Lincoln Bulletin
March 20, 2020
Lincoln School
Email: michelle.woodring@d303.org
Website: https://lincoln.d303.org/
Location: Lincoln Elementary School, South 6th Avenue, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-5436
Twitter: @Lincolnd303
Virtual Spirit Week-sponsored by Student council
FROM YOUR STUDENT COUNCIL - Spirit Week is coming!!--Please continue to share photos.
Student Council is sponsoring Spirit Week from March 23-27, 2020! We’d love to have all of our students join in on the fun:
Monday, 3/23/20 - Represent Your Favorite Sports Team
Tuesday, 3/24/20 - Decade Day
Wednesday, 3/25/20 - Crazy Hair Day
Thursday, 3/26/20 - Dress Up As Your Favorite Book or Movie Character
Friday, 3/27/20 - PJ/Stuffed Animal Day
March 27-April 5--Spring BREAK!
Lincoln Bulletin
Thank you, everyone, for your patience and understanding during this first week of eLearning. I have never been more proud and moved by all of the work, kindness, and generosity people are affording one another. As you know I have been sharing greetings every morning and I plan to continue that, whether it is from our Lincoln front office or if need be remotely from my home. The most important thing to remember is that we are all in this together, we need to be supportive of one another, and please stay connected. Please check out our Twitter page, and look for future Zoom, google hangouts, or other ways we can connect digitally during this time.
We miss every one of you! I know classrooms have been able to connect using technology as best as we can. Students in grades 3-5 have chrome books, and younger students have been able to connect using their home devices whether that is computers, iPads, or phones--staying connected during this time is important. I was able to join in our fifth-grade morning meeting this morning, and it was wonderful to see and hear our kids talk and share. I know Mrs. Cranmer hosted our books between bites this week (photos above), and we have trivia winners from our final segment of Bob by Wendy Mass. We will continue books between bites and also possibly evening bedtime storytime next week.
During this first week allow yourself time to get the routines established and know that students should only spend about 2 hours on their school work. Give time to read, play games, draw, and be active if you can. Please take all of this slowly, it takes time to establish routines for you and your kids. We appreciate everything you are doing. Thank you.
What does e-Learning look like in your home? Did you create a new comfy learning space for your child to read? Do you have a designated spot on your kitchen table to work on writing, crafts, or math? How is your child staying active?
Send us your pictures of what e-Learning looks like in your home and we will share them on our social media pages using the #D303eLearning! Email pictures to justask@d303.org or use Let’s Talk!
District Information
Please visit the District 303 website that is designed to answer your questions about e-Learning, assist you with finding community resources, and link you to information from reputable agencies about COVID-19.
This message is a reminder to elementary school families that the Intra-District transfer window for the 2020-2021 school year opens on April 7 at 8:00 a.m.
For the 2020-2021 school year, ALL elementary students have been assigned to their attendance area school by the District. This includes elementary students currently attending a school on an intra-district transfer.
An Intra-District Transfer Request must be submitted online no sooner than 8:00 a.m. on the first Tuesday following spring break (April 7, 2020) and no later than 4:00 p.m. on the third Monday following (April 20). A link to the request form will be posted on the District 303 web page (district.d303.org) by 8:00 a.m. on April 7.
If you are requesting a transfer for more than one child, a separate request must be submitted for each. Due to fluctuating class sizes at schools and each grade level, siblings are not guaranteed placement. If granted, transportation is the responsibility of the parents.
If you have questions about the process, please call the District office at 331.228.2000.
Expensify.org/hunger to reimburse families in need during COVID-19 crisis
These are unprecedented times, and it's inspiring to see communities rising to the challenge. However, not everyone has the resources to "shelter in place" especially the millions of people in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Living paycheck to paycheck is hard when millions of businesses around the nation are closing down indefinitely, and hourly workers (including those dependent upon tips) are the hardest hit. In particular, families with kids whose primary meals happen at school are especially vulnerable when those schools shut down.
With this in mind, Expensify.org is going to temporarily redirect all of its charitable funds to Expensify.org/hunger. With its ability to reimburse volunteers directly in real-time, Expensify.org is uniquely positioned to help families in need immediately. Until today, this fund was focused on paying off kids' "lunch debts" , but with schools closed around the nation, that isn't the top priority. Instead, we're devoting everything to a new program: matching SNAP grocery purchases up to $50 per family. It works like this:
- Purchase food as normal with your SNAP card
- Download Expensify on iOS or Android, for free
- Join the Expensify.org/hunger policy
- SmartScan the receipt, which will tell us how much you paid and show that it was paid for with an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card
- Submit it to volunteer@expensify.org
- Set up your bank account to receive the funds
- So long as we have funds available, we will reimburse up to $50 per family (one time), the very next day.
To be clear, we can't commit to reimbursing every single person in need — we have no idea how many people will do this, and unfortunately, we don't have unlimited funds. We also don't know how long this crisis will last and how far our brand new charity's resources will stretch. But we're going to do what we can with the funds donated on behalf of Expensify Cardholders via the Karma Points feature, as well as by the extremely generous donors who have signed up for our Corporate and Personal Karma programs.
This is a truly global crisis, and it is only beginning. We all need to work together to weather the storm, and on behalf of Expensify.org's many generous members, we're eager to help.
President of Expensify.org