Moser School Newsletter
Respect, Responsibility, and Pride
🧹 Witching You a Happy Halloween!
Happy Friday, Moser Families!
As we move further into the school year, I’m excited to share some highlights from October. Our students have been making fantastic progress, and the energy throughout the school has been inspiring! Whether in the classroom, on the field, or in the arts, our students continue to amaze us with their hard work and enthusiasm.
October is a month full of learning, creativity, and school spirit. Be sure to check out upcoming events that bring us together as a community. We also continue to focus on student well-being, and I want to acknowledge the efforts of our staff and families in supporting a positive environment for our learners.
Thank you for your continued partnership! Have a great Friday and enjoy the weekend!
Warm regards,
💀 Why didn’t the skeleton go to the Halloween party?
– Because he had no-body to go with!
⚰️ How can you tell if a vampire has a cold?
– Because of the coffin!
Our Amazing Raptors
These students represent our core values each and every day! Congrats to our young raptors!
BOE Student Representatives
Congrats and a huge shout-out to Chase Wenzel and Akili Tate for the amazing performance last night presenting to the board. They both have vibrant personalities and their energy is infectious. Here is the presentation for your view: October BOE Student Presentation 2024
Principal Diaz, Assistant Principal, Mr. Cassello with Akili and Chase.
Military Deployment Boxes
We are collecting holiday decorations to bring a little holiday spirit to our service men and women. The donation box is located in the main office. Thank you for your kind contributions.
New England Rendokan
Have your student join our after school program on Tuesday and Thursday starting October 29th from 3:10-3:50 PM.
PE Success!
Mr. Vye and Mr. DePaolo have amazing news to share with you!
They put together an action plan last year to try and boost our student’s overall fitness and in return hoping for the scores to go up. Well, they did it in a very big way! We were at 54.8% passing for all students 2 years ago. They decided to implement and train the students on the PACER test and we had an 88.4% passing rate last year.
We are so thrilled that our fitness scores have surpassed those of previous year! This is a direct reflection of the hard work and dedication that Mr. Vye and Mr. DePaolo have poured into making fitness a key part of our student’s daily lives. Thank you for continuously going above and beyond to inspire students to be active and healthy.
Picture Day Retakes
Retakes are scheduled for December 3rd.
Specials Classroom
Instructional Technology
In Instructional Technology fourth graders just finished two block coding sprite labs, which taught them how to create and animate sprites. Classes will then create a sprite that looks like/represents them for a larger All About Me interactive coding poster/project. The fifth graders are currently researching the main steps of the 3D printing process. We just finished evaluating a website, focusing on who created the site, when was the information written/updated, what the domain suffix of the website is, and more. After a bit more research we will be learning some basic design moves within a web-based 3D CAD modeling program.
The 4th and 5th graders have been working on reading rhythmic notation, as well as performing on different percussion instruments. Within the next few weeks, students will start focusing on melodic notation, which will give them the opportunity to perform on pitched percussion instruments, such as the xylophone. At every music class, students also learn about a composer or musician of the week. This gives students the opportunity to be exposed to the lives and music of many different composers and musicians. We look forward to learning new concepts and skills next month in music class.
Currently in P.E. class, we are focusing on improving students' fitness through exercises like push-ups, curl-ups, planks, stretching and PACER practice tests. These exercises are helping to increase strength, endurance, flexibility and overall health. Our goal is to track students' progress and encourage them to reach personal fitness goals in a positive and supportive environment. We also just finished our intro to lacrosse unit with both grades. We will finish October with some chasing/fleeing activities to help increase cardiovascular endurance.
In 4th grade Art students started the year learning how to draw a sea turtle and created ocean scapes. Next we learned about stained glass Rose Windows and created our own version of these windows. We then created model magic snakes that required color mixing and careful sculpting. In 5th grade art we began the year drawing birds. We then learned how to draw a Gecko and students had the opportunity to paint using the metallic watercolors. We then created Lego portraits. We are currently painting beautiful night sky silhouettes!
World Language
Students in World Languages have fallen into French this autumn. Fourth graders are greeting people and saying how they’re doing, learning the alphabet and numbers, and identifying things they use in the classroom like pencils and whiteboards. Fifth graders are using what they learned last year and learning to tell time in French and how the 24-hour clock is used in Europe.
Spirit Week
Students are not allowed to wear Halloween costumes or bring candy to school.
PAC Meeting
We have a scheduled PAC meeting on Monday, October 21st at 6:00 PM in the cafeteria. See you soon!
🎃 Use of District Devices at Home 🎃
**Important Technology Information**
This is a reminder that any time a student signs into their Rocky Hill school account using their district issued email address, our filtering software, GoGuardian, begins monitoring computer use. Thus, if students are logging in at home on a personal device, it is imperative that when they are finished, they log out of their account. Please see below for where to look to make sure that students have logged out. If they do not log out of their account, the monitoring and filtering will continue on personal devices and Rocky Hill Public Schools does not want to be monitoring personal devices. If you have any questions, please reach out to Danielle Galligan, District Instructional Technology Facilitator, at galligand@rockyhillps.com, or Chris Guay, Technology Director, at guayc@rockyhillps.com.
Celebrating Our Veterans!
In observance of Veterans Day, Moser School is collecting pictures of family members who are veterans to proudly display in the main lobby area of our school.
If you would like to have your family member, who is currently serving in the armed forces or has served in the past, included in this tribute, please attach a photocopied picture to the back of the attached flyer. Your student will bring a flyer home on Monday. Please feel free to make copies if your family has more than one veteran. Original photos should not be sent to school.
Please return this completed form to your child’s teacher by Wednesday, November 6. Thank you for supporting Moser School as we recognize heroes in our community.
Thank you,
The Moser School PBIS Committee