St Patrick Catholic School Board
A Message from Our School Board Member
October 2024
Hello St. Patrick School Families,
My name is Nathan Allison and it's my absolute honor to serve on our school board in my second academic year. We have three children at St. Patrick Catholic School this year. Anna (7th), Katherine (4th) and Noah (2nd) and we love the fact that our children are a part of such a special community. We’ve got off to a tremendous start this year and that’s a direct reflection of our committed staff and the wonderful work they do on a daily basis. They say the “proof is in the pudding” and that's glaringly evident by taking a look at any metric used to assess our children. St. Patrick leads the way!
As a reminder, the St. Patrick School Board typically meets on the last Thursday of each month. November’s meeting will be at 6 p.m. in the MPR/school library on Nov. 21 because of Thanksgiving. All are welcome to attend and observe our meetings. If you have an item or topic to bring before the board, please reach out to Mr. Wiebers prior to the board meeting. A board member will also provide a monthly school board update highlighting happenings from our most recent meeting. Below are the highlights from our latest meeting:
- School security updates continue to be completed. You may have noticed the new school window coverings. These coverings provide increased security by; reinforcing the window strength, preventing shattering, providing privacy and blocking potential intruder surveillance. In addition, the school doors will remain locked with a central access point where entrance is monitored.
- FAST testing has completed and our students performed extremely well. Students needing extra assistance have been identified and the tools and resources have been committed to those students to increase future testing.
- Professional development amongst the staff at St. Patrick has been planned and scheduled for the school year.
- Budget planning has begun for the 2025-2026 school year as well as a review of the school boards by-laws and regulations
On behalf of the School Board, we are honored to serve our school. Please reach out if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
Nathan Allison
St. Patrick School Board Member
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Email: office@cfcatholicschool.org
Website: www.cfcatholicschool.org
Location: 615 Washington Street, Cedar Falls, IA, USA
Phone: 3192776781