenbard.org to your address book so we'll be sure to land in your inbox! Please email any questions directly to Glenbard Staff, we are happy to respond.
August 5
Freshman Parent Orientation
6PM - 8PM - Biester Auditorium
August 6
Freshman Back to School Day
Transfer Student Orientation
8AM - 12PM and 1PM-2:30PM
August 7
Sophomore & Junior & Senior
Back to School Day
8AM - 12PM and 1PM-2:30PM
August 9
Freshman Orientation
7:30AM - 1:30PM - East Gym
August 14
New/Transfer Student Enrollment
3PM - 6PM – Library
August 15
First Day of School
New/Transfer Student Enrollment
3PM - 6PM – Library
August 19
New/Transfer Student Enrollment
3PM - 6PM – Library
Fall Athletic Parent Night
August 23
Red & Black Athletic Community Night
2024-25 School Calendar
On behalf of the Glenbard East High School administration, faculty, and staff, I’d like to officially welcome you to the 2024-25 school year. I’d also like to extend a special welcome to the families of our incoming freshman and transfer students entering Glenbard East for the first time. As a reminder, the official first day of school for all students is Thursday, August 15th.
The start of a new school year always brings with it hope, a fresh start, and exciting changes. This year is no different as we look to implement part two of our two-year schedule change. Last year we provided students with the opportunity to get academic assistance during the school day by implementing Ram Time on Mondays and Fridays. This year we will implement the block day portion of the new schedule. Students will attend up to four 90-minute class periods two days a week. This will provide them extended time to dive deeper in their learning for each class one day a week. Please click here for a visual of this year’s bell schedule and here for a video explaining the new schedule in detail. Like with anything new, there will be an adjustment period for both students and staff, but I am confident that our school community will make the necessary adjustments and have a great year.
That being said, the role of our students in their success remains the same. First, it is important that they are here. Second, it is important that students are actively engaged in their learning. And third, students are encouraged to get involved.
The importance of students being in school every day and on time cannot be stressed enough. Showing up to school and showing up on time matters. A few missed days here and there, even if they are excused absences, can add up to too much lost learning time and put students behind in school. As a school community we must continue to reduce our absenteeism rate. Last year our average daily attendance (ADA) was 91.7% which was an increase from the 90% the year prior. Our goal this year is to increase our ADA to 94%. Please prioritize your student’s attendance when making scheduling plans. Additionally, if a student is healthy, they should be in school. Your assistance is needed.
Academic Engagement
In addition to being present, students must actively engage in their learning. One way to ensure that is by eliminating distractions that come with technology. Glenbard took steps to minimize some distractions by implementing restrictions to student iPads that are detailed later in this newsletter. But as we all know, another major distraction for the youth of today are cell phones. While we will do our best to eliminate this distraction by enforcing our cell phone policy, as parents/guardians you can assist as well by not calling or texting your child during school hours. If you must contact your child, please call the school and we will share your message. We ask for your help in helping our students remain focused on their learning while at school.
Extracurricular Participation
We expect every student to get involved in our extracurricular programs. We have 31 sports programs and over 60 clubs and activities for students to choose from. Whether it is a sport or club/activity, there is something for everyone. Extracurricular involvement has proven to be very beneficial to student success and we want all students to take advantage of the opportunities to enhance their high school experience.
We stand committed to serve every student, every day in their quest to be a Glenbard East graduate that is self-empowered, thinks critically, embraces diversity, communicates, creates, and collaborates.
On behalf of the faculty at Glenbard East High School, I want to again welcome all of you and thank you for being a part of the Glenbard East school community where EXCELLENCE IS TRADITION. I’m looking forward to an amazing school year! We Are East!!!
Starting in the 2024-25 school year, the Upstate 8 Conference will be expanding to 14 schools by adding Elmwood Park, Ridgewood, Riverside-Brookfield, and West Aurora. As a result of the expansion the conference will be divided into two divisions, East and West (see below). As a conference we are excited about the new opportunities our student-athletes and activity participants will have to compete.
East Division
Elmwood Park
Glenbard East
Glenbard South
West Chicago
West Division
East Aurora
South Elgin
West Aurora
All students must attend Back-To-School week to receive their Glenbard East ID card and have their yearbook photo taken. If they are unable to attend, they will be required to secure their ID card on the first day of school and will miss class time.
**Students are only permitted to take part in Back-to-School Week if the following items are completed and turned in:
- Proof of Residency - All families must verify residency each year prior to registering for school.
- Registration - Must be completed through PowerSchool Click here. (If you have trouble creating a PowerSchool account, please view these instructions.)
- Freshman & Transfer Students - PHYSICAL: All freshmen and transfer students should provide a completed physical with required immunizations to the school nurse by July 1st. The physical exam must have been completed within one year of entrance into 9th grade. iPads will not be mailed to students until a complete school physical signed by the parent/guardian is turned in. Students will be excluded from attending school until the school nurse has received the required Health Exam and Immunizations records. If you have questions, please call (630) 469-6500. Please note that the nurse will be available at school starting August 6, 2024.
- Seniors Only - All seniors will need to provide proof of receiving their second Meningitis conjugate vaccine to the School Nurse by July 15th. Students will be excluded from attending school until the School Nurse has received this information.
Students will not be allowed to purchase parking passes until all requirements have been fulfilled.
Payment of Fees: It is the policy of the Glenbard Board of Education that prior to the first official day of class families should pay fees in full. Payments are due by midnight on August 9, 2024 for families to realize the prompt-pay discount of $25. The online registration process will guide you through the registration and payment process.
PICTURES: Student ID photos will be taken during Back-to-School Days and will also be used as your student’s yearbook picture. Students should dress neatly and in good taste.
STUDENT ID REQUIREMENTS: Students will be required to carry, and present upon request, their student ID to any Glenbard staff member. Student IDs are required for entry to the building, to get on the bus, lunch purchase, library, lab check in, etc.
Bus Transportation Provided
For those students who need transportation to get to and from Glenbard East High School the following Bus Schedule will be available.
Please review Freshman Orientation letter and busing information.
New Bell Schedule for 24-25 school year.
Building opens to students at 7:00 a.m. Monday-Friday.
In response to concerns about digital distractions on student iPads, Glenbard has implemented changes to what students are able to access on their iPads.The iPad is a powerful tool for learning and these changes will emphasize its instructional purpose. These modifications were deployed in two phases during Summer 2024. Students and staff were notified of these changes in early July.
Phase One was put in place in June and provides additional web content filtering at school. This impacts any device that is connected to WiFi through Air Glenbard. This includes additional blocking of game sites, social media and entertainment streaming services. These filter restrictions are only in place at school and are not enforced on other WiFi networks, including off school grounds or at home. We are able to utilize multiple layers of security to attempt to provide a safe learning environment for all students while they are on our network. We recommend that parents monitor their student's iPad usage while at home or not at school.
Phase Two was put in place the week of July 8, 2024 and will impact all student iPads at all times and locations, on any WiFi network. These changes will eliminate student access to some features on the iPad, including:
- All students will be limited to only apps that are available in Hub.
- The App Store will no longer be accessible to any students.
- iMessage, FaceTime and Google Chat are disabled for all students.
- GameCenter and multi-player gaming is disabled for all students.
All iPad apps that were not downloaded from Hub were removed from student iPads beginning July 8, 2024. These changes will have a positive impact on learning in the classroom and will give students access to all of the tools they need to be successful at Glenbard.
You MUST submit a Certificate of Child Health Examination (also known as a school physical) to the School Nurse before the first day of school. It must be signed by a physician, nurse practitioner or a physician’s assistant, and be less than 1 year old. Students will not be permitted to start school on the first day without it, no exceptions. Please send it to Laura Grabowski at laura_grabowski@glenbard.org or hand deliver it to the school.
The Illinois Department of Public Health requires all students entering or continuing in Grade 12 to show proof of receiving two doses of the meningococcal vaccine. This is a senior year requirement mandated by the Illinois Department of Public Health. Students will not be permitted to start school on the first day without showing proof of receiving these two vaccinations, no exceptions. Please send it to Laura Grabowski at laura_grabowski@glenbard.org or hand deliver it to the school.
Each Glenbard East student is expected to have a current school identification card at all times. The card serves the following purposes:
- Student identification
- Entrance into the building
- A bus pass for students eligible to ride the school buses
- An activity ticket for students who pay the activity fee
- A library card for students checking out materials
- Purchase of lunch in student cafeteria
Students will be issued an ID card at the start of the school year. Upon request, a student must present an ID card to any school employee. In the event a student has lost an ID card or can not produce an ID, the student must identify himself/herself to school employees if asked to do so. Refusal and/or failure to do so is considered insubordination and may carry a disciplinary intervention or other consequences. Students are also encouraged to utilize the digital ID installed on their iPads to always have it available.
Glenbard East strives to create a community that does not judge people based on their dress or fashion, but values individuality. At the same time, clothing may interfere with the educational environment and therefore should not be offensive, provocative, or disruptive to the learning environment. Students are encouraged to dress in a manner that reflects their individuality and self-expression, but which is also appropriate in an educational setting. Dress or appearance which are prohibited by school dress requirements:
- presents a health or safety hazard
- references alcohol, drugs, tobacco
- promotes violence
- is offensive by wording or design
- is suggestive of a double meaning,
- is gang related
- materially and substantially disrupts the educational process
Infraction of this rule may result in disciplinary interventions. See Board Policy 7:160.
Hallways and stairs are used to direct traffic flow from one place to another on any given floor of the school building. Whether it is before or after school, or during passing periods, students are expected to keep hallways and stairs clear. Standing/gathering in center of hall or at bottom/top of staircases should be avoided. Additionally, students should avoid running, keep hallways and stairwells clean, use appropriate language, and maintain appropriate volume when speaking with peers.
“Walk and talk” is the language used to instruct students not to loiter or crowd in the hallways, but rather walk and talk with their peers.
When a student is not in their assigned area, or is at another location without permission or a pass, they may be subject to disciplinary consequences
Schools across the nation are experiencing more and more students who have latex allergies. Often, students with this allergy can have severe and even life-threatening reactions if exposed to latex resins and powders. For their safety, there are certain latex products we no longer allow on campus. Latex balloons and “SillyString” pose a significant health threat to students with a latex allergy. These products are not allowed on campus at any time, including after school, evening, and weekend events. With this in mind, we request your help. Please talk with your children about this health and safety issue. Some students might not understand the reason for a “balloon ban.” At East, we want all parents to know that their children are safe on campus.
All prescribed and non-prescribed drugs and medication must be placed in the care of the school nurse. Please use the SCHOOL MEDICATION PERMISSION FORM to register all medications. This form is available from the Health Office or online. Students are not allowed to carry any medication while at school except prescribed asthma inhalers, EpiPens, insulin or Glucagon pens. Students carrying these medications also need to submit to the school nurse an individualized Emergency Action Plan signed by their physician. If you have further questions, please phone the Health Office at 630-424-7133 and ask to speak with one of the school nurses.
Not surprisingly, research indicates that students perform better in their coursework when they attend classes regularly. While we realize that occasional absences are a reality in schools, we believe that excessive absence negatively impacts student learning. We hope that, as parents, you agree and will assist us by doing your part in sending your child to school on a daily basis. In an effort to decrease excessive absences, Glenbard East has instituted the following attendance policy:
Any student who is absent for more than twelve (12) days, excused or unexcused, in one semester, will be considered as having excessive absences. These absences do not include those that result from participation in school-approved activities such as field trips. Once the student has accrued twelve absences, any additional absences within the semester will not be cleared without a doctor's note. Furthermore, once a student is absent 15 days in a semester (discounting field trips and other school-approved absences), the student may be in danger of not earning credit for the semester and/or may be withdrawn from classes for excessive unexcused absences.
The full attendance policy can be found in the student handbook located on the school’s website as well as on your student’s iPad. We strongly encourage you to review this policy with your student. Remember, student absences must be reported by calling Attendance at 630-627-2595.
All East students are expected to use cell phones at appropriate times, and in appropriate places. Below are East’s expectations regarding cell phone use.
Use of cellphones in the classroom is prohibited. Students are expected to stow away cell phones, as well as earbuds/headphones, upon entering the classroom and keep them stowed away and out of sight until the end of the period.
Use of cellphones is allowed in the hallways during passing periods. Use is restricted to texting and listening to music with earbuds (students should not be talking on the phone). If an emergency call must be received or made, students should stop into a nearby office. If listening to music, students are required to utilize earbuds/headphones. For safety reasons, the volume of the music must be reasonable. Cell phone use is prohibited in the hallways during instructional time, including bathroom breaks.
We are excited to invite you to our Open House on Thursday, August 29! The evening will begin at 5:15PM with optional presentations by our Student Services staff, focusing on social and emotional learning. The Principal’s Welcome Address begins in Biester Auditorium at 5:45PM. From 6:05PM to 8:05PM, you will have the opportunity to visit classrooms, meet our dedicated teachers, learn about the content of your student's courses, and understand teacher expectations. This is a great chance to discover how you can support your student’s success at Glenbard East.
We encourage you to take part in this important introduction to your student’s school year. Click here for the 2024 Open House schedule with more details. We look forward to seeing you there!
Please note: There will be a 1:00PM dismissal for students on Friday, August 30.
October 23 from 4 - 8PM
October 24 from 2 - 6PM
More information regarding registration dates and steps will be shared with all our families in early September.
AP Exam Ordering
AP students (those with at least one AP class) will register with College Board in each of their AP classes at the beginning of the school year. AP teachers will give students a Join Code that will give them access to course-specific resources and assignments. When students join their class section, they will automatically be registered for the AP exam in May.
Students can prepare by checking their College Board login at https://myap.collegeboard.org and resetting the password if necessary. Even first-year AP students already have a College Board Account and login after taking the PSAT in 8th grade. Please do not create a second account! This can create problems in the future when sending scores to colleges. Those who can log in quickly will take only a few minutes to join the AP Classroom. Thank you for preparing ahead. Here are some helpful hints as you review your College Board account:
- Check that it is the students’ full legal name (i.e., Patricia, not Patty) on the account.
- Use a student personal email address instead of a school email address. School email is eventually inactivated. Using a personal email address maintains access. Please update your student's email address if necessary.
- If you have trouble accessing the account, please contact College Board. 866-630-9305. We are very limited in what we can do to help with account access.
- Students can save their College Board login somewhere in their phones - in notes or photos.They will use it multiple times in high school, so they will want to keep it safe and accessible.
Email questions to beth_mcnett@glenbard.org.
AP Registration Fees
The cost of a student’s AP exam(s) is factored into school registration fees at the beginning of the school year. The Glenbard District 87 School Board has made the investment to pay for one AP exam for every Glenbard student every year. All subsequent exams are $99—except AP Seminar, which is $147. To officially register for each AP exam, students must join the MyAP classroom for each of their AP courses. MyAP is a College Board website where students register for exams, access course resources, and see their exam scores. If your student drops an AP class, the student’s balance will automatically be updated to reflect the change. Families can withdraw from the exam without financial penalty until November 15th, for full year AP courses, or March 15th, for 2nd semester only AP courses, by notifying the AP Coordinator, Beth McNett or the Assistant Principal for Instruction, Joan Witkus. After these dates, families will receive a partial credit (exam cost minus a $40 canceled exam fee).
Freshman and Sophomores:
It is important to note that, beginning in the 2024-25 school year, the state of Illinois will require students to take the school-day ACT as a graduation requirement instead of the SAT. Therefore, on April 9, 2025, your student will take the pre-ACT. This will help students to both prepare for the ACT in their Junior year and understand their own strengths in the knowledge and skill targets that are central to the exam. Both the ACT and SAT are aligned with Glenbard’s curriculum. We will continue to work together to make sure all Glenbard graduates are prepared for their postsecondary goals.
*Only the grades assigned to an exam on the above days will be in attendance.
It is important to note that, beginning in the 2024-25 school year, the state of Illinois will require students to take the school-day ACT as a graduation requirement. This will necessitate some changes to the testing calendar for the class of 2026:
- Friday, October 25, 2024: Optional PSAT/NMSQT. Students will be required to complete a survey by the end of August so testing materials can be ordered in a timely manner. There is no additional cost for this exam. The survey will go out at the beginning of the school year in August.
- Tuesday, October 29, 2024: preACT for Juniors. Students will be automatically registered and there is no additional cost.
- Thursday, April 10, 2025: School-day ACT for Juniors. Students will be automatically registered and there is no additional cost.
*Only the grades assigned to an exam on the above days will be in attendance.
We are confident this plan will help students to both prepare for the ACT in their Junior year and understand their own strengths in the knowledge and skill targets that are central to the exam. Both the ACT and SAT are aligned with Glenbard’s curricula. More information will be available in the Fall for test preparation programs through Glenbard District 87.
If your student needs an SAT score for their college application(s), we recommend that you make plans to take the exam in the Summer of 2025 at a national testing center. Please see the College Board website in the Spring of 2025 for registration information.
26 students in our Glenbard East German program traveled to Berlin on a community based trip from June 1st to June 8th. Students experienced the German capital by seeing remains of the Berlin Wall, eating authentic food, and visiting Checkpoint Charlie along with numerous other historical sites. Glenbard East teachers Kristie Henry, Samantha Janas, Jordan Flowers, and Jackson Howenstine accompanied the group.
Best Buddies is an International Organization that promotes inclusion and friendship between people with and without Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
At Glenbard East, we use the lens of “Embraces Diversity” from the District’s Profile of a Graduate and take it to the next level through our High School Chapter of Best Buddies! Every month we have a meeting & party after-school that includes 4 themed rooms full of dancing, treats, games, art projects, and loads of other fun, to encourage connections between all students. We also take one field such as movies, bowling, the zoo, and the Slime Factory! Students also have the opportunity to become one of the BEST Best Buddies by signing up to be a ‘peer buddy’. Peer Buddies are matched in a 1:1 friendship which ensure that each student that is part of our most vulnerable population feels included and like they belong.
We hope that ALL students at Glenbard East want to join us every month while we celebrate inclusion, friendship, and just being a RAM! You can register to join HERE (required to participate in any party or trip) and a board member will connect you to our PhotoCircle and REMIND communication group so you can get announcements, invites to exclusive extra events, and text immediately with the staff sponsor, Ms. Erica Slusher.
Come join one of the largest clubs at Glenbard East and experience life-changing friendships!
Instagram: @glenbardeastbestbuddies
Sponsor: Erica Slusher (erica_slusher@glenbard.org)
Monday, 8/5 7:00pm-8:30pm - Parent Orientation (for students with IDD) - Rm. 172
Wednesday, 8/28 3:10-5:15 pm - Candy Party & Fundraiser Rollout - Fundraiser Runs 9/2-9/27 and you can sign up HERE to help & win prizes!
Joining GEFAB helps to support all of the activities in music, art, theatre, and film production. Your membership helps fund the “extras” that make the Fine Arts Experience at East so special to our students. Through membership and fundraising GEFAB provides lesson scholarships, college scholarships, field trip assistance, and support for events throughout the year. GEFAB volunteers help with marching band and concert uniforms, theatre production build and performances, as well as hospitality at events.
Please consider joining GEFAB for $25.
Go to gefinearts.org for more information.
Save the dates:
August 20, 6PM Room 250. GE FINE ARTS BOOSTERS Board Meeting, all are welcome.
August 29, 5PM. GE FINE ARTS BOOSTERS Parent Kick-Off Meeting (before Open House)
September 28 10AM - 4PM. GEFAB MATTRESS SALE
VISION: To utilize school and sports to develop “WELL-ROUNDED” student-athletes and establish great pride in our RAMS COMMUNITY.
A huge THANK YOU to our entire Glenbard East community for your role in helping our athletic teams persevere and celebrate! Head coaches will send out specific times for preseason practices/tryouts.
Just a quick recap of the 2023-24 athletic season: with now 29 sports (added boys lacrosse co-op and girls flag football) and 920+ athletes, we continue to set new highs in achievements including All-Conference, IHSA All-Academic Teams, as well as National Honors recognition. A good majority of the teams finished in the top of the UpState8 Conference, achieving team conference championships at all levels, many IHSA Individual State Qualifiers, Team State Qualifiers, and our 15th Individual IHSA State Champion - Vaden Srey of boys gymnastics (who achieved back-to-back state championships). We continue to add senior athletes to our Athletic Wall-of-Achievement.
Now it is time for the 2024-25 athletes, teams and families to write the next story of Rams Athletics. This will be an exciting year for Glenbard East Athletics, as we are very optimistic about the upcoming seasons!
NEW: Fall Girls Flag Football
There will be an inaugural season for girls flag football. The season will officially begin on Monday, August 26, but more information including a preseason meeting will take place during the first weeks of school. Head coach TBA, email Mr. Bates for now dwayne_bates@glenbard.org
IHSA start dates:
ALL Fall Sports start on/after Monday, August 12. Please feel free to reach out to the following head coaches for more specific information regarding preseason:
- Cheer CoEd Sideline: Kelly Dolan, kelly_dolan@glenbard.org
- Cross Country Boys: Andrew (Andy) Adduci, andrew_adduci@glenbard.org
- Cross Country Girls: Chris Pietsch, christopher_pietsch@glenbard.org
- Dance Poms: Courtney Clay, courtney_clay@glenbard.org
- *Flag Football Girls: head coach TBA, but email Mr. Bates for now dwayne_bates@glenbard.org
- Football: John Walters, john_walters@glenbard.org
- Golf Boys: Chris Wienke, christopher_wienke@glenbard.org
- Golf Girls: Chris Nagel, christopher_nagel@glenbard.org
- Soccer Boys: Josh Adler, joshua_adler@glenbard.org
- Swimming Girls: Chris Del Galdo, cdelgaldo@gmail.com
- Tennis Girls: Scott Llorens, scott_llorens@glenbard.org
- Volleyball Girls: Bradley Cardott, bradley_cardott@glenbard.org
Please register on PowerSchool prior to the start date of your respective sport(s) and ensure student-athletes have up-to-date medical physical examinations and immunization records. While student accident insurance is provided for all enrolled students, additional insurance is mandatory for those in tackle football. Click here for more information.
Attention Fall Girls Swimmers
Student-athletes interested in swimming for our Glenbard Cooperative Swim Team should stop by the Athletic Office or go to the Glenbard North Athletic website at https://schools.snap.app/glenbardnorth for additional information and registration forms. Head Coach Chris Del Galdo can be reached via email: cdelgaldo@gmail.com, and even though this is a cooperative swim, all paperwork must be turned into the Glenbard East Athletic Office.
Student Athletic Fees/Registration - $175
All students who participate in athletics will be required to register and pay the $175 athletic fee for one, two, or three sports. Student-athletes are encouraged to take advantage of this great deal and participate in multiple sports! Remember, colleges and employers are searching for well-rounded students! Fees or a confirmed payment plan are due before the first competition. There are fee waivers available for families, please stop by the Athletic Office and inquire. Parents must register and pay online through PowerSchool. Also, students must have an up-to-date medical physical examination. FRESHMEN and TRANSFERS must have all immunizations completed with their medical physical examination.
Glenbard East Athletics is now prepared to keep players, parents, and fans up to date with team news, pictures, schedules, rosters and more.
Website: https://schools.snap.app/glenbardeast
Instagram & X: @GEHS_Athletics
Athletic Wall-of-Achievement: https://glenbardeast.touchpros.com/Home2.aspx
Fall Athletic Parent Night
Glenbard East Athletics will host a Fall Athletic Parent Night on: Monday, August 19 at 6:00pm. This will be in-person, in Biester Auditorium. Come learn about our athletic vision/mission, participation opportunities, and meet our Athletic Booster Club executive committee.
Red & Black Scrimmage Night for All Fall Sports
On Friday, August 23, we will kick off the athletic seasons with our Annual Red & Black Community Night for All Fall Sports, an athletic community event showcasing our fall teams, as well as concessions and spirit wear to be purchased. Itinerary for this event will be shared, but the event starts at 4:00pm.
Our Athletic Booster Club annually raises well over $40,000 that go directly to our teams and student-athletes; helps provide essentials that help enhance our athletic teams pursue VICTORY! However, we need more parent volunteers! Please sign up and continue to help enhance our athletic program. The main website is: www.eastboosters.com for information about membership, parent volunteer opportunities, fundraisers, concession, purchasing spirit wear, and family activity passes. Any further inquiries please contact ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB PRESIDENT, Mrs. Jerri Gapastione (jgw8@comcast.net).
Glenbard East High School
Email: ge_news@glenbard.org
Website: glenbardeasths.org
Location: 1014 South Main Street, Lombard, IL, USA
Phone: (630) 627-9250
Twitter: @GE_Rams