Ranger Report
January 26, 2024
Student Behavior Expectations
Safety is Estacada High School’s first priority. For students to be able to learn, they must first feel safe. At Estacada High School, we implement a robust, consistent, and caring behavior management system designed to help students access their education. From attendance matters to challenges with drugs and alcohol to bullying issues, we are here to support all students. Below, please review our school behavior expectations and the related accountability measures for violating those expectations. To promote clarity and consistency, each week I will highlight one aspect of that system within the Ranger Report. Thank you for your help in partnering with the high school to promote a safe and inclusive learning environment.
Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco/Vape Use, possession and/or intent to possess, distributing or sharing, selling of tobacco/vape or its imitation in any form by students violates Oregon Law and District policy. Tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, will not be allowed on school property, in School District vehicles, or at school events or activities.
-Violation of tobacco/drug/alcohol policy will lead to In-school suspension, Out-of-School Suspension, and/or Expulsion, and/or Law Enforcement involvement
Important Upcoming Dates
Mark Your Calendars
01/15 - MLK Day, no school
01/20 - Winter Formal
02/02 - Grading day, no school
02/19 - President's day, no school
Report Cards Are Arriving Soon
Use the valuable links below to understand how proficiency based numerical scores are converted into final semester letter grades.
High School Report card for Parents
Spanish Copy of High School Report card for Parents
Top 10 tips for understanding your child's Report card-High-English
Spanish Version - Top 10 tips for understanding your child's Report card-High
College Scholarship Opportunities
Open Oct 1- March 1st- Oregon Promise Grant
Open Nov 1 - March 1st- OSAC
Open Dec 1- March 1st- Ford Family Scholars Program 130 renewable scholarships up to $40,000 for Oregon Residents (Need-Based)
Open Dec 1- Horatio Alger National Scholarship (For Seniors Need-Based)
Open Dec 1- March 15- Horatio Alger Scholarship State Scholarship 8 scholarships at $10,000 each (For Juniors)
January 4th- GE Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program
January 5th- Pride Foundation Scholarship (Supports LGBTQ+ students)
January 9th- APIA Scholarship Program (Asian or Pacific Islander)
January 10th Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship (Must be a minority)
January 12th- John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest
January 28th- Latino Scholarship Program (Latino Students)
January 31st- Union Plus Scholarship (For dependent children of Union members)
January 31st-The National Eagle Scout Association (For Eagle Scouts)
Buy Your Yearbook
Senior Photos
SENIOR PHOTOS are due February 1. They can be sent via email to Jordan Collins at collinsj@estacada.k12.or.us. All photos must be high quality and in portrait format. On the retake picture day, all seniors will take a Tux or Drape photo in case they do not submit a senior photo!
Classrooms are Cell Phone Free Zones
Life is full of distractions that keep us from performing our best.
Our expectation is that classrooms are cell phone free zones.
The classroom is a space for learning and engagement in preparation for a student’s next step in life. Join us in fostering this commitment to learning by:
Talking with your student about their cell phone use in school.
Be prepared to set limits and to collaborate with school staff in making learning a priority.