News from Upper Arlington Schools
June 2024

A message from Dr. Hunt
Dear staff, families and community members,
I hope you have had a wonderful start to your summer. This time of year provides a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the past school year’s accomplishments and look forward to the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.
As we prepare for the upcoming school year, our team is diligently working on preparations for the upcoming school year and enhancements to the educational experience for students, in particular the launch of the new UA Hub. Renovation work, funded through a generous state grant, has begun in our old district office near Jones Middle School, which will house exciting new opportunities for our students.
During the summer, we are continuing to support students through the three summer programs we offer in our schools. In this newsletter, you will find updates on that, as well as the upcoming Jones Middle School 100th anniversary open house and the annual Upper Arlington High School Open House, hosted by the Upper Arlington Alumni Association.
I wish you all a safe and enjoyable Fourth of July!
Robert Hunt, Ph.D.
Superintendent, Upper Arlington Schools
Summer learning
Summer learning has been in full swing in Upper Arlington Schools! More than 1,500 students from elementary through high school are actively participating in our summer learning programs: Summer Academy, Summer Reading for grades 1-3 and Extended School Year. These programs are designed to meet the individual needs of our students by allowing them to:
Enhance their academic skills in math, reading or writing
Earn middle school or high school credit in subjects such as math, science, financial literacy, health and physical education
Pursue their passions in STEM and the arts
Expand on their social and well-being skills through enrichment activities focused on volunteering and activities to prepare for and connect with new environments in middle school and high school
Once again, due to a generous federal grant, all courses and workshops in Summer Academy 2024 were offered tuition free.
Join us for the Jones and UAHS open houses!
Join the Upper Arlington Alumni Association, Upper Arlington Schools and the Upper Arlington Historical Society for celebrations of the history of our schools and the alumni and past educators who make them special in back-to-back open house events on Friday, July 5.
In the afternoon, head over to Upper Arlington High School for the Alumni Association’s annual open house event from 12:30 to 3:00 p.m. You can tour the building, shop for UA swag at Bear Essentials, and visit and reconnect with the UA Historical Society and the UAHS Marching Band. At 2:00 p.m., stop by the performing arts center to celebrate this year’s Alumni Award and Educator Hall of Fame honorees:
- Distinguished Alumni Award: Krista Ashlock Mason, ’84; Judge James W. Brown, ’75; and Carl D. Smallwood ’74
- Outstanding Alumni Award: Bill Hall, ’79, and James M. Long, ’69
- Educator Hall of Fame: Chris Collaros, principal of Wickliffe Progressive Elementary School; John Heck, audiovisual specialist at Upper Arlington High School; Jack O. Woodruff, vocal music teacher at Upper Arlington High School, Hastings Middle School and Jones Middle School; and Susan Yutzey, library media specialist and director of the learning center at Upper Arlington High School
Strategic planning update
As the school year came to a close, so did the work of dozens of volunteers in the first phase of the strategic planning process. The volunteers were split into three inquiry teams and spent the first half of 2024 working together to review foundational documents that compiled the feedback from thousands of students, staff members and community members regarding the current state and desired future state of the school district. With that information as a starting point, the volunteers worked to develop research-based strategies that will move the district forward in the pursuit of excellence and innovation for the coming years.
In June, briefing papers for each team, Engaged Learning, Well-being and Belonging, and Connections and Communication, were finalized that summarized each of the inquiry teams’ work. The strategy recommendations were reviewed by another committee of volunteers called the Strategic Coordination Team and then shared with the Board of Education for feedback.
This fall, internal teams will craft the implementation plans to align with these strategies, complete with goals, action steps, performance targets and timelines. The full strategic plan is due to be presented to the Board of Education by January of 2025, when the current strategic plan comes to a close.
Uniquely accomplished
- Upper Arlington High School Class of 2024 graduate Allie G. was the winner of the CAPA Marquee Award for best actress in a leading role for her performance as Cady Heron in the UAHS production of Mean Girls. As the winner, Allie traveled to New York City this month to participate in the Jimmy Awards, a national high school theater program akin to the Tony Awards. Read more about the other nominees from the cast and crew of Mean Girls!
The Upper Arlington High School girls 4x400 team — Maggie R., Elaina S., Elizabeth P. and Maren D. — is the fastest in the state after finishing in first place at the state championship meet in Dayton. They also placed 11th in the 4x200, and Elizabeth Poling placed fifth in the open 400-meter.
The UA Crew Junior 8 boat — Fisher S., Max H., Kieran M., Cooper R., Abram T., Jack K., Liam B., Eli L. and Drew H. — placed fourth in the country at the Scholastic Rowing Association of America’s national championship regatta.
Board of Education update
The Board of Education held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 11. The meeting included an update on the strategic planning process, a district data check-in from Teaching & Learning and other topics summarized here. During the meeting, each Board member discussed their views on the school voucher lawsuit, and following their comments, the Board of Education approved a resolution to join the lawsuit. You may visit our Upper Arlington Schools Board of Education page to access the June 11 meeting agenda and video recording. To view the meeting presentation, please click here.
Five year forecast and enrollment outlook
Twice a year, Upper Arlington Schools provides the community with an important check-in point on the current state of district finances and the outlook through the five-year forecast. This legally required document is filed with the state of Ohio every November and then updated every May. In his latest Treasurer’s Notes column, Treasurer/CFO Andrew Geistfeld shares more details about the latest update to the five year forecast and the outlook on enrollment and staffing going into the upcoming school year.
New district website launches
Upper Arlington Schools has launched a new look for based on feedback from stakeholders. The new website features improved navigation and search features and clear entry points to information for students, families, staff and community members.
You can watch the brief video above for highlights of the new website. Please note that, to access the new Find It Fast feature on mobile view, you can click on the gold Menu button and will then need to swipe the Upper Arlington Schools menu banner up to view the Find It Fast link.
Over the next few weeks, the district will continue to make improvements to the site. If you want to share what you like about the new website, or if you find an issue, please email
It’s time to start getting ready for the 2024-2025 school year! Here’s what you need to know now to be ready for August!
Schedule an iPad trade-in appointment (grades 6-12): Families of students entering grades 6-12 can sign up for an iPad trade-in appointment during the weeks of July 29 and August 5 to turn in their current school-issued iPad and receive a new 10th-generation iPad. Students who can’t pick up their devices during these two weeks can pick up their iPad at their building after the start of school. Elementary students (K-5) will receive their new devices in their classrooms for the first day of school.
Submit a Change of Address Form: If you have moved recently, or are moving this summer, please complete and submit a Change of Address Form before the start of the school year to along with a copy of your proof of residency.
Back to school forms and fees (preK-12): Families of new and returning students (preK-12) will receive information in early August in order to complete back-to-school forms and pay any instructional or technology fees for their students prior to the first day of the school year.
Finalized schedules and teacher assignments (grades 1-12): Throughout the summer, our schools will be working on scheduling students for the upcoming school year. Schedules and teacher assignments will be finalized and available in PowerSchool on Monday, August 5. If schedules are inadvertently available to preview prior to that date, please be aware that they will not yet be finalized and are subject to change. Teacher assignments for incoming kindergarten students will be finalized following their kindergarten screenings in August.
Free summer meals for kids
The Ohio Department of Education & Workforce’s Summer Food Service Program, now known as SUN Meals, provides children with free, healthy meals during the summer break. Meals are available for children ages 1 through 18, as well as individuals with disabilities and approved individualized education programs (IEPs) ages 19 through 21. To learn about meal times and site locations, you can call 1-866-3-HUNGRY (1-866-348-6479) or visit this website.
Save the date for the Golden Bear BASH!
The Upper Arlington Education Foundation invites you to celebrate the 18th annual Golden Bear BASH! on September 1, the Sunday of Labor Day weekend, at the Amelita Mirolo Barn. Proceeds from the BASH benefit UA+Ed’s mission to provide meaningful opportunities for students.
Sponsorship opportunities are available now. You can learn more at
Upcoming Dates
Jones Middle School 100th Anniversary Open House
Friday, July 5 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Jones Middle School, 2100 Arlington Avenue
Upper Arlington Alumni Association’s UAHS Open House
Friday, July 5 from 12:30 to 3:00 p.m.
Upper Arlington High School, 1625 Zollinger Road
Public Hearing on the Re-Employment of Retirees
Monday, July 15 at 5:00 p.m.
Municipal Services Center, 3600 Tremont Road
Bear Essentials Community Shopping Hours
Thursday, August 8 and Friday, August 9 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Upper Arlington High School, 1625 Zollinger Road
Staff Convocation and Meetings
Monday, August 12
Staff In-Service Day
Tuesday, August 13
Board of Education Regular Meeting
Tuesday, August 13 at 6:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers, 3600 Tremont Road
Kindergarten Orientation
Wednesday, August 14 and Thursday, August 15
First Day for Students (Grades 1-6 and 9)
Wednesday, August 14
Classes in Session for Grades 1-12
Thursday, August 15
All K-12 Students in Session
Friday, August 16
First Day for Burbank Early Childhood School
Monday, August 19