Daniel Webster Elementary School
Weekly Update - March 21, 2025
Important Dates to Note
March 18 - ASEP #4, 3:30-4:30pm
March 19 -PT0 Pizza/Bingo Night, 4:30pm and 6:30pm
March 20 - Fifth Grade Puberty Parent Information Night (MHS High School)
March 21 - Report Cards Issued
March 24 - Family Conferences - Conferences - Evening
March 25 - ASEP #5, 3:30-4:30pm
March 26 - Fifth Grade Puberty Discussion @ 10:30 (in school)
March 26 - Family Conferences - Conferences - Afternoon
March 27 - Marshfield Mosaic Event, 6-8pm, MHS
March 31 - MCAS Grade 3 ELA
Check out our DWS Family Calendar! It's a live document that we will be updating throughout the year.
Important Safety Reminder
Attention Families in our Drop Off/Pick Up line:
For the safety of all students, we kindly remind parents that it is prohibited to pass the vans when their lights are flashing during drop-off or pick-up times. Flashing lights indicate that students are entering or exiting the vehicle, and it is crucial to maintain a safe environment for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring the safety of our school community!
DWS Elementary Conferences
Elementary Conferences will be held on Monday, March 24, 6:00-8:00pm and Wednesday, March 26, 1:25-3:25pm. We will be using PTCFAST for online scheduling, which allows parents/guardians to be in charge of their conference schedules.
Parents/guardians can access the conference sign-ups by clicking on a link that will be put on the DWS webpage on Wednesday, March 19, at 3:00pm using the following steps:
Accessing PTCFAST:
· Visit the DWS webpage. Click on the green button labeled “PTCFast Conference Sign-Up.”
· A list of all teachers (by grade or subject) will be displayed.
· Click on the names of your student’s teachers with whom you wish to conference.
· Select a time and enter the required information (student’s and parent’s name and email).
· PTCFAST will send you an email confirmation. The email will give you information if you need to change your appointment and will send you a reminder of appointments.
As always, appointments do book quickly and are on a first come, first served basis. If you are unable to access an appointment with your student’s teacher, please contact that teacher to discuss your student at a different date/time. If you have any questions about the scheduling process, please contact Mrs. Jackson at jjackson@mpsd.org or Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Morris at (781) 834-5045.
Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 school year
2025~2026 Kindergarten Registration
If you have not already done so, please submit your child’s kindergarten registration as soon as possible.
Children entering Kindergarten must be five (5) years old by August 31, 2025.
Ice Cream is Back!
Ice Cream Day will be on Wednesdays!
The DWS cafeteria will start serving ice cream on Wednesday, February 5th. The price is $1.50. If you are planning to have your child purchase ice cream, families can either send check/cash or electronically through myschoolbucks.com.
If you are planning to send check/cash, please send in an envelope with the child's name, teacher's name and how much they have brought it to the main office on Mondays. This will allow sufficient time for us to put the payment into the system making lunch move smoothly.
DWS Weekly All Stars
We Are DWS Kids!
DWS staff members can award any student with a DWS ALL STAR when they see students being Dedicated, Welcoming, or Safe. All of the DWS ALL STAR awards are put on display in the front lobby. The following students were featured in the morning announcements last week for being DWS ALL STARS!
Grade K: Preston in Mrs. Desharnais’ class is a DWS ALL STAR because he helped a friend get his Ipad to communicate.
Grade K: Azar in Mrs. Dyer’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because he did a great job during Heggerty.
Grade 1: Maisa in Mrs. MacDonald’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because she worked extremely hard on her phonics.
Grade 1: Davi in Mrs. MacDonald’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because he worked incredibly hard during phonics.
Grade 2: Caleb in Ms. Mulligan’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because he focused on morningwork and worked quietly.
Grade 2: Myles in Mrs. Auriemma’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because he made sure to include all of his classmates.
Grade 3: Brooke in Mrs. Hanson’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because she was a dedicated student doing her best school work.
Grade 3: Madison in Mrs. Hanson’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because she shared her thoughts and ideas during a math lesson.
Grade 4: Chris in Mrs. Robatzek’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because he edited his work independently by rereading what he wrote and making changes.
Grade 4: Carlos in Mrs. Farrell’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because he showed initiative and dedication during Knowledge Block.
Grade 5: Grayson in Ms. LaForest’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because he worked hard on his ELA open response.
Grade 5: Maddox in Ms. LaForest’s class is a DWS ALL STAR because he worked hard on his ELA paragraph.
What's been happening around DWS?
DWS Celebrates St. Patrick's Day
This week, our school spirit leadership team planned a dress like a leprechaun day at DWS!
DWS Annual Pizza Bingo Night
On Wednesday DWS hosted our annual Pizza Bingo Night! It was a great turnout with lots of pizza, bingo, and fun! Thank you to the teachers who came to support this well-loved event and the families who donated to our raffle baskets and volunteered to make the night a success!
Grade 4 Rockin' Their Socks for World Down Syndrome Day
Girls on the Run Registration is Open!
Girls On The Run is open for registration for the spring season!!! Here is the link and the sheet for more information.
Girls on the Run Greater Boston SPRING 2025 Program Registration Registration | Pinwheel
DWS Scholastic Book Fair
Next PTO Meeting: Monday 4/7/25 in the DWS library at 7:00 p.m.
Pizza Bingo! Wednesday 3/19/25
Save the date: KKatie’s dine out event Wednesday 3/26 mention DWS and a donation of sales will go to the DWS PTO fund
We will have open PTO positions for next year coming soon- if you are interested in helping, please reach out to yourdwspto@gmail.com
Please join the DWS PTO on PTBoard, today! PTBoard is an online platform that we will be using to communicate school information, events and volunteer opportunities to families. As we move away from sending home paper flyers, this will be the only way to stay up-to-date on school events and place orders for school spiritwear, etc. Accounts are free to set up and in no way commit you to volunteering for the PTO. Please reach out with questions at yourdwspto@gmail.com.
Download the App “PTBoard Mobile” in the App Store today!
Please email yourdwspto@gmail.com with any general questions and for more information. Would you like to volunteer? Please reach out to: dwsvolunteers@gmail.com
Clothing questions can be sent to: dwsptoclothing@gmail.com
Thank you for all of your support!
Please join the DWS PTO on PTBoard, today!
PTBoard is an online platform that we use to communicate school information, events and volunteer opportunities to families. As we move away from sending home paper flyers, this will be the only way to stay up-to-date on school events and place orders for school spiritwear, etc. Accounts are free to set up and in no way commit you to volunteering for the PTO. Please reach out with questions at yourdwspto@gmail.com.
Download the App “PTBoard Mobile” in the App Store today!