Bermuda Bay Condominium Newsletter
August 2024
Owner Information, Documents, Work Orders, Meeting Minutes, Voting platform, Forms, etc.
Apologies for the Newsletter Delay
I was able to get away, once summer school was over, and took a trip to Chicagoland to visit with my grandkids. The newsletter will resume to it's normal schedule - to be shared the Friday after the board meetings.
Tori Elvir - President
Roger Daisley - Vice President
Mike Martin - Treasurer
Bermuda Bay Contact Information
Current Contact information for the Board:
President - Tori Elvir - bermudabaypresident@gmail.com
Vice- President -Roger Daisly- bermudabayvicepresident@gmail.com
Treasurer - Mike Martin - bermudabaytreasurer@gmail.com
Secretary - Chris Boyd - bermudabaysecretary@gmail.com
Director-at-Large - John King- bermudabaydirectoratlarge@gmail.com
Rafael Ferreris Jr., Property Manager: - bbbmanager@condominiumassociates.com
Administrative Assistant: Jen Sullivan - bbboffice@condominiumassociates.com
Bermuda Bay Office: 727-864-0735
Bermuda Bay Security Phone Number: 727-212-9963 (Current guards - Alex Prince - Sunday - Thursday; and Justin Ricks - Friday & Saturday)
If you have an after hours emergency, please call Condominium Associates at 727-573-9300 or reach out to a board member for assistance.
Police Non-emergency: 727-893-7780
Police Emergency: 911
Bermuda Bay Clubhouse WiFi: Username: Bermudabayclubhouse (it should pop up)
Password: bbclubhouse
We do have a separate web page called https://www.bermudabaystpete.com/
The password had to be updated, as passwords are occasionally.
Username: BBB (which is the same) and the new Password is: beachcondos
This is NOT the official website of Bermuda Bay, but we try and keep this one updated for your pleasure. The workable website for work orders, payments, documents, etc. is the https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/ and is maintained by CA
Update on Items under the Stairs
Dear Residents,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you of an important update regarding the parking of bicycles under our staircases.
Effective immediately, you are now permitted to park your bikes under the stairs, both at the front and back of the building. This adjustment is intended to provide a more convenient and accessible area for bike storage. However, it is crucial that we adhere to the following guidelines to ensure safety and maintain accessibility:
1. Keep Walkways Clear: Please ensure that bicycles are parked in such a way that they do not obstruct the passage for pedestrians. It is important that the pathways remain clear to allow residents to walk by without any difficulty.
2. No Flammable Items: In accordance with regulations set by the Fire Marshal, no flammable items may be stored under the stairs. This rule is in place to prevent any potential fire hazards and to ensure the safety of all residents.
We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines. Your understanding and efforts to keep our buildings safe and accessible are greatly valued. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Trying to make your Paradise Better!
Best regards,
Rafael Ferreris Jr, LCAM
Bermuda Bay Beach Property Manager
City Streets Flood Due To Tropical Storm Debby: St. Petersburg Police
As Tropical Storm Debby moves along Florida's west coast, streets are flooding around St. Petersburg, police said. (Shutterstock) Photo above
Tiffany Razzano,Patch Staff
Posted Sun, Aug 4, 2024 at 4:24 pm ET
ST. PETERSBURG, FL — As Tropical Storm Debby churns along Florida’s west coast Sunday, streets are flooding across St. Petersburg, police said in a news release.
The following streets are flooded as of Sunday afternoon:
- 4th Street northbound and southbound from 42nd Avenue S. to 45th Avenue S.
- Sunset Drive S.
- 36th Avenue NE to 34th Avenue NE in the Crisp Park area
- Brightwaters Boulevard NE from Snell Isle Boulevard to Lamar Way NE
- Shore Acres Boulevard NE from Overlook Drive NE to Delaware Avenue NE
- Venetian Boulevard NE from Bayou Grande Boulevard NE to Ohio Avenue NE
- Connecticut Avenue NE and Delaware Avenue NE from Shore Acres Boulevard NE to Overlook Drive NE
- 89th Avenue NE to 92nd Avenue NE from 1st Street NE to Oak Street NE
There’s also water in the road at 83rd Avenue NE at Riverside Drive NE.
Committee Chairs at Bermuda Bay
ARC COMMITTEE - Jennie Creighton - jenniecreighton@tagpartners.org
Beach Restoration Committee - Kerry Morrison - Imzchef@comcast.net
Courts and Sports Committee - Robin Ward - Rifkasema@gmail.com
Environmental Committee - Vic Vena bigvic01@icloud.com
Kayak/Trailer and Boat Committee - Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
Landscaping Committee- Cindy Hansen cindyhansen.travel@gmail.com
Pool Committee - Cindy Vena cyvena@icloud.com
Review Committee- Patti Brazil brazil.patty@gmail.com
Security Committee: Peg Daisley- MDaisley@msn.com
Our Own Resident Artist - Dawn Daisley
Dawn Daisley
Print Impressions
Artwork in two exhibitions, but alas, nothing local.
Three pieces are in Creede, Colorado at their annual National Small Print Show and displayed at Creede Repertory Theatre's lobby for in-person viewing from May 25 through June 23, 2024. The show's highlights can be viewed and bought virtually from this link.
Another three are in the 44th Mini Print International of Cadaqués, 2024 from June 29 to September 30, 2024. The exhibition will also travel to Wingfield, UK from July 27 to September 1, 2024, with potential stops in Spain and France.
I'm thrilled to have a studio space at THE FACTORY in St. Pete. I'll be exhibiting three pieces in their gallery space within the FloridaRAMA lobby and cafe. Stop by, especially on the downtown St. Pete 2nd Saturday art walks!
ArtasticExplorations.org HAS BEEN LAUNCHED. The first adventure is an upcoming workshop for ARTASTIC EXPLORERS for an immersive weekend print workshop on September 20-22, 2024. The work created will have the opportunity to be exhibited at THE FACTORY, St. Pete in October 2024. The information is on the new website and I will also send a separate email for all the details of this exciting event.
John King and I are sending out weekly or bi-weekly updates for the community through email blasts. The purpose is to keep the community up to date on issues and progress that surround our construction projects. The links for each communication are below.
Construction Update August 2024
After much consideration and as a last resort, Paul Terry, on behalf of Bermuda Bay, served the contractor on July 15 with an Order of Suspension and a Seven Day Notice of Intent to Terminate the Contract. The engineer has already provided us with the Certification of Sufficient Cause to Terminate the Contract required by the contract documents. We had a forensic architect, Martin Currasco of Fiebig Architecture, inspecting the project on July 30-31, 2024 to document the defective conditions. We will thereafter interview four experienced contractors: Tailored Reconstruction, Reconstruction Experts, EmpireWorks and Viktor Construction to select one to take over the job, correct the defects and finish the balconies. The first three contactors specialize in repairing construction defects, and our attorney has worked with all of them for over 10 years.
Defect findings have been completed and Bermuda Bay is waiting the final report. With this information, the construction firms bidding on the process can make educated and informed proposals for us to review. So at the moment we are still in a little waiting game before we can move forward. The Board will then entertain a Town Hall meeting, with Paul Terry present, for questions and answers after we have bids from the four construction firms.
Treasurer’s Report - August 21, 2024
Bank Accounts
Overall, we have a total of $568k in the various bank accounts.
Operating Account
In the operating account the balance is negative $70k. That is an accounting number. The bank does not see it that way as there are many checks that were issued just before the end of the month and not yet cashed. But we do have a significant shortfall in our Operating Account as several expenses have ballooned.
By rights, we should be discussing a Special Assessment but having only just received the accounting data there was not enough time for me to analyze the situation and get it on this meeting’s agenda.
While reviewing the accounts, I noticed some Reserve Fund expenses, primarily related to the Stairs & Balconies Project, were paid by the Operating Bank account. Theses will need to be corrected and a proper process put in place to assure expenses are paid by the correct bank account.
There are several expenses that will be well over budget by the end of the year.
The usual culprits are:
We incurred a substantial increase in the cost of insurance overage so we will be about $85k over budget.
Legal fees will be well over budget primarily due to construction issues. There have also been some expensive lawsuits regarding collections.
Plumbing issues continue to be a problem and the total cost is projected to be over-budget by about $70k. Many of our plumbing problems are caused by people flushing improper items. This also causes problems with the lift station. It is important we conduct a review of this year’s invoices and bill the applicable owners where applicable.
Storm water expenses are 100% over budget.
Repairs to the security gates have been much higher than usual.
Reserve Fund
The Reserve Fund currently has $361k in the bank. As stated above, several Reserve Fund expenses were paid through the Operating Account. Once that is corrected, the balance in this account will be reduced such that we will be well below the year-end target.
Delinquencies amounted to just over $41k. Since I wasn’t able to report the June numbers, I will now report that is an increase of $68 hundred since May. But it is even worse when comparing to where we were at the start of the year. Since then, the delinquencies have increased by a net $18k. More alarming is the arrears that are 90 days or older have increased by $23k this year, currently
sitting at $28k. The worst offenders are with the attorney for collection. Demand letters and/or
reminder notices are regularly sent to the other owners who are in arrears. While in arrears, these owners are incurring interest charges and notice fees.
Balcony Deposits
We have $258k in deposits from owners for extended balconies. Prepayments have been received from all the owners who have requested extended balconies. In June, $15k was improperly transferred to the Operating account. Correction by CA is still outstanding. These deposits are on hold until the respective balcony is completed at which time the applicable amount will be used to partially offset the payment we make to the contractor.
Bermuda Bay has a MINIMUM 30 day lease policy...that means no lease is acceptable with less than 30 days. No leases under 30 days will be permitted. You must also have your $100.00 application fee accompanying your documentation or your lease will be refused. Most owners that lease - follow this policy, but for the few who do not, it could cause a very unpleasant circumstance when your poor tenant arrives. Please follow the rules -they are being enforced.
If you have a long term lease that has expired for over a month, you will be required to pay the application fee and update the lease information. Those that rent need to keep on top of expiration dates and keeping all rental agreements current and up to date. The Bermuda Bay office is not a leasing office. The responsibility falls on the owner.
The Landscaping Committee Hard at Work - Cindy Hansen, chair
There will be a teardown of a home and the landscaping in the front of the home can be ours. There is a small palm, 2 crepe myrtles, about a dozen gold splattered crotons, pentas, liriope, flax lily, ixoria, and so much more. I am looking for an ok from you to receive and plant these items around our complex. I'll need to call 811 (call before you dig) regarding the placement of the palm and 2 crepe myrtles as holes will need to be dug for those. The other items can all be planted without big holes, so we can do that. On Wednesday, the machinery will be at the house to start clearing the lot. They will take out the larger items we want, put them on a trailer and deliver them here. They will also plant those 3 trees if we know where we want them and have 811 clearance - all at no charge to us. Jerry Browning and I will be walking the property tomorrow morning to look for practical locations to place those trees. Then in the afternoon, we'll go over to the house and start digging up some of the smaller stuff we want, bringing it back, and getting it planted.
Recently I've been alerted to the fact that several work orders have been closed prematurely, without the work being fully completed or even started in some cases. While it's fine to submit new work orders, a more efficient approach would be for owners to email me directly at bbbmanager@condominiumassociates.com and let me know the condition of the work.This way, I can reopen the existing orders. Reopening helps maintain the chronological order of the queue and preserves any existing notes or photos attached to the original work order.
Please continue to log all your requests and needs through work orders. We are now holding daily meetings to prioritize and ensure efficient, timely completion of these tasks.
Let's keep moving forward into the beautification of the property!
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
Everyone needs to fill out an ARC application no matter what work you are doing, just for the record. Some work does not need any approval by the ARC committee, but your application will go into your permanent unit file for future reference if ever needed. It also lets us know what vendors will be on property to do work.
Other ARC work will need approval by the committee. Once it is approved by the ARC committee it is moved forward to the Board of Directors who will vote on it at a Board meeting. Plumbing, Electric, and Structural are major and need ARC committee approval. Second story flooring needs approval and a few other things as you can read below.
Also remember - per our new amendment to our documents - you must measure your balcony/lanai if you wish to keep your dimensions for the future. As continued work needs to be done - replacement will hinge on the documentation you are supplying now to the office.
Procedure to follow when filing an ARC application
Owner completes form and gives to office.
Office sends to ARC meeting
All NEW ARC forms MUST be submitted by the first Friday of each month so they can be added to the agenda in time for our Monthly meeting.
ARC holds its MONTHLY Meeting on the Second Wednesday of the Month
ARC committee makes our recommendations to the Board-We give to Board by the second Friday of the month so it can get added to board agenda and packet.
Board has meeting on THIRD WEDNESDAY of each month. They Vote.
Office Manager informs owner of Board decision and any adjustments or info is exchanged and documented.
Office Manager places ARC board notes etc… in the unit file for permanent record of work done within units.
Owner informs to Office Manager schedule of workers on the property. Contractor phone numbers should be on the ARC to help management if there is a problem or confusion of any kind.
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
Email: bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Website: https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/
Location: Bermuda Bay Beach and Racquet Club, 4201 38th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33711, USA
Phone: 727-864-0735
Twitter: @BermudaBayStP