ICIS August Newsletter
Volume (2) Issue (1)
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Indian Creek Intermediate School! I hope you and your family are well-rested from the summer and ready for the exciting year ahead. I look forward to meeting our new third graders as well as seeing all of the returning fourth and fifth graders!
Our staff has been hard at work preparing for a successful year. We have some exciting new initiatives to share with you:
New Reading Curriculum: We are adopting Open Court, which we believe will greatly support and improve our students’ literacy skills
New Communication Software: ParentSquare to facilitate better and more effective communication between school and home
New Assessment: This year, we are switching to ILEARN Checkpoints for our 3rd to 5th graders instead of NWEA, which will help us better gauge and support our students' learning progress throughout the year.
A strong partnership between home and school is essential. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teachers, our staff, or me with any questions or concerns. We will keep you updated on important events and school news through our newsletters, ParentSquare, website, and social media. We encourage you to be involved by attending meetings, volunteering, and joining school events. Your participation makes a big difference.
As we begin this new school year, I’m filled with optimism and excitement. Together, we will create a positive and dynamic learning environment for all our students.
Thank you for your support. I look forward to a fantastic year ahead.
Mrs. Rollings
Back to School Night! Tuesday, Aug 6th @ 5:30
We are very excited to see everyone at our Back to School Open House Tuesday, Aug 6th from 5:30-6:30pm. Please come in to see your child's classroom, drop off supplies, and visit the gym, which will have many tables set up with a lot of information and resources.
If you ordered a supply kit, that will be in your child's homeroom. If you signed up for a car tag (below) that will also be in your child's homeroom.
NHJ PTO - Aug 13th @ 6pm
Our NHJ PTO is amazing! They do so much for the teachers and students. We are always looking for more help and volunteers. Please join us for our monthly meetings, which will be on the second Tuesday of each month in the ICES Cafeteria at 6pm. Our first meeting is Aug 13th at 6pm
Car Rider Tag
NEW Car Tags this year! Please fill out the above form with information if your child will be a regular car rider. Your child's tag will be in their homeroom to be picked up at Back to School Night!
Upcoming Dates
Aug 6th - Open House @ 5:30-6:30pm
Aug 7th - First Student Day - Doors open at 7:45am; Class starts at 8:15am (no early release)
Aug 13th - PTO Meeting @ 6pm (ICES Cafeteria) & School Board Meeting @ 7pm (ICMS LGI room)
Aug 20th - Picture Day :)
Thank you for downloading ParentSquare! As a mom of four kids, I am very excited for this "one-stop-shop" form of communication from the district. You should be able to see posts from the district, the office, as well as your student's teacher. There is a messaging portion too, where you can send a private message directly to your teachers! ParentSquare syncs directly from Infinite Campus.