The Bear Necessities
Danville CSD Elementary Newsletter, March 22, 2021
A Thank You Message From The Bear Den
If you were unable to log in to your scheduled conference time last week, your child's teacher will be contacting you to reschedule a meeting time. We hope to have an opportunity to speak with all parents. If a zoom meeting does not work, your teacher may request a phone call conference.
Read on for further updates from Danville Elementary.
Kindergarten Round Up Scheduled
Parents that attended the Kindergarten Registration meeting already, will be sent their child's round up time this week. If you did not attend the registration meeting on March 10th, you may call Alice in the elementary office at 319-392-4221 to set up your child's round up time. Students must be five years old by September 15, 2021 to qualify for Kindergarten next year. Open enrollment papers will be available at round up upon request.
Upcoming Dates at Danville Elementary
*Wednesday, March 24th - Statewide Tornado Drill
*Friday, March 26th - Kindergarten Round Up - There will be NO class on Friday for the current Kindergarten students. All other grades will meet as normal on Friday.
*Friday, March 26th - End of the 3rd Quarter
*Monday, March 29th - March/3rd Quarter PBIS Assembly
*Thursday, April 1st - Report Cards go home.
*Friday, April 2nd & Monday, April 5th - No School - Spring Break
*April 19th - 23rd - ISASP Testing for Danville Elementary
Des Moines County Officers & Tank Visit Danville Elementary
Officers explained to the students some of the duties that Tank has at the sheriff's office. The students also learned a little bit about how Tank was trained for his job.They watched a demonstration of Tank searching for narcotics and saw how he identifies his findings to officers. All students were able to pet Tank if they chose to at the conclusion of the assembly.
Many thanks to the Des Moines County Sheriff's Office for a wonderful presentation for our students.
Help Your Child Develop a Love for Reading
Check out this handout for some great tips!
Free Summer Lunches to Continue This Year
School Library Remodel
The Circulation Desk
Elementary Reading Nook
Elementary Book Shelves
Bear Tracks
Math Measurement
2nd Grade Book Writing
St. Patrick's Day Fun!
Danville Elementary School
Location: 419 South Main Street, Danville, IA, USA
Phone: 319-392-4221