Elementary Science/STEM Department
Information pertaining to Science and STEM Curriculum
Laura Cropper, K-4 Science Instructional Facilitator
Elementary Science Curriculum
Elementary STEM Curriculum
What does STEM look like at the elementary level? Teachers received EbD Teems curriculum specific to their grade level. The topics covered in each curriculum directly allign to the existing science curriculum and standards (see picture for grade level topics).
Currently, third and fourth grade students are receiving STEM as a special, just like music, art, etc. Students in K-2 receive their STEM instruction within the regular classroom. In addition, teachers in K-4 work with the STEM Coach to find opportunities within the existing curriculum to integrate STEM challenges and activities.
Below you will find students of all ages engaged in STEM challenges and the EbD Process.
Silverware Monument
What to do with a Box?
Saving Fred Challenge
Engineering by Design (EbD) Process
Contact Info
Email: campbelll@manheimcentral.org
Website: http://laurathetechy.weebly.com
Phone: 717-665-8900
Twitter: @cropperl2003