Wolf Tracks
Sunday, Feb. 23, 2025
Staffing Announcement
We want to wish a heartfelt congratulations and fond farewell to Mrs. Desaulniers who has been with us at Lakeland Ridge for the past 5 years. Often being the first voice you hear when you call the school, Mrs. D has made countless connections with our students and families, and her presence will be greatly missed. She has accepted a position working with an accounting firm starting in March and this Thursday will be her last day. Make sure you stop by or call in to send your best wishes to Mrs. Desaulniers. Everyone at Lakeland will miss her!
📆 Upcoming Dates and Events
Feb. 24 - Returning Student Registration closes
Feb.24 - March Book Madness Begins!
Feb. 24 - Student Voice (Div.1)
Feb. 25 - Student Voice (Div.2)
Feb. 25 - Linking Generations
Feb. 25 - Citadel Student Club: A Midsummer Night's Dream
Feb. 26 - Student Voice (Div.3)
Feb. 26 - Pink Shirt Day
Mar. 4 - School Council Meeting @ 6:30pm
Mar. 4 - Parent Action Society Meeting @ 7:30pm
Mar. 5 - Hot Lunch Order Deadline
Mar. 5 - Early Dismissal 2:10pm - Theme - Dress like the Staff!
Mar. 7 - PL Day - No School
Mar. 10 - Hot Lunch - Nitza's Pizza 🍕
Mar. 11 - Linking Generations Visit
Mar. 12 - Hockey Hooky Field Trip (Junior High)
Mar. 13 - Salisbury High Registration Team visits grade 9s
Mar. 14 - Pi Day
Mar. 14 - Elementary Report Cards go Live
Mar. 17-18 - Junior High Banff Ski Trip
Mar. 18 - Linking Generations
Mar. 21 - School Closure Day
Mar. 24-28 - Spring Break - No School
Check our school website for the most up-to-date information.
Newsies Production - Tickets are now on sale!
Parent Session - Managing Anxiety
We are excited to host this interactive and information session for parents. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP below. Childcare will be provided on site (must request upon RSVP).
Weekly Regulation Practice - Eye Yoga
Eye Yoga - Keeping your head still, take your right hand with your pointer finger and move your finger (slowly) back and forth from side to side and only move your eyes. Try not to move your head as you follow your finger. After you have tried this a few times, do this with a partner and have them watch you follow your finger to see if you can still your head. You can also move your finger up and down and in different positions but only follow with your eyes.
This practice helps activate the vagus nerve, a key player in our nervous system that regulates many essential functions, including digestion, blood flow, heart rate, and emotional balance.
All of the regulation strategies we’ve been practicing this year can be found on our school website.
March 10th - Nitza's Pizza
Our next hot lunch is on March 10th and will be open to all grades K-9 students.
For information on how to order hot lunch, take a look at the hot lunch page on our school website.
Volunteers are needed so please sign up through the Healthy Hunger website when ordering!
Order deadline is Wednesday, March 5th.
Fee Survey for Guardians - LAST WEEK!
As a part of the EIPS Fee Consultation process we would like to get more feedback about our current school fees before we prepare for the 25-26 school year. Please take a few minutes to review our current fee schedule on our school website and provide us with your feedback. The survey will be open throughout the month of February. At our next School Council meeting on March 4th at 6:30pm we will be sharing the feedback from the survey as well as our proposed fees for the 25-26 school year and providing opportunities for feedback before submitting them to the Board of Trustees for approval in April.
Contact Us
Email: general.llr@eips.ca
Website: https://www.lakelandridge.ca/
Location: 101 Crimson Drive, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-416-9018
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lakeland-Ridge-School-1490402014609661
Instagram: @LakelandRidgeWolves