The Eagle Update
Lee-Hamilton Intermediate
February 10, 2025
Hello Eagle Families!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend! As a Chiefs fan, the Super Bowl was a bit (or really) rough. Although, I appreciated their perseverance and push at the end. I will say the Eagles played an amazing game!
This week we will have our Family Advisory on Tuesday, February 11 from 5:00-5:30 P.M. on Zoom. We will not meet at the building, it will be Zoom only. You can click this link to join the meeting: https://fergflor-org.zoom.us/j/2965368945?omn=87131652433
We expect winter weather again this week, so your Eagles will bring home their snow day packets today, just in case the weather leads to another AMI day. Also, please make sure your Eagle is dressed for the weather each day, including coats, hats, and gloves. We go outside for recess any day the temperature is about 20 degrees and the weather permits.
Thank you to our families for helping us celebrate Mrs. Trittler last week and a huge congratulations to our LH Spellers. They did a fantastic job at our District Spelling Bee!
This week we will continue celebrating Black History Month. We have many exciting events planned, including a food drive, trivia & class bingo, a student-led 4th grade wax museum, and a spirit week at the end of the month.
We have many field trips coming up, so make sure you check your Eagle's bookbags for permission forms. Without a signed permission form they will not be able to attend. There are also often behavior requirements to attend field trips, like no office referrals, so please remind your Eagle(s) to keep their hands to themselves, use kind words, and follow staff directions.
Save the date! Our next Family Advisory meeting will be Tuesday, February 11, so please mark your calendars. Additional information will be coming soon.
We appreciate all that you have done to encourage your Eagles to use kind words, keep their hands to themselves, follow staff directions, and put forth their best effort in class! As a reminder, we have weekly and monthly incentives to support and encourage students to make good, safe choices all week! We are also doing a kindness challenge right now, so make sure to ask your Eagles each day which kindness activity they chose to complete to show kindness to someone else.
Early Dismissal Reminder: When you are coming up to school to pick up a student early, please buzz the front door. We will either have you wait on the front porch and come and check your ID to verify you as a family member/emergency contact or buzz you into the office to check your ID. We will then bring your Eagle to you. No student will be released without verifying your ID and ensuring the person is on your Eagle's emergency contact list. I noticed many portals have fewer or no emergency contacts than they did last year. Please check your portal and confirm your emergency contacts.
Please make sure to complete enrollment in Infinite Campus for your students, if you have not yet. This will ensure they will be able to start on time on the first day of school. Please see the link below to visit our school’s parent portal, along with instructions for completing online verification. Our office is currently open and running for any families that need some assistance with verification or preparing for the upcoming school year.
Check out our newsletter which includes our staff and school information, including the school supply list, family handbook, and a calendar of upcoming events.
It is going to be an amazing school year!
See you soon!
Amanda Eye
Friday's Finest Eagles ~ Thank You For Demonstrating the Eagle Way Last Week!
We will announce our last week's Friday's Finest on Monday due to the number of staff absences we had on Friday.
Lee-Hamilton Family Advisory
Tuesday, Feb 11, 2025, 05:00 PM
Congratulations Lee-Hamilton Spelling Bee Winners!!!
Our Lee-Hamilton Spelling Bee Winners did fabulous at our District Spelling Bee! I will have photos from the District Spelling Bee in next week's newsletter!
Other Upcoming Events
We Need You! For the District Safety Committee
The District will begin having quarterly District Safety Committee Meetings, as mandated by School Board Policy 1058.4. This will be an opportunity to identify and discuss safety concerns and work on solutions. The hopeful outcome will be safer, more inclusive school environments districtwide. The purpose of these committees is not just to comply with policy but to serve as a "Morale Meter" to gauge and improve the safety and security of our schools.
Each committee will focus on addressing the data from the DESE Culture and Climate Survey, particularly the responses to the following safety-related statements:
a. I feel safe at my school.
b. I have been concerned about my physical safety at school.
c. If I report unsafe or dangerous behavior, I can be sure the problem will be taken care of.
d. I feel safe when entering or leaving my school building.
We will have four (4) District Safety Committees, one representing each school level:
· Primary School Committee (Pre-K to 2nd grade schools)
· Intermediate School Committee (3rd to 5th grade schools)
· Middle School Committee (6th to 8th grade schools)
· High School Committee (9th to 12th grade schools)
Each committee will consist of:
· At least one administrator from each school
· At least one teacher from each school (except MHS, MNHS, CK, FMS will nominate two teachers)
· A parent group president or leader from each school
· A school district bus driver
· At least one FFSD Safety & Security Officer
· Any additional district-level employees assigned per the Superintendent
Meetings will be held each quarter, with the first meetings scheduled for the week of October 14, 2024.
Family Advisory Meeting Recap
Thank you to each of our families who were able to make it to our Family Advisory Meeting last Tuesday evening! I am including the presentation for the meeting below. Our meeting notes are on the last two slides.
Online Student Verification/Enrollment/Registration in Infinite Campus
To register for the 2024-25 school year, please read the information on the link below for our enrollment process and the documents needed.
All families (existing and new) must upload residency documents for the 24-25 school year. Existing families must reupload their residency information.
Students will not be able to start on the first day of school if the enrollment process has not been completed in Infinite Campus.
Once you are logged in and your student's account is active, please know that any information you see related to classroom teacher could be displayed incorrectly. Classroom teacher information will not be solidified until the week of Meet the Teacher.
Uniforms & Clear Backpack Required for 1st Day of School
Only uniforms may be worn to school, unless on an administrator-approved school spirit or incentive day.
Collared Shirts (Short or Long-Sleeved): White, blue, black, gray, or red shirts with collars, such as a polo, oxford, or dress shirt (no logos required)
Sweaters: White, blue, black, gray, or red cardigans, vests, fleeces, quarter-zips, crewneck sweatshirts, or blazers.
Clothing should have no more than a small (half-dollar-sized) logo (no graphics)
No hoodies, jean jackets, coats, or head coverings will be able to be worn in the building.
Students may personalize their uniforms by adding school-appropriate hair accessories, socks, ties or ascots, pins or buttons, etc.
Blue, black, or khaki pants (khaki material)
Blue, black, or khaki shorts (khaki material)
Blue, black, khaki, red plaid, or blue plaid jumpers, skirts, or skorts (with shorts or leggings underneath)
Shorter bottom pieces should be the appropriate length for school (below fists with hands at side)
Blue, black, gray, red, or white tights or leggings may be worn under jumpers or skirts. Leggings only may not be worn as bottoms
No blue or colored jeans
Safe and appropriate shoes (closed-toed and closed-heeled shoes) must be worn at all times
Shoes with laces are suggested for safety during PE & recess
No crocs, slides, or bubble sandals
Clear Backpacks
Clear backpacks are a requirement for all students
Students may include in their clear bookbag a small non-clear pouch no larger than 5.5”x4”
No other bag or purse is allowed at school
Uniform Sources, Online and/or Local
Families may purchase their uniforms at any location as long as the above expectations are followed. Below are several uniform retailers:
Arrival & Dismissal
Lee-Hamilton Family Handbook
Food & Birthdays @ School
Food @ School
Students are not permitted to have the following items for breakfast or lunch:
- fast food items
- open container cups (like coffee)
- chips (must be part of a lunch, but can not be the only item they bring for lunch)
- soda
- drinks in glass containers
If a student brings these items they will be asked to keep them in their book bag or dispose of them.
The Eagle Way Expectations
Social-Emotional Learning @ Home To Prepare for the School Year
Standards-Based Learning & Grading Reports
Student & Family Supports
Public Library After-School Meals
Operation Food Search is teaming up with the St. Louis County libraries to provide after school meals and free activities to children Monday-Friday. Meals must be eaten on site and are available free of charge for children ages 5-18. No library card is required.
Participating Libraries:
Florissant Valley Branch Monday-Friday 3:45-4:45pm
Lewis & Clark Branch Monday-Friday 3:30-4:30pm
Prairie Commons Branch Monday-Friday 3:00-4:30pm
For Additional Resources, please complete the form below: https://forms.gle/GCPazGtBxcpwqTkF7
CHADS Coalition - Options for Mentoring and Other Family Supports
Academic Supports
TutorMe (Free Online District-Purchased Tutoring)
Local Libraries Offering WiFi Hotspots to Checkout & Free Online Tutoring
~ Information Below This Line Is Important, But Previously Shared ~
Lee-Hamilton Intermediate
Email: leehamiltonprincipal@fergflor.org
Website: https://www.fergflor.org/lee-hamilton-elementary
Location: 401 Powell Avenue, Ferguson, MO, USA
Phone: 314-521-6755
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeeHamiltonIntermediate
Twitter: @LHEaglesSoar