Santa Clara School Newsletter
Term 2, Week 8 - Friday, 7th June 2024
Principal Update
Dear Parents & Caregivers,
Life just seems to be extremely busy at the moment with lots of things going on at once. I mean, in our roles as parents, partners, friends, teachers, there are times we are juggling so many things at once. For me, when times get like this I tend to worry! It seems to be a common emotion for many of us at certain times. While I always try to stay positive most of the time, there always seems to be those ‘what if?’ thoughts that enter my mind.
Perhaps there are many things in our world that cause us anxiousness. The health of those we love, the future of our children, loneliness. Research shows that for some of us there is a genetic element to worrying. Some of us have low levels of serotonin, some of us may worry because it is a generational thing. I know my mum worries constantly and that’s where I have got it from! Some of us may worry more than others due to a traumatic experience. Fear and worry come in different forms but the commonality is that it can bring us torment.
Worry also changes as we change. As a teenager we may worry about what others think of us. As parents we may worry about finances. As we get older we may worry about losing our loved ones. The list goes on and on. Worrying can consume us and last week I have let it consume me. I have found myself not being fully there for others as I have been so focussed on getting things done. Maybe it is because I am thinking about my change of schools? Maybe it is because I want to make sure all is done here before I leave at the end of term? Lucky for me, Mrs Walker drops me the odd compliment or two when she sees me needing a ‘pick me up’!
Last week when I was on recess duty I was spending time with some Year 6 students. Just asking them what was going on in their lives made me also witness them having their own worries. It seems as though the world is a lot darker than it was when I was in Year 6. As we were discussing our week, one of them mentioned challenges on social media as a factor that worry them about the future.
One of my favourite saints is Mary MacKillop. I always believe in the saying, ‘God works in mysterious ways’ and He sure did talk to me as Father John at my local Parish gave his homily. The homily was all about worrying and how it basically does nothing for us. As I sat there listening, I discovered that worry will not change anything and it reminded me of this quote I was given by a friend of mine during a pretty tough time. Worry steals our joy of the present.
I then asked my good friend Mrs Google about this topic of worrying and being afraid in the Bible and she told me that the words ‘Do not be afraid’ are written 365 times. That is once for each day of the year! We can celebrate each day the victory of Christ and what his sacrifice did for us all. Knowing this, when we are experiencing worry, maybe we should ask ourselves ‘what is the worst thing that can happen and if it did happen could you cope?’ Maybe on our own we couldn’t, but knowing that God is there, surrounding us with others that care is a pretty awesome feeling.
Mary MacKillop also talked about living in the moment and ‘never seeing a need without doing something about it’. I guess she too knew that worrying was something that was very unnecessary. She was all about simply being. Not going over the top, not turning a blind eye, but being present in the moment. This is something I see every day in our community, from students, parents and staff. We all face challenges that can cause worry and fear. The joy however, is seeing this sense of being there for others in need and helping them through it.
Mary’s life was all about service to others with Christ as her core. We too must be open to serve others especially those who may be experiencing worry or fear. My hope is that I never forget or take for granted that idea of ‘being in the present’ and ‘being there’ for others.
And going back to how God works in a mysterious way, last week I caught up with the same friend and mentor who gave me the quote about worrying. While I shared with him the worries and pressures I was facing, he reminded me of a quote that I once shared with him, about pressure being a privilege. He gave me the challenge to remember this and switch my thinking, and it actually has helped, big time. It has made me refocus and remember my purpose and the privilege that comes with my role here at Santa Clara and my calling to serve as a Principal. I encourage you all to do the same, especially in these last few weeks that are extremely busy. The role each of you carry out here at SC is a privilege. We have the privilege of providing learning experiences that impact our kids and who they become. We have the privilege of writing reports and giving parents an honest snapshot of how their child is going and how we can work with you. We have the privilege of supporting one another here in our community to bring the joy of Christ alive for each person we encounter. I don’t know about you, but when I flipped my thinking I once again found the spark and joy in the little things.
May your week be worry free. And, if you do find those negative thoughts creeping in, remember that God tells us ‘do not be afraid’ for through him all things are possible. Something at home that we do around the dinner table is talking about three good things that happened in the day. Why not try this? It not only promotes great conversation, but it also models to your children the idea of always looking for the good in life.
Please be aware that parking in the driveways of neighbours, and blocking their driveway, can lead to receiving an infringement notice from the City of Canning Rangers Service. We appreciate there are times we are rushing to get into school, and that there is limited parking. Our neighbours are 100% supportive of our school, so we need to maintain courtesy in this area. Thank you to all our parents and grandparents that do the best they can to follow the rules around the school with regard to parking. A big thank you to our parents and grandparents using the Kiss and Drive areas and following our left turn in and left turn out procedure. Patience is required at times, but on the whole, we continue to be impressed with the efficiency of the Kiss and Drive.
First Holy Communion
As our Year 4 students prepare to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion this Sunday, 9th June, we ask for your prayers and support. This afternoon, the students will receive Reconciliation, in preparation for making their First Communion. Please join us in praying for our students as they prepare to receive Jesus in this sacred sacrament. May they be filled with joy, peace, and a deep understanding of God’s love for them. We also pray for their families and teachers, that they may be a source of strength and encouragement as they grow in their faith.
We are so proud to announce that July Ban (Year 6) has received a full scholarship to St Brigid’s College for her secondary school education. We congratulate July on this achievement and dedication to her studies.
LifeLink Launch
This week, Santa Clara School was amongst many Catholic primary schools acknowledged for fundraising to support Catholic agencies helping the vulnerable in the community. The various fundraising events we hold each year contribute to this appeal. Thank you SC! You are making a great difference!
Have a blessed fortnight.
Clinton Payne
Assistant Principal News
First Holy Communion
This coming Sunday 9 June at 9:30am students in Year 4 will receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist. This is a very special moment in their sacramental journey where they receive Jesus for the first time. The Eucharist helps us to become more Christ like and live as He wants us to. We would like to thank Miss Pavlovic for all her hard work in preparing the students for this special day.
Lightning Carnival - Year 6
Next Friday 14 June students in Year 6 are taking part in the annual Winter Sports Carnival. Students will take part in netball and soccer games throughout this day. We wish them all the best and play with great sportsmanship!
Mr Payne’s Farewell Assembly, Morning Tea and Burgers for all the students
As you are aware that Mr Payne is leaving at the end of Term 2, there are a few events planned to wish him farewell. On Wednesday 26 June Mr Payne would like to organise a burger (as this is his favourite food) for all the students from Kindy to Year 6.
On Thursday 27 June the Year 6 students will put on a short assembly for Mr Payne followed by a morning tea. Please RSVP using the link https://trybooking.com/CSFBB by Thursday 20 June for catering purposes.
Have a lovely weekend!
Kind regards,
Mrs Denise Grech and Mr Andrew Gaudoin
Assistant Principals
Term Two Calendar
To download a copy of our latest Term Two calendar, please click here.
Live Calendar
To access our live calendar on our new website, please click here.
Important Dates
Sunday, 9 June: 9:30am FIRST COMMUNION MASS
Friday, 14 June: Interschool Lightning Carnival
Thursday, 20 June: Last day to RSVP for Mr Payne's Farewell Morning Tea (see note above for details)
Friday, 21 June: 9:00am Whole School Mass led by Year 6
Wednesday, 26 June: NAIDOC Celebration, Mr Payne's Burger Day for all students in Kindy to Year 6
THURSDAY, 27 JUNE: LAST DAY OF TERM / 9:00am Mr Payne's Farewell Assembly & Morning Tea / Reports go home / School Disco
Monday, 15 July: Students & Staff commence Term 3
Pre-Primary Classroom News
Uniform Shop News
The Uniform Shop is open from 8:30am to 9:30am on Wednesday mornings.
You are still welcome to order online through QuickCliq at www.quickcliq.com.au.
For queries, please email: uniform@santaclara.wa.edu.au.
P&F News
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Santa Clara Primary School P & F
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Local Community Events
About Us
Email: admin@santaclara.wa.edu.au
Website: web.santaclara.wa.edu.au
Location: 91 Coolgardie Street, Saint James WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9251 0400